SCAT Electronic News June 2 1999
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SCAT Electronic News June 2 1999
Table of Contents
Big Al's Meet w/Grasshoppers - Terzian
Hot Rats at Breakfast - Biggles
The Floridian
15th PUSZTA CUP '99
Big Al's Meet w/Grasshoppers
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would like to add that the Big Al's meet was indeed very enjoyable, at
least for Sunday's events.
I was definitely disappointed with the severe wind conditions when I arrived
on Saturday evening.
Had planned to do some test flying before the sun went down but instead
invaded the Diez motor home while they were sitting down for dinner!
Mentioned to a couple of sportsmen in the morning that my VW van slid
eastward about three feet during the night, and they believed me!
The first two rounds flown from the western boundary literally meant zooming
off in a straight tow release. By the third round, it began to calm down and
after watching Steve Spence zoom launch and missing that max, I reassured
myself that I should be able to circle tow a few times and search for
definite lift (which I did).
By the time we re-positioned the flight line back to the normal staging
area, conditions had vastly improved and it began to be a wonderful day to
be a human!
I eventually dropped a round and tried to further embarrass myself, but that
didn't deter the spirit of flying and really enjoying the outcome of a
wonderful day of flying.
Before leaving, I had to stay and watch the beginning of the flyoffs in F1A.
What spectacular height three of the models achieved! Doug Galbreath, Merry
Smith, Harlan, Anne and C.J. Halsey, plus myself continued to watch Martyn
Cowley's glider in tremendous lift and barely visible as it headed
southeast. When it finally DT'd, you could only spot it as the stab
continued a strobe like effect with each revolution of the spinning glider.
We finally saw it disappear behind a slight rise, taking it longer to DT
than the five minute fly off round!
Of course, the wind began to pick up and that was when I thought it was best
to leave.
Thanks Doug and Ken (Oliver) for a great contest. You guys did a tremendous
job under the circumstances and managed to re-position the line twice
without much of a delay.
Those who roughed it out I think can agree that it was worth sticking it out
for the remainder of the day.
It was really enjoyable to see the junior fliers competing; the Parkers,
Coussens, and Halseys plus parents. Overheard Tom Coussens offering to
assist Anne and C.J. at future venues with towing and circling techniques.
Way to go Tom. We were all beginners once (I still am).
Grasshoppers: I was there when Star Spence was bitten behind her ankle. If I
hadn't seen it I wouldn't have believed it. Those varmints were HUNGRY
(and/or THIRSTY)!
One hitched a ride on my trail bike all the way back to San Jose. I found
him on Monday morning when I began to clean out the van. Even without wings,
he had no intention of jumping away from me. Instead, he tested my finger to
see if it was edible! I produced a piece of rubber band from my stab and he
began trying to chew the stuff (no success). My daughter produced a piece of
lettuce as long and as large as he was (one inch) and he ate the whole damn
I've been threatened with a divorce if he consumes our garden within the
next week. Fred T.
Hot Rats at Breakfast
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The premise behind the "power breakfast" idea was that everyone who
wants to fly FAI, to the existing rules, is already doing so ! Therefore
these rules should not be changed. However, if there really is another
group of flyers who "must" have different rules, or who "want" to fly a
different form of FAI, (if only the models weren't so noisy, high-tech,
expensive or whatever), then why not let them bring their FAI approved
alternative style of models to the same contest and let the stopwatch
decide which models will win ?
Just to clarify the breakfast conversation with Doug, my suggestion
was that future rules could allow both silenced and un-silenced F1C's to
coexist at the same event. For National Aero Clubs where silencing is
not an issue, the rules remain the same (ie, no obsolescence of current
models), but in Nations where there is no other choice (or perhaps where
sportsmen choose this as an individual approach), then any exhaust
extension silencer (F1C-S), including tuned pipes, would become legal (to
simplify processing). As the adoption of such silencers will both add
performance and in any case require "new" models to be built, these
silenced models can be limited in size to 2m span (quite easy to
process). Doug's refinement of this concept was to suggest that
different length motor runs could also be used, ie if silenced F1C's
prove to have a significant advantage the run could be reduced (to 4 sec
?), or if they were generally at a disadvantage the run could even be
longer (6 or 7 sec ?), such a refinement to be dictated by the CIAM F/F
Technical Committee, based on field test results at a later date, before
Championship events.
Therefore, dare I suggest that this same concept could even be
applied to F1A and F1B. How about permitting the coexistence of the type
of "lite" models (proposed in recent email exchanges), to offer similar
trade-offs of both performance increases and decreases, which may appeal
to those not currently participating, yet without spoiling the rules for
those already "invested" in these events ?
