SCAT Electronic News June 18 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1117
SCAT Electronic News June 18 1999
Table of Contents
Looking for Gerhard Aringer
Speed of rubber news
Letter from Leath
A Newcomer's View of the Rules
Deniz Varhos - F1A - Attachment
Trying to contact Gerhard Aringer
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I tried the E-mail address you gave me but I haven't been able to contact
Gerhard Aringer yet.
Could you put a short note in the SCAT E-Mail list asking if someone has a
current FAX number or E-Mail Address for him.
Matt Gewain
Rubber Rumours
One always wonders how fast rumors and news travels
Well I guess the news that the May 99 rubber was good
travelled so fast that FAI have sold out of
1/8. John Clapp says do not worry
if they told you you were on this list. It will take them
a little while to get all orders shipped.
I assume that another batch is on order ?
Another approach aka Letter from Leath
Palmdale, ca
Fellow sportsmen,
From what I have been reading and hearing , we FAI - F1a ,b, c flyers
Have some real and/or perceived problems within our niche of modeling.
They are as follows:
1. Performance beyond all expectations,
2. Dwindling flying sites. Nearly all flying sites in the USA are
marginal at best for 2 minute maxes let alone 3 minute maxes.
only lost hills, Palm Bay, and Muncie are really good but if the
wind is in the wrong direction or is blowing a little Muncie is out
and Palm Bay can be a problem.
3. Possible ear damage from F1C engines.
4. Resistance to change. None of us want to throw away perfectly good models because it takes a
huge investment in time and money to get them built, rigged,
trimmed, and tweaked, not to mention cost in $.
Since "change for the sake of change" is almost always a bad idea, we need to make sure that our reasons
for change are real and not perceived, hence this web forum.
Some of my thoughts on the problems:
The criteria are:
a. None of the 3 events should be capable of exceeding 3 minutes in "dead air"
b. None of the current models should have to be discarded. "time"
c. A minimum of modifications should be required. "money" &"time"
A possible solution which would meet the criteria:
Load the models with ballast , however much it might take.
This solution runs against the grain of everything FF stands for.
However, it would solve the problem if done properly,
and just think of the new challenges!!!!
Some research (trial, error, and record) would be needed to determine how much ballast would be
required for each class.
Would need early morning and late evening bench mark data
base established for before and then after the weight is added
to determine the amount of weight necessary to meet criteria
"a." Above.
Would we enjoy making our FF 's into lead sleds ????? I don't think so!!!
There are some other thoughts : f1c= change rules to say "max swept
Volume = .060ci. Would cost money =bad. Would allow longer engine
Runs hence more accurate timing=good. Would set up new challenges
For engine developments and airframe improvements = good.
F1B = could allow a double type of model i.e. Could allow "old"style
Wakes (no automation-folding props and dt's only with 40 grams of
Rubber and air frame weight per 1990) to fly competitively against
The so called "high tech " fib's. This would probably bring back some old
Timers and some new modelers (RPW?).
F1A = same as F1B ie. High tech vs "old" style = 410gms with circle tow and
Dt only. Note: no restrictions on building materials in any class.
Don Leath
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Ps: constructive criticism welcomed---all others ---sit in the corner. Dml.
[Don .. one comment , and not just to you. ..
Don sent me his note in a Microsoft Word attachment all in upper case.
I not like publishing items that are all in upper case so I
ran it thru Word's conversion to 'Sentence case' , beceause
Don's concept of sentence did not coincide with that of Bill Gates
the display might be a little strange.
Authors, just keep it in mind that this does out
in plain text, so if you have some particular format
that you desire to express your ideas you need to figure
out the best way to sent it to me.]
A Newcomer's View of the Rules
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
I've been reading the SCAT EN for the last few weeks and all the =
discussion of rules etc. has led me to throw out my thoughts as well.
F1C Performance- the most obvious and easiest first step to reducing F1C =
performance is to require fixed blade props. I don't remember who =
suggested it, but he was right on. Fixed props are much, much less =
expensive and would solve the quandry over the geared engine. I don't =
think any one would want a 12" prop hanging out in the breeze.
F1C Fuel- I would like to see the fuel rule rewritten to eliminate the =
requirement to use castor oil. Castor is icky gooy stuff and it eats up =
rubber. I don't know of any performance advantage to synthetic oil so I =
don't see the basis for the rule as currently written.
F1J- The engine run and max flight duration for F1J are ridiculous. On a =
7 second engine run you can nearly DT at the top and still get a max. I =
would like to see the rules rewritten to match F1C, 5 sec and 3 minutes. =
Models designed for this event are clearly capable of this performance.
Regards Bob
Roger Morrell