SCAT Electronic News 26 July 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1247
SCAT Electronic News 26 July 1999
Table of Contents
Libido Computer - Davis
Rubber Rumors - Grandfather Tarantula
DOS and Win95 - Gregorie
Sun Glasses - Andresen
Rubber Knots - Ditto
Libido Computer
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Re: Jim Parker DOS problem,
There is a much simpler solution, throw away that libido computer or
whatever you called it and get a Macintosh powerbook, simply type in
"program timer for flyoff max flight 360 seconds" and hit return and
your're done. Non of those arcane codes or strings of ascii stuff
needed. Hope this helps. Good luck at the World Champs!!
Jon Davis
[Spoken like a true MAC bigot .. but Jon a MAC is too cumbersome
for this and what you really need is a PalmPilot and then it is as simple
as you say - except of course for actauly staying up in the air
that long !]
Rubber Rumors
Latest scoop from the Grandfather Tarantuala at Lost Hills, or where ever my
secret source of information is - There is a new batch of rubber
that will