- For F1A we could drop the weight rule (F1A-Lite) for models limited
to 2m wingspan, (which could again permit non-composite structures to be
viable at this span) surface area and towline to remain the same, (but
could also exclude Bunters for this class to limit increased performance
- again easy to process).
- A similar approach for F1B would also drop the weight rule
(F1B-Lite) for models limited to 1.2m wingspan, rubber and surface area
to remain the same (possibly also limited to non use of delayed or
variable-pitch prop hubs as a necessary offset to increased performance
- again, easy to process).
This would allow those advocates of simple and light models to show their
potential against those already enjoying the FAI event format.
I don't expect any current FAI flyers would change their style of
models in the near term, but I wonder if such a change would encourage
larger participation from those who claim to be on the side-lines, to
take the plunge and challenge the FAI guys at their own game ? This
could also be considered as an introductory phase, possibly as events for
the Junior World Champs, with simpler but equally competitive models ?
This all goes to show what can happen when the wind blows at Lost
Hills and a good breakfast at Denny's becomes the priority of the day !
Hot Rats (aka Biggles)
From time to time we get letters that remind us of good things past. I
got e-mail from a Bill Bell asking about contest dates. Now years ago
in the early 60's I had a A/2 called the Floridian designed by Bill
Bell and flown on the US team by Betty Bell. I had some sucess with that
airplane and enjoyed flying it, so I asked Bill if he was that Bill...
Yes, I'm the Floridian Bell - at least 1/2 of the '61 member of
the U.S. A/2 team- at the contest I was known as Mr. Betty Bell !!!
After several strokes Betty died last August. I had a little talent
but she was the gung ho competitor.
Right now I'm after F1J among other events. Perhaps I'll see you at
[ Yes Bill I hope to make it there for one contest this year]
15th PUSZTA CUP '99
World Cup and Open International aeromodelling contest
in F1A, F1B, F1C free flight categories
Puszta Cup 1999.05.28-31.
Domsod, Hungary
F1A Individual
Final results
Pl. No N a m e Country
--- --- --------------------- --- ---------------------------------
1 65 De Boer Pieter NED 1290+ 300+ 299
2 84 Lamberg Esa FIN 1290+ 300+ 295
3 131 Makarov Sergej RUS 1290+ 300+ 273
4 30 Stamov Victor UKR 1290+ 300+ 272
5 72 Yablonovsky Igor UKR 1290+ 300+ 265
6 59 Pagnini Stefano ITA 1290+ 300+ 254
7 38 Kerner Ferenc HUN 1290+ 300+ 251
8 5 Diadetchko Oleg RUS 1290+ 300+ 246
9 31 Bachmann Gottfried SUI 1290+ 300+ 237
10 34 Grueneis Manfred AUT 1290+ 300+ 234
44 Buzas Andras HUN 1290+ 300+ 234
12 86 Abad Javier ESP 1290+ 300+ 221
13 58 Holzleitner Rudolf AUT 1290+ 300+ 209
14 51 Bodo Janos HUN 1290+ 300+ 198
15 125 Pacher Ervin AUT 1290+ 300+ 164
16 97 Nosko Peter sen. SVK 1290+ 300+ 82
17 83 Rumpp Stefan GER 1290+ 300+ 0
18 100 Hudcovic Milos SVK 1290+ 297
19 55 Poliaev Valeri RUS 1290+ 281
20 105 Kubasch Krisztian * HUN 1290+ 276
21 76 Lovincic Damir CRO 1290+ 271
22 139 Bolgov Vladimir UKR 1290+ 267
23 57 Brussolo Vittorio ITA 1290+ 266
24 1 Schmelter Uli GER 1290+ 264
25 18 Donchenko Yuri UKR 1290+ 258
