SCAT Electronic News May 7 99
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1172
SCAT Electronic News May 7 99
Table of Contents
Norcal Champs
Looking for Bleriot
Login Name
Northern California Free Flight Champs---by Fred Terzian
Here's a brief summary of the activities at Waegell (correct spelling) Field
this last weekend:
1 Ernesto Busnelli 210 180 180 120 120 120 120 1050*
Martyn Cowley 210 180 180 120 120 120 120 1050*
2 Jim Parker 195 180 180 120 120 120 120 1035
3 Pierre Brun 210 159 180 120 120 120 120 1029
4 Hector Diez 210 180 180 120 120 120 83 1013
5 Risto Puhakka 210 180 180 120 120 120 80 1010
6 Mike McKeever 143 180 180 120 120 120 120 983
7 Brian Van Nest 80 180 180 120 120 120 120 920
8 Lee Hines 210 180 180 120 29 80 120 919
9 Dallas Parker 86 180 115 120 120 81 120 822
10 Ann Halsey 64 180 70 44 120 120 120 758
11 Fred Terzian 210 180 180 120 46 4 --- 740
* Ten minute flyoff to be flown at Big Al's contest later in the month
* Ernesto and Jim, where are your flight cards?
F1B Flyoffs
1 Herb Sessums 210 180 180 120 120 120 120 406
2 John Pratt 210 180 180 120 120 120 120 357
3 Walt Ghio 210 180 180 120 120 120 120 351
4 George Batiuk 210 180 180 120 120 120 120 346
5 John Sessums 210 180 180 120 120 120 120 330
6 Rich Rohrke 210 180 180 120 120 120 120 230
7 Bruce Hannah 210 180 180 120 120 120 120 211
8 Richard Wood 210 170 166 120 120 120 120 1026
9 Allen Brush 210 180 180 83 120 120 --- 893
10 Jerry Fitch 210 180 --- 117 120 --- 120 747
11 Chuck Dorsett 210 141 180 120 --- --- --- 651
12 Dick Myers 202 180 180 --- --- --- --- 562
13 Mark Bennett 173 180 121 --- --- --- --- 474
14 Larry Norvall 176 --- --- --- --- --- --- 176
Richard, Jerry, Dick, where are your flight cards?
1 Doug Joyce 240 180 180 112 120 120 1072
2 Juse Pinto 160 165 180 180 --- --- 685
Doug, where's your flight card?
1 Bruce Hannah 120 120 120 120 120 600
2 Chuck Dorsett 120 120 120 85 120 565
3 Maria Pinto 120 120 84 120 116 560
4 John Kamla 105 120 93 96 120 534
5 Richard Wood 67 56 99 119 77 418
6 Henry Smith 120 120 --- --- --- 240
Richard, where's your flight card?
1 Anne Halsey 95 120 120 120 120 575
2 Glenn Grell 51 92 45 39 120 347
1 Jim Haught 120 120 120 120 120 600
2 Dave Parsons 116 120 120 71 --- 427
3 Bill Vanderbeek 106 36 --- --- --- 142
What should have been a perfect two days (according to the forecasters) of
warm, calm weather, it was again very windy as it has been for the last week
or so. Drift in the early morning was heading northeast on Saturday morning,
so the flight line was set up on the eastern ridge.
The first two round were completed up there and then the remainder was held
at the normal flying pad (which was nicely groomed).
Unfortunately, those who flew early in the first round found themselves
heading towards the power lines on the westerly side of Sunrise Blvd. As you
can see, the rounds were shortened to 120 seconds because of the wind and
Since only two fliers had maxed out in F1A, they elected to have their ten
minute flyoff at Big Al's contest month.
Seven fliers maxed out in F1B and they again set up on the easterly ridge
early Sunday morning because of the drift. Several fliers (George B. & ?)
hit the power poles, spoiling their flights but at least they did not get
We had two Junior fliers competing in F1A. Dallas Parker and Anne Halsey
both managed to outscore me. Pretty bad when I can't achieve two minute
maxes! Actually, I managed to nearly destroy my Stamov glider in ther 6th
round when I launched it to the side of the wind and did an outside loop as
a result of the bunt kicking in late. Victor, Randy, where are you when I
need you?
The conditions late Saturday resulted in many deciding to call it a weekend
so entries were lower on Sunday for the mini events.
Although overcast most of the day with some showers, flying was actually
pretty good. Henry Smith had to abort after the second round when he
retrieved his Burdov Coupe which had been stomped on by the local bovine
crowd! Those who stuck around late Saturday watched him put in an admirable
performance by breaking the R.O.W. record with an original float-equipped
Mulvihill design. Which managed to over fly the nasty lady's property to the
We had a good group from the Pacific Northwest having the usual fun in many
different events. Sure wish we could attract more of the Southern California
A complete breakdown of the results will follow as we get the stuff
tabulated later in the week.
Looking for Bleriot
Subject :looking for Bleriot
We got this e-mail from a French High School
Lycee Marcelin Berthelot Questembert, le 4 mai 1999
Pole Plasturgie
Première Bac Pro
av. Roland Garros
56230 Questembert
( France / Morbihan )
This year will be marked by the 90 th anniversary of the crossing
of the channel by bleriot. The aviator's grand-son vainly tried to
repeat the same exploit in the same plane .
The 1pl form is also looking for documents about the bleriot XI.
We would be particularly interested by a list of persons,
associations or institutions having parts of the plane in their possession.
We would also be interested by any document either illustrations,
articles, plans or models on the Bleriot enterprise.
Thank you !
e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Login Name
If you get this by e-mail , then you have a login name on
the SCAT Website [if you know it or not!].
The reason for having a login name is that you can look at information
on the site and know if it is 'new' or not.
It is not necessary to have a login name to look at the site.
I see some of you [who get this by e-mail] trying to set yourself up
again .. only to find the user name is already take - probably by
you ! . Not wishisng to name name but I do not think
that there are 27 F1B flyers in Northern Californis all called
Dick. [Everyone in Sothern California knows that most F1B Flyers
are alled Al or Bob :-)]
If you are in this situation and want information on your existing user name -
please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will fix it up.
Roger Morrell