SCAT Electronic News May 18 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1275
SCAT Electronic News May 18 1999
Table of Contents
Lost Hills Lore
The hi-tech models and rules:
FFAM AM Cup meet at Muncie
Upcoming Events
Lost Hills Lore
For the second year running we have a a large number of grass hoppers
[locusts?], do we have 5 more years to go ?
The flying site was the turning point for a [Full size] glider cross country
event. Doug Joyce reported that 2 of the contestants has visited the
site the day before. Maybe they were the guys who guessed that our after
contest bull session would create a good thermal, because I noted a
couple glider circling up wards in strong lift right over the field.
The hi-tech models and rules:
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
it looks like the discussion on the hi-tech models and FAI model
performance is about to start again, as Joe Ed Pederson wrote:
> The rules were originally designed to prevent people from building
> models that could max in dead air. To me that is what FF is all about:
First of all, FAI just recently banned active control circuits, so that
models that hunt for thermals with electronic systems are banned. No fear
of that any more!
I agree with Joe that the performance of FAI models these days is a bit
too high, but I disagree with him of the reason wy it is so. If we compare
the performance of wakefields, the current rubber is estimated to be 20%
better than the "legendary" Pirelli used 20 years ago. The still air times
have increased from 4 to 7+ minutes, so obviously it is not only the
rubber but something else. Is it the gadgets? In gliders, 20 years ago and
now, the still air performance has rised from 3 to 5 minutes, with the
same 50 meter tow line. If the model 20 years ago was zoom-launched to 55
meters, simple arithmetics suggests that the bunt should go to 90 meters
to explain the increased flight times. So, for the glider it cannot be the
bunt. Similarly, I do not believe that wigglers and other gadgets would
make the wakefield fly that much better.
So, why do the models fly so much better now? I think the reason lies in
aerodynamics. If you look through the drawings of the models from the late
'70s, you see wings of constant width and airfoil throughout the wingspan,
thick airfoils and large stabilisers. These days the top models feature
thin airfoil wings, with varying camber and airfoil thickness towards the
wing tips, making the lift/drag -ratio of the model much, much higher than
it used to be. And thus, it is of little use to ban gadgets and hi-tech
materials to reduce the performance, as the true reason lies in
What should be done then? Change the rules to make the models less
efficient aerodynamics-wise! One thought that crossed my mind, tongue
"firmly in cheek", while this subject of performance was last time
discussed was to suggest that the "wing airfoil must not be concave at any
point". Sounds ridiculous, but on a second though, it would cut the
performance quite a lot, and would be easy to check. Maybe not so bad idea
after all...
Tapio Linkosalo
Helsinki, Finland
Re: SCAT Electronic News May 16 1999
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. wrote:
> Table of Contents
> =================
> Banco no Bunko
> ==============
> etc ..
Was going to write about the typo with Kerger in F1A, then I read
Surprised that modellers were surprised by the good weather. Do they
really listen to Meterologists rather than Astrologers? If they read the
SYMPO or SCAT electronic news it wouldn't have been so surprising.
As to positive recommendations re the ridiculous situation of having
maxes set at well below the still air potential, long ago I suggested
3 early morning rounds of 5 to 10 minutes each. For some reason it was
suggested that it would kill interest for some reason I fail to
comprehend. I would think that the current ridiculous marathon that
usually weeds out less than half the field and requires gobs of timers
for flyoffs doesn't promote interest.
As to the electronic timers and sensors, if we think back to the first
LED watches that were expensive, reqiured 2 hands to read and a pot full
of batteries, it is not hard to imagine that future electronic timers can
offer more at less price than mechanicals.
The status quo and SLOP mentality could certainly restrict many benefits.
In F1B is torque actuated VIT considered closed loop? If so is
mechanical torque actuated VIT per Xenakis OK?
Keep up the good work,
[Hermann Andresen]
[Herm, with reference to George X's TART system, the rules do not
distinguish between an electronic or mechanical system. I would
assume that if George's system is not permitted, then neither will
a variable pitch hub. My interpretation is that these are both essentially
one way devices and while the incidence or pitch may change with
reference to the rubber torque it does not change based on
input from the flight performance so they are OK]
RE: SCAT Electronic News May 16 1999
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I can't wait to read the comments Joe Ed Pedersen's editorial will generate.
That ought to be great reading. Hell, I think he might have the seeds of
something great here. We all should be making the rules for other people's
events, Power flyers could make rubber rules, glider flyers could do power
events and rubber flyers could do the glider events. I'll bet we would all
learn to be real nice to each other.
Doug G.
[Doug, maybe we can do some horse trading here, how much more rubber
do I get for another second of motor run ?]
FFAM Am Cup Meet at Muncie
The meet itself was the first kick off contest held at Muncie and represented
the first time the Free Flight AeroModelers of Dayton Ohio held a meet in
Muncie (after holding them in previous years at Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base). Participation was good, up from 30 in the previous year at WPAFB to
68 this year at Muncie. This was encouraging and we will probably hold the
meet again next year.
Below are the results of the FAI mini-events for the America's Cup. A
complete listing of the AMA, NFFS and SAM events will be posted at a later
F1G - JSO (8 flew)
1 Williams, Joe 585
2 Jackson, Bill 523
3 Markos, Chuck 519
4 Sechrist, Dave 301
5 Sneed, Ed 248
6 Sova, Steve 171
7 Schailor, Bill 120
8 Konefes, Ed 83
F1H - JSO (4 flew)
1 Markos, Chuck 520
2 Sperzel, Hank 481
3 Pailet, Jean 446
4 Reuter, Bill 416
F1J - JSO (6 flew)
1 Fulmer, Keith 600
2 Gunder, Austin 570
3 Pailet, Jean 400
4 Mekina, Joe 294
5 Perkins, Bob 120
6 Poti, Norm 120
This year marked the move of our meet form the home field at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base to the AMA national flying site in Muncie, Indiana. We had
excellent weather with unseasonably warm weather. The winds were out of the
South-East on Saturday but light, and Sunday although stronger were in a very
favorable direction out of the South, allowing use of the longest direction
of the field. There were a total of 68 contestants who entered the 19
scheduled events. There was good participation in all events, with 1/2A
Nostalgia drawing the most entries at 16. Thanks to all who came and
participated making this event a success. See you next year!
Lee Campbell and Joe Mekina Contest Directors
Upcoming Events
Fri 21 SCAT Club Night, contact us for details
Contest Calendar etc.... We make a best effort to keep the calendar
up to date. Sometimes I do not get all the updates from other SCAT
members, in particular those who work on the America's Cup details.
Sometimes we do not get any dates from the organizers, be aware that
people will travel long distances to take part in an America's Cup Event
- if they know about it.
If you are an organizer sent us here details of your event and verify
that I have it right in the calendar.. I need your help to get this stuff
right. [yes I have figured that Markos has a K not C but I still can't
get the the name of the field near Sacramento right.]
No this is not some more astrology, but our ISP [Internet Service Provider]
and their upstream provider and their down stream DSL guy collectively
got their wires crossed twice over the last 36 hours so if you had trouble
getting thru that was the reason. Hopefully all is sorted out.
Roger Morrell