26 94 Valastiak Milan SVK 1290+ 257
27 45 Notaros Mihaly HUN 1290+ 253
87 Weimer Thomas GER 1290+ 253
29 2 Meszaros Laszlo HUN 1290+ 240
19 Beschasny Vasily UKR 1290+ 240
31 127 Brings Gerhard NED 1290+ 234
138 Kis Pal Laszlo HUN 1290+ 234
33 50 Hadzihajdarevic Haris BIH 1290+ 229
34 64 Jakutis Sigitas LTU 1290+ 211
35 56 Gobbo Massimiliano ITA 1290+ 198
36 121 Karpati Laszlo HUN 1290+ 181
37 107 Ceresnik Roman SVK 1290+ 179
38 98 Bezak Ivan SVK 1290+ 159
39 103 Hollo Tamas HUN 1290+ 136
40 13 Sadcikov Nikolai UKR 1290+ 0
41 16 Kozrenko Anatolij UKR 180 180 180 180 180 173 210 1283
22 Terlep Danijel SLO 180 180 180 180 180 173 210 1283
43 95 Treger Ivan SVK 175 180 180 180 180 180 200 1275
44 122 Budai Peter HUN 180 180 180 180 180 171 201 1272
45 92 H.Mehmedagic Irhad BIH 180 157 180 180 180 180 210 1267
46 49 Simakov Vladimir RUS 180 155 180 180 180 180 210 1265
47 112 Bagari Bostjan SLO 180 180 180 180 150 180 210 1260
48 101 Butor Ludovit SVK 180 158 180 180 180 180 198 1256
49 90 Sahinovic Edin BIH 180 180 180 180 180 142 210 1252
50 106 Somogyi Otto HUN 180 180 180 160 180 160 210 1250
51 85 Kulmakko Kimmo FIN 180 132 180 180 180 180 210 1242
52 110 Titan Joze SLO 180 180 180 180 146 180 193 1239
53 67 Kosior Grzedorz POL 180 180 180 180 180 157 181 1238
93 Babenko Artem UKR 180 180 180 128 180 180 210 1238
120 Toth Tibor * HUN 180 180 180 157 180 180 181 1238
56 32 Bachmann Christoph SUI 180 131 180 180 180 180 205 1236
57 69 Kertes Istvan * HUN 180 145 180 180 180 157 210 1232
58 130 Krucky Ondrig * CZE 180 180 120 180 180 180 210 1230
59 28 Stoev Oleg RUS 180 161 180 180 180 180 167 1228
60 42 Zagorac Jovan YUG 180 116 180 180 180 180 210 1226
61 48 Lesko Robert CRO 180 180 180 138 180 180 181 1219
70 Gerlach Wolfgang GER 180 123 180 180 180 178 198 1219
63 126 Henning Nyhegn DEN 180 180 180 107 180 180 210 1217
64 12 Sarusi Kiss Balazs HUN 180 114 180 180 172 180 210 1216
65 41 Mica Tica YUG 180 180 180 180 180 180 133 1213
66 33 Schoder Haans SUI 180 180 180 180 102 180 210 1212
67 62 Eros Mihaly Gabor HUN 90 180 180 180 180 180 210 1200
68 26 Zulic Borut SLO 180 180 180 180 180 180 118 1198
69 39 Kiss Istvan * HUN 180 180 180 180 87 180 210 1197
70 108 Takacs Tibor HUN 159 180 170 112 180 180 210 1191
71 47 Jermol Darijo CRO 75 180 180 180 180 180 210 1185
72 124 Varsanyi Tamas HUN 180 180 180 180 110 180 172 1182
73 25 Zulic Damjan SLO 180 180 180 154 157 120 210 1181
74 91 Limo Sabarija BIH 180 180 66 180 180 180 208 1174
75 36 Hubert Stefan SVK 140 180 102 180 180 180 210 1172
76 37 Gluck Attila HUN 180 91 180 149 180 180 210 1170
77 20 Blagojevic Radoje YUG 180 180 180 116 123 180 210 1169
78 14 Chernikh Olena UKR 180 180 180 180 98 180 170 1168
79 119 Bartha Bela HUN 180 180 180 180 180 180 87 1167
80 111 Gomboc Dejan SLO 180 180 180 117 180 180 137 1154
81 81 Nardin Matej SLO 121 180 180 180 180 180 131 1152
82 136 Jakirevic Anel BIH 180 180 41 180 180 180 210 1151
83 128 Van Eldik Anton NED 180 180 180 99 180 118 210 1147
84 74 Zavgorodniy Igor UKR 180 180 180 180 74 180 154 1128
85 68 Szafranski Andrzej POL 180 180 62 180 180 180 155 1117
86 96 Besserab Viktor UKR 180 28 180 160 180 164 210 1102
87 54 Guti Jozsef HUN 180 180 180 180 63 180 131 1094
88 99 Busko Miroslav SVK 180 126 180 180 129 180 115 1090
