SCAT Electronic News 22 April 1999
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- Hits: 1191
SCAT Electronic News 22 April 1999
Israel World Champs - Bulletin No 2
Below is a summary of the bulletin number 2
from the Israeli orgainizer's. Thanks to Paul
lagan and Daniel Iele, both of whom sent
we a copy.
The original document was in MS word format and included entry forms
and other such information. I'm sure that it was sent
to all the national Aero Clubs. So prospective competitors have it.
We have reformmatted the document slightly.
However there are other people who are planning to go to Israel
for the event and would be interested in the information.
The only special thing I noted was that the flyoff's will always
be held the next morning, so I assume that it will start as a 10
minute flight.
Date: 15.4.1999
Ref : 1-27-w764
With regard to Bulletin No. 1, we are pleased to inform you of further details.
By April 1st 28 countries have mailed their preliminary entries for the
event: Argentina, Austria,
Chile, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Hungary, Israel, Italy,
Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Russia,
Slovenia, Spain,
Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, U.S.A, Yugoslavia.
Ten more countries have declared their intention to take part in the event
but we have not
received preliminary registrations: Armenia, Australia, Canada, Luxemburg,
Portugal, Romania,
Slovak Republic, Sweden, Turkey, Uzbekistan.
By April 1st 13 countries have mailed their preliminary entries for
the event: Austria, Czech
Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Latvia,
Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Yugoslavia.
August is the high season in Israel, we recommend making ticket, hotel and
car rental reservations as soon as possible.
The Organizer has chosen "EL AL" Israel Airlines as the official carrier
of the 1999 Free Flight World
and Junior European Championships.
"EL AL" welcomes all participants and their companions and offers special
air fares with a waiver
of the minimum stay and 10 more kg. of overweight carrying allowance, free
of charge.
The procedures regarding the "EL AL" airlines discount tickets are as
1. Make your ticket reservations only at an "EL AL" office.
2. Inform the "EL AL" office that you are a participant of the 1999 Free
Flight World and Junior European Championships in Israel and mention
the following code:
G/S21/CSE/P8, to get your special tariff discount.
3. Tickets can be issued upon presentation of the form confirming your
4. A list of "EL AL" offices, and other details can be obtained from EL AL
web site:
We have every intention of meeting you at the "Ben-Gurion" Airport and
assisting with the usual
necessary arrangements. Consequently please inform us of your final flight
details for us to arrange our schedule accordingly.
The Organizer has chosen "HERTZ" as the official car rental of the 1999
Free Flight World and Junior
European Championships.
Following negotiations which we conducted with car rental services in
Israel, we found out that
"HERTZ" is the best combination of quality and price and has quoted the
best deal.
Enclosed you will find the rental rates and conditions of payment.
More details can be obtained from HERTZ web site:
Following the Organizer's request, "HERTZ" has reserved for your use 30
vans and 90 cars,
until June 30th. After that date reservation supply is not guaranteed and
subject to reserves in stock.
Reservations should be made by means of the enclosed form.
Please send your car reservation form to: Hertz Rent a Car- Israel Fax:
For those who don't intend to rent a car, there is a 24h taxi service
from "Ben-Gurion" Airport to Ashkelon.
The price per taxi is 150 NIS by day and 186 NIS by night (There is an
extra charge for luggage).
Bus service will be supplied by the Organizers from "Ganey-Shulamit" hotel
to the contest site and
back, for those who have requested this service on the official entry form .
The service will be provided between August 26th-30th for the cost of
50 U S Dollars per person for the whole period.
"GANEY - SHULAMIT" , a 4 star hotel, in the city of ASHKELON was chosen to
host the event.
The hotel is situated on the Mediterranean seashore and is located about
50 km from the contest
site. Registration and organization headquarters will be at that location.
The participants are accommodated 3 persons per room.
The rooms are airconditioned with full toilet facilities, T.V. and phones.
"Ganey - Shulamit" offers the following facilities: swimming-pool,
basketball and tennis courts,
health club, sauna and Jaccuzzi, cafeteria and laundry services.
FEE SCHEDULE Per person per day, full board:
Single 100 USD
Double 62 USD
Triple 55 USD
Quadruple 53 USD
Attached please find the room allocation form. Please fill in your team
members names
according to their arrival dates and reallocate when there is a change of
(late arrival / early departure). If the team arrives and departs together
, fill in the room list just once on your arrival date.
Cancellations will be accepted in writing only, at the Organizer's office.
