SCAT Electronic News 26 April 1999
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- Hits: 1163
SCAT Electronic News 26 April 1999
Table of Contents
Noise [and the CIAM] - Dilly
Change of address - Woodhouse
Backup Buddy - for the non-closed loop technoid
Eastern Free Flight Champs - part one
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Looking through the FAI Environmental Commission minutes the other
day I spotted the name of Robert Herzog down as Belgian delegate. He was
the one who put the propsal at the CIAM meeting last month that all models
should have mufflers (despite there being no F1C, F2A or F2D flyers in
Belgium, to the best of my knowledge!). I suspect he will have been
promoting his own ideas at the meeting, rather than those of CIAM.
The president of the Environmental Commission is Chris Nicholas of the UK (
a glider man). There is a note (Ref. 9 in the minutes, "Noise Certification
for Rotorcraft, Balloons, Microlights and Model Aircraft) that he will
write to those commissions concerning noise certification.
It might be helpful for SCAT website readers to contact their own CIAM
delegates to make the point very strongly that the aim of any model
aircraft noise policy should be to minimise the perceived noise nuisance,
not simply to reduce the decibel level. There is, unfortunately, ample
evidence that in general the public do not complain about short duration
engine runs, even at high decibel levels, but that at sites where unmuffled
F/F has been flown for years the complaints occur when R/C power flying
starts, with carefully muffled engines putting out maybe 87 dB, but for ten
minutes at a time and at several hundred feet.
The proven way to stop complaints is to reduce the engine running time to a
few seconds or to keep to low altitudes; it is unfortunate for the R/C
flyers that they cannot reasonably do this, but urgent action is needed to
make sure that those who fly F/F power ( and C/L speed, too, which causes
little noise problem either, but for different reasons) are not forced to=
adopt pointless restrictions just for the sake of administrative
Martin Dilly
[Martin, if I remember correctly from my years in Belgium, Robert Herzog
is a F3B or electric flyer]
Change of Address
I have tidied up my site and there is a change to the URL. Can you please
renew the link as per the SIG below.
Michael J Woodhouse
Free Flight (we now take credit cards) Supplies - for all your free flight
needs and more!
www site
Backup Buddy
This is a product of Intelligent System
Web site
BackupBuddy is a small, simple shareware utility that allows
owners of Windows and Macintosh computers to perform complete,
incremental, and scheduled backups of their PalmPilots .
Additionally, it contains features that can significantly speed
HotSync times. Using it properly can insure that you "never" lose
data if your PalmPilot crashes.
The newest version has been enhanced to make it significantly easier to use.
The PalmPilot is used for setting BlackMagic Electronic timers and
this is a way or getting the MagicDB off the PalmPilot on to a PC
for extra security.
Eastern Free Flight Champs - part one
This is part one because I only went to the first day. It was held
on Tom Higgs farm near Ingleside on Maryland's eastern shore. Thanks
Tom, your family and neighbours. On Saturday it was a windy so
they cut the max to 2 minutes. Once the sun warmed things up
it was quite a pleasant day. My longest chase was probably just over a mile.
On that flight I d/ted at 130 seconds and hit the ground at about 180.
I was still a long way from the nearest trees. I think that this
was more indicative of the thermal conditions brought on by the clear sky
rather than the wind. The field reminded me of the one in Germany where
they fly the Bodenland World Cup contest - farm land with a few trees
and farm buildings a long way down wind.
From someone who flys at Lost Hills, Eloy, El Dorado Dry lake, etc. it is
always nice to fly where there is green grass on the ground.
The weather forecast for Sunday was better and it looked
like that was the case.
It was good to see 3 juniors flying and doing so well. In spite of
the wind most models from the F1Bs to the scale models in the FAC
mass launch contest handled the conditions very well.
For me it was a pleasure to meet a differnt set of flyers and see
some familar faces. I was very interested to meet Don Ross,
author of the excellent book on flying rubber models. Don has
a new book out and now edit a column in Flying Models. Don
is a true aermomodeller as he has a practiacl interest in all
kinds of flying models.
My schedule permitting, I will be back next year.
Gunder [J]
Ellis [J]
Barron J [J]
Pelantowski Larry
Pelantowski Ed
... and Tom Kerr said that he would get the rest of the FAI
results to me.
Roger Morrell