SCAT Electronic News June 4 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1303
SCAT Electronic News June 4 1999
Table of Contents
Cowley's Ideas Ich ben goot!
Vampire Grasshoppers
Upcoming Events
America's Cup Texas
Argentina National Champs
F1C and Noise - Ackery
Upcoming Events
Cowley's Ideas Ich ben goot!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Martyn Cowley is a breath of fresh air in the middle of a feed lot, I swear!
His ideas seem to me to be very workable answer to everyone's questions. We
definitely could work it out in a very short time to make a real proposal,
and through the internet, we could pretty much find out how the vote would go
at every stage of the planning. What is the matter with that? Let's get at
it. Go Martin!
Down air really sucks.
Doug Galbreath
Vampire grasshoppers
I just want to express thanks to all who wrote about the vampire
grasshopper population at Lost Hills. John mentioned that he'd also had
some "little friends" sneak a ride home but I didn't give it much
attention. Now I will know better. Next time he comes back from Lost
Hills "alone", I will be armed with fumigation equipment as he pulls in
the driveway!
Diane Pratt
Upcoming Events
Texas - Americas Cup Contest
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Texas Cloud Climbers contest date is correct as July 10-11, but at a
new site north west of Waxahachie, Texas. We leased a fairly large field
for a one year period that was in the USDA land bank status . We can fly
models but better not raise a crop. Big FAI on SAT, mini on SUN. Early
start each day (7:30) to beat the Texas heat. A lot of other events
also. See the AMA calander.
John O'Dwyer Second assistant CD.
Argentina National Champs amd Team Selection?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
July 9 to 11 second event for the National Team Member Selection and
National Championships.
Place: Salta (North Argentina)
Bigger classes will be held on Saturday and mini events on Sunday.
July 10th: F1A, F1B and F1C
July 11th F1G, F1H, F1J.
Contact details are:
Pablo Olsen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Daniel Iele This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Best Regards,
F1C and Noise
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I think we are getting somewhere with this noise issue.
Firstly thanks to John Buskell for his very sensible and well thoughtout
comments on F1C.
We do need to retain existing fliers, and not making their equipment
obsolete will certainly do this.
But also if John Buskell has 7 F1C models sitting in the box then I
would like him to be able to fit mufflers if he wants and fly them at a
local field, if that is that is what it takes.
It is interesting that Doug G has been able to change his position from
one that was opposed to any change,, (fitting mufflers to side exhaust
Nelsons is too hard), to a new position where mufflers/pipes are OK,
AND wings would need to be replaced too, (2m span). This just goes to
show that we can adapt to new ideas, great.
The idea of dropping the "no exhaust extention rule" is the right way to
go, we need to allow people who want to reduce noise to do so. They need
to be able to comply with standards and legistation that exist in their
country, and to make this optional will allow both sides to get what
they want.
However to go all the way of allowing tuned pipes is a bit silly.
F1C does not need more power, we do not need shorter engine runs, we do
not need restrictions on span. That is just opening a can of worms, and
then trying to put some of them back in the jar.
What we do need is less noise, lets keep to the point please.
If the "muffler"'is allowed to add more horsepower then people will
investigate the options and tradeoffs looking for a performance gain,
not noise reduction, and we may end up with boosters such as minipipes
or megaphones that do nothing to reduce noise whatsoever. Then we have
just created another problem without fixing the first one.
It is quite easy to specify that a muffler cannot increase the power,
and quite easy to check this with a tach if required. (Sure that will be
a real hassle to do I hear you say, well I am sure that it can be
enforced just like any other rule, how often is the swept volume of your
engine is measured, or your fuel can is checked for nitro. If all that
stuff was checked at every event we would spend more time in processing
than on the field. Get real we are here to fly).
If a muffler cannot increase the power then the only reason anyone would
want to fit a one would be to reduce noise, and they could make the
noise level acceptable to their own local requirements. That way we do
not have to think of a noise limit, argue about what it should be,
decide how to define it, and then go out and spend money on instruments
to measure it. That issue could go on for years, who wants to do that ?,
we want to fly.
So in summary, my suggestion,
1. Allow optional mufflers for F1C (optional so that it does not
obsolete existing equipment)
2. We specify that the muffler cannot increase the power, (easy to check
with equipment that currently exists, ie tach. And it does not start a
power race)
3. Do not specify a noise level (so we do not have define it, and have
to buy equipment to measure it).
This is an attempt to find a solution that no one can object to,,,, but
I expect that someone will.
Meanwhile I must make up some more Wake motors.
David Ackery
New Zealand
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[ The proposal from Biggles is not to replace the existing rule but let
those with mufflers fly with those without but restricting the muffled
engined airplnes [i.e. new ones] to 2m wing span. Then if needed adjust
the engine run accordingly.
I have flown an event [Formula 1 Pylon racing in the US] where the straight
pipe is not permitted to increase the rpm by more than 2000 and
a number of other pylon racing events with various muffler and pipe rules.
All were complete failures, the 2000 rpm increase was never checked
in Formula One and there were all kinds of squabbles about what was a
pipe and what wasn't. The only one that worked was when the
engine had to have the manufacturer's muffler and every one
used the same make engine - not appropriate for F1C.
Basically with most i/c engines the
exhaust manifold provides some form of power increase and I do not
think this kind of evolution should be restricted. Controlling the
size of the exhaust outlet is too tricky but if some one of
limiting the engine power is required then the inlet diameter or
prop diameter would be better.]
Upcoming Events
June 3-5 Turda Cup, Turda Roumania - World Cup
June 4-6 Napoca Cup, Cluj Napoca Roumania - World Cup
June 5-6 Von Hafe Cup, Beja Portugal - World Cup
June 5-6 Novvhrad Cup, Lucenec Slovak Republic - World Cup
June 12 SCAT Club Meeting Bishop, CA area
June 19-20 Festival of 5 Flags [etc] - Pensacola FL, - America's Cup
Roger Morrell