SCAT Electronic News June 20 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1151
SCAT Electronic News June 20 1999
Table of Contents
Strange SCAT News??????
How heavy is enough ? - Andresen
More on motorcycles in Israel - Donde
SCAT Homepage down?/stuff to SELL - Hines
Wakefield School at the US Nats - Corrected .. should be July Not June
We must appologise for sending more than one copy
of the last SEN - We had a minor glitch and thought
that all copies were not being sent properly - so
decided to 'Help" it. That was not such a smart thing to do
as it caused you to get extra copies.
Strange SCAT News??????
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
The SCAT News for June 18 has a strange looking file attached to it. It
is a normal file to open symbol with a large red question mark (?) over
it The title beneath the symbol is "Mr Pink2.JPG".
The date of the first message is Sat 19Jun99 01:06:14
A second copy of the same news letter was just received with the same
attachment with a heading date of:
Sat 19Jun99 04:26:15
In addition the following was inserted between your closing signature and
the attached file:
"Read by : scat at Sat Jun 19 02:25:13 1999" Note the different
date format.
I have not opened this file because when I attempted to open it on the
first message I got a window stating it could contain a virus. Receiving
the same news letter the second time without an explanation from you as
to the reason for the second copy added to my concern - prompted me to
write this e-mail.
Please let me know if the file MrPink2.JPG is of your origin and is OK to
open or is someone playing games with my e-mail
I really appreciate the SCAT News and thank you from the bottom of my
heart for your effort. I believe you are very much appreciated by the
modeling community.
Rod Mogle
another electronic timer guy
[Explanation ..
A partial explanation is above .. i.e we had some form of system incident
and because I did something instead of letting it fix itself you got
two messages.
MrPink.jpg is an attachment. It is a plan of an F1A called Mr Pink
from Deniz Varhoz in Sweden. Many e-mail programs mark attachments
specially and caution you about opening them because this is a
way that viruses can be transmitted. You need a viewer to look at a jpg
[or gif] file. Most web browsers will do this]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am interested in acquiring old timer free flight models with or without R/C
guidance. The purpose is two fold. I enjoy flying these beautiful models but
do not have the time to build since I work full time and have lots of family
obligations. The second reason is for collecting high quality models built
by master modelers using the old style of silk and dope. I am looking for
several models that show high quality of craftsmanship, covered in silk and
dope with an interesting look or design, in good to excellent condition and
am willing to pay accordingly. If interested please contact me
Mike Sparkuhl
845 N. 10th St.
Santa Paula, California 93060
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
How heavy is enough ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Some constructive criticism re Performance Reduction proposals:
1. First approximation is that it requires 4 times the weight to
double sink speed, tho only double the overall weight to cut
altitude in half. This ignores resulting higher Reynolds No which
means even more ballast to cut performance.
Any Wakefield with a pound of ballast would be lucky to survive
1 flight without totally destroying itself.
2. While Nordic ballast would be less, it would still make towing
almost impossible for us old geezers, yet give the track stars
even higher bunts.
3. When the late Stan Wennerstrom showed a safe way to make F1C
folders in SYMPO 88, the folder proponents only claimed 15sec glide
improvement (my calcs show additional bunt improvement).
The real advantage with a folder was seen as a prop saver which also
eliminated the need for a test flight between rounds to verify the
new prop. A dozen fixed props are neither cheaper or less effort
than 1 folder.
4. Still seems to me that 3, 7minute maxes before 9AM makes more
sense than having 80% of the field make it thru the 5minute round
and then try to find a bunch of timers to cover a 10min window
with everyone flying 7minute maxes with more thermals, wind and
visibility problems.
5. OK make it 3, 5's before 9AM, it's still easier on contestants,
officials and field requirements.
6. If all else fails, fly F1D55 in your local gym.
Still Air,
More on motorcycles in Israel
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
More on motorcycles in Israel,
My friend who has made the contact with the Bike man adds this:
The bikes are Peugeot, French made, 50 cc, AND are made for ON-OFF ROAD.
He will deliver them to the field if so desired, maximum 10 bikes. You make
your own arrangements. He needs to know the dates.
Charges are 130 IL per day, about $30,
Address HILUTZIT Ltd. att. Mr. Gil.
Tel 03-639-5553, fax 03-639-4334.
That's all folks.
Arik Donde
SCAT Homepage down?/stuff to SELL
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Rog;
1st item:
I can't get to SCAT/NFFS page lately(Thurs,Fri). A popup
appears(Netscape) saying
"Doc. contains no data., etc". Do you know about the glitch?
Are you "Housecleaning" the site or what?
[ Lee,
we did turn the site of for an hour or so on Thursday.
but otherwise it should have been running all the time.]
2nd item:
1. Long (2.3m) composite F1A wing and stab set. Built and flown by
V.Stamov circa '93
My first Bunter used these wings quite successfully. Several
podium placings and still whole! Asking only $185 for the set,
capable of over 270 sec in still air!
2. Model box, '85 G. Batiuk aluminum, 12x12x45 exterior dims.
Foam-lined interior. Slight damage(dents and hasp), so a real steal at $30!
3. Misc: Zoom towhooks by A. Lepp, A. Hacken, L. Yue and others.
Collected in the 80's;
Ask me to show you at the next comp.
My e-mail add: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or phone me: 949-645-4850
Lee Hines
Wakefield School at the US Nats - Corrected
George Batiuk, many time US team manager and America's Cup F1B
winner will be conducting a one day F1B [i.e Wakefield] School on
Saturday July 31 at the AMA National
Flying site in Munice, IN. This is just prior to the start
of the Free Flight Nationals.
This school is primarily intended for junior flyers but
all beginners are welcome.
George will have 3 types of modern F1B airplanes present -
A Vivchar Ultra-Simple,
A first serious model [i.e. with D-Box wing and VIT]
A world class model.
The school will include information on:
rubber motor preparation
thermal picking
competition flying
Each participant will have the opportunity to fly one
of the above models. There is a limited number of
models for sale at this occaision.
For details contact George Batiuk at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or 805 546 8231
Roger Morrell