In view of the fact that the Competition takes place at the tourist high
season, we've been
advised by the hotel management that canceling up to 48 hours before you
reserved date will
cause a partial refund of the transferred accommodation fees, minus 35%
and bank commissions.
Residents of most countries do not need entry visas to Israel, but
we suggest that you check this
with your travel agent. Participants requiring visas should apply directly
to the nearest Israeli
Consulate, and in case of any difficulty a letter should be sent to the
Aero Club of Israel for handling.
The Organizer will not be responsible for any loss, damage or theft of
personal luggage or
equipment. We recommend a suitable insurance to cover such risks.
06:00 - Start of competitions.
06:30 - 07:00 - Start of competitions in the case of flyoffs.
- Duration of rounds - 55 minutes.
- Duration of intervals- 5 minutes.
13:00 - 14:00 - Departure from the competition site.
14:00 - 16:00 - Lunch at hotel during non-competition days.
(see local registrations).
19:30 - 21:30 - Dinner at the hotel.
21:30 - Team managers meeting with FAI Jury and the
Organizer on the first day.
Competition activites will take place in the Negev region.
Wednesday 25th August Arrivals, registration.
Thursday 26th Practice, opening ceremony.
Friday 27th F1A and Junior F1B contests.
Saturday 28th F1B and Junior F1J contests.
Sunday 29th F1C and Junior F1A contests.
Monday 30th Reserve day, excursion, closing ceremony.
Tuesday 31st Departure.
Prior to the World Championships the Aeroclub of Israel will hold the Open=
International World Cup Event "Negev Open"
Monday 23rd F1A
Tuesday 24th F1B,C
Wednesday 25th F1H,G,J
Chairman Mr. Pierre CHAUSSEBOURG France
Member Mr. Ian KAYNES United Kingdom
Member Mr. Itzik BEN-ITZHAK Israel
Reserve Mr. Andras REE Hungary
Reserve Mr. Baruch BLOCH Israel
FAI sporting code section 4 and any relevant amendments agreed
upon by the CIAM.
The following regulations were approved by the CIAM Free Flight subcommitt=
- The competition begins as early as visibility permits (about 06:00) due
to early strong thermal activity.
- Both competitions (W.C. and J.E.C.) will be run simultaneously and on
the same starting line, sepparated by the Organizer's headquarters.
- The order of Junior competing categories has been changed for the purpose of
decreasing the total number of timekeepers: First day - F1B,
Second day - F1J and Third day - F1A.
- The maximum flight time for F1J category will be 3 minutes through all
five competition rounds competition.
- During competition days there will be no special intervals for breakfast
or lunch.
Packed meals will be distributed at the flying site.
- Flyoffs will be conducted for each category only on the folowing morning
s due to strong thermal activity until after sunset.
Each team is entitled to bring along one timekeeper for each event in
which it is competing.
All timekeepers should speak basic technical English. The Organizer will
provide accommodation
and meals only for competition days on which they act as timekeepers.
According to the F.A.I Sporting Code, para. B.3.4, a competitor is
considered to be a junior up to
and including the calendar year in which he attains the age of 18. All
other competitors are
classified as seniors. For 1999 Junior European Championships, the determi-
ning date is January 1st 1981.
Each competitor is entitled to have one helper. According to the FAI Sport
ing Code, para. B.3.4.,
helpers at Junior World or Continental Championships must also be juniors.
Team managers and organizing officials are the only seniors allowed at the
starting aerea.
All protests must be presented in writing by the Team Manager to the
Contest Director and must
be accompanied by a deposit of 30 USD. This deposit is refunded only if
the protest is upheld.
Israel is a kaleidoscope of history, civilizations and religions: modern
and ancient Jerusalem,
situated in the Judean Hills, cosmopolitan Tel Aviv with miles of
beautiful beaches, the Roman city
of Caesarea, the Sea of Galilee, the Dead Sea, Herod's Fortress at
Masada, and the city of Eilat
on the Red Sea with some of the most beautiful coral reefs in the world,
are just a few examples
of the beautiful and interesting places to visit in this small and
diversified country.
Attached you'll find the "Atlas chain" tour options. You are invited to
choose your tour combination.
For further information you're invited to check the following web sites:
All correspondence should be addressed to: Eran Engel
The Aero Club of Israel
67 Hayarkon St. P.O.B 26261
Tel-Aviv 61263
Tel. 972-3-5175038, 5109930
Fax. 972-3-5177280
E mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Information Bulletin No. 3 will be sent by the end of June to each
National Aeroclub whose final
entry form has been received by the Organizer.