89 75 Zavodszki Alexander AUT 57 180 180 180 180 180 127 1084
140 Pchenitchny Oleg UKR 180 180 0 180 180 154 210 1084
91 80 Csikar Imre HUN 180 91 180 92 180 142 210 1075
92 79 Stranieri Marco ITA 180 180 180 180 180 125 0 1025
93 135 Magdolen Peter SVK 180 126 180 108 180 180 63 1017
94 129 Hoenig Bernd GER 180 26 65 180 180 180 192 1003
95 40 Redling Szabolcs * HUN 102 180 180 180 180 72 108 1002
96 61 Pajor Janos HUN 72 60 138 180 180 180 188 998
97 60 Maczko Jozsef HUN 110 170 180 167 44 180 121 972
98 132 Tutelea Julian ROM 180 180 131 180 88 180 0 939
99 102 Jasko Ferenc HUN 107 180 180 180 180 95 0 922
100 4 Sarusi Kiss Bela HUN 180 0 180 73 180 94 193 900
101 63 Noack Manfred GER 180 180 162 180 180 13 0 895
102 11 Fuss Helmut AUT 180 180 180 180 96 0 0 816
103 46 Nuettgens Ansgar GER 180 180 180 50 47 0 138 775
104 134 Bucazar Ioan ROM 51 120 95 180 40 76 76 638
105 133 Guta Georg ROM 63 174 72 75 52 51 74 561
106 77 Jancso Andras HUN 180 180 180 0 0 0 0 540
104 Voros Jeno HUN 180 180 180 0 0 0 0 540
118 Toth Janos HUN 180 180 180 0 0 0 0 540
109 3 Alexeev Alexei RUS 140 16 180 120 0 68 0 524
110 21 Radosavijevic Nikola * YUG 180 180 17 0 0 0 0 377
111 137 Basic Adis BIH 180 0 38 48 35 46 0 347
112 109 Santa Jozsef HUN 180 40 100 0 0 0 0 320
113 52 Vasas Gyorgy HUN 180 42 0 0 0 0 0 222
114 53 Notaros Attila HUN 123 0 0 0 0 0 0 123
Puszta Cup 1999.05.28-31.
Domsod, Hungary
F1B Individual
Final results
Pl. No N a m e Country
--- --- --------------------- --- ---------------------------------
1 233 Jackel Michael GER 1290+ 300+ 420+ 374
2 236 Mackus Rolandas LTU 1290+ 300+ 420+ 372
3 243 Bukin Alexey UKR 1290+ 300+ 403
4 202 Silz Bernd GER 1290+ 300+ 387
5 247 Koolakovsky Oleg UKR 1290+ 300+ 380
6 258 Drelse Dirk GER 1290+ 300+ 353
7 242 Stepanchook Stepan UKR 1290+ 300+ 346
8 231 Waltonen Yrjo FIN 1290+ 300+ 317
269 Wagner Horst GER 1290+ 300+ 317
10 257 Seifert Andre GER 1290+ 300+ 314
11 262 Jusufbasic Asim BIH 1290+ 300+ 296
12 237 Datti Dario ITA 1290+ 300+ 295
13 271 Kucharski Henryk POL 1290+ 300+ 272
14 230 Seifert Michael GER 1290+ 279
15 270 Krasznai Jozsef HUN 1290+ 167
16 215 Starostenko Viktor UKR 1290+ 155
17 280 Varadi Mihaly HUN 180 180 180 180 171 180 210 1281
18 248 Desinger Wilhelm GER 180 180 180 180 169 180 210 1279
268 Ruijter Pim NED 169 180 180 180 180 180 210 1279
20 216 Kolic Ivan * YUG 180 180 164 180 180 180 210 1274
21 261 Cabaravdic Malik BIH 180 180 180 159 180 180 210 1269
22 232 Schumann Eckhard GER 180 156 180 180 180 180 210 1266
23 274 Popa Constantin ROM 180 180 180 180 180 180 182 1262
24 208 Khrebtov Andrei RUS 144 180 180 180 180 180 210 1254
229 Khuziev Radik RUS 180 180 144 180 180 180 210 1254
26 204 Seifert Marcus GER 180 180 180 180 180 180 170 1250
27 244 Vivchar Igor UKR 180 180 180 131 180 180 210 1241
28 226 Toth Karoly HUN 180 180 180 180 180 180 159 1239
29 272 Cofalik Eugeniusz POL 180 180 155 180 150 180 210 1235
30 234 Schulz Detlef GER 180 180 165 136 180 180 210 1231
31 250 Szafranski Marion POL 180 180 120 180 180 180 210 1230
264 Magdolen Peter SVK 180 180 120 180 180 180 210 1230
33 273 Kochanczyk Wiktor POL 180 180 176 121 180 180 210 1227
34 267 Somogyi Otto HUN 177 180 180 180 140 180 186 1223
35 266 Khouavkin Viktor UKR 180 138 180 150 180 180 210 1218
36 279 Andriyovich Grigorij UKR 180 180 180 106 180 180 207 1213
37 259 Lovato Mario ITA 180 180 143 135 180 180 210 1208
38 201 Moenninghof Peter GER 180 118 172 180 158 176 210 1194
39 238 Helmbrecht Heiko GER 153 180 180 153 180 145 200 1191
276 Jusufbasic Kenan BIH 180 180 98 163 180 180 210 1191
41 277 Chernikh Alexander UKR 165 180 167 106 180 180 210 1188
42 265 Merkel Geza HUN 180 180 41 180 180 180 200 1141
43 260 Gosztojics Szvetozar YUG 180 180 30 180 180 180 210 1140
44 203 Seifert Rolf GER 180 144 20 180 180 180 210 1094
45 219 Romanchenko Vladimir UKR 180 157 180 180 180 180 0 1057
46 263 Miertus Igor SVK 141 180 180 180 180 180 0 1041
47 278 Wojtak Jan POL 180 180 102 180 0 156 210 1008
48 221 Pumpler Ingeborg AUT 180 160 180 180 70 0 0 770
49 275 Gorban Eugeny UKR 180 180 180 180 35 0 0 755
50 217 Stankovic Dragan SLO 180 165 156 93 0 0 0 594
227 Banjac Nenad CRO 151 180 93 170 0 0 0 594
52 225 Kocsis Istvan HUN 180 180 150 0 0 0 0 510
53 228 Burdov Andrey RUS 180 180 102 0 0 0 0 462
54 235 Brazenas Romas LTU 180 180 22 0 0 0 0 382
55 218 Zulic Damjan SLO 180 180 0 0 0 0 0 360
56 220 Schoder Hans SUI 180 41 0 0 0 0 0 221
Puszta Cup 1999.05.28-31.
Domsod, Hungary
F1C Individual
Final results
Pl. No N a m e Country
--- --- --------------------- --- ---------------------------------
1 306 Verbitsky Evgeny UKR 1320+ 300+ 420+ 441
2 314 Seydel Sigurd GER 1320+ 300+ 420+ 334
3 333 Wachtler Claus-Peter GER 1320+ 300+ 420+ 13
4 315 Sahinovic Edin BIH 1320+ 300+ 410
5 305 Zsengeller Gabor HUN 1320+ 279
6 319 Venuti Giorgio ITA 1320+ 260
7 317 Sahinovic Mustafa BIH 180 180 180 180 180 180 235 1315
8 327 Plachetka Piotr POL 174 180 180 180 180 180 240 1314
9 320 Bobenko Artem UKR 180 180 170 180 180 180 240 1310
10 307 Vyacheslav Alexandrov UKR 161 180 180 180 180 180 240 1301
11 325 Maczko Oszkar HUN 180 180 180 180 155 180 240 1295
12 303 Molchanov Alexander RUS 180 180 180 180 180 180 214 1294
13 332 Tragubenko Vladimir UKR 180 126 180 180 180 180 240 1266
14 316 Jusufbasic Kenan BIH 180 180 153 180 180 146 240 1259
15 334 Truppe Reinhard AUT 180 180 180 180 115 180 233 1248
16 312 Rocca Mario ITA 180 109 141 180 180 180 240 1210
17 310 Lindner Andreas GER 180 180 180 180 180 96 200 1196
18 309 Pavlov Milan YUG 107 180 152 164 160 180 240 1183
19 311 Seinauskas Robertas LTU 180 180 180 68 156 180 148 1092
20 321 Szecsenyi Janos HUN 148 123 180 161 133 180 165 1090
21 318 Pinjo Nedzad BIH 160 180 180 180 0 139 240 1079
22 322 Szabo Robert HUN 180 180 162 147 180 106 123 1078
23 323 Banfalvi Gyorgy HUN 180 0 126 158 69 180 240 953
24 328 Reinwald Stefan GER 180 180 180 180 171 0 0 891
25 324 Kapusta Peter HUN 122 0 180 149 158 180 97 886
26 330 Kiburtas Robertas LTU 180 83 64 180 62 0 210 779
27 326 Patocs Laszlo HUN 180 180 163 0 0 0 0 523
28 301 Napkori Gyorgy HUN 180 180 0 0 0 0 0 360
329 Schalkowski Josef GER 180 180 0 0 0 0 0 360
30 308 Fischer Karoly HUN 170 105 0 0 0 0 0 275
31 331 Strukov Vladimir UKR 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 180
32 302 Pecerica Vadim UKR 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4
* signs junior competitor
1165 Budapest, Veres Péter u. 157. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1625 Budapest, Pf. 16
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Roger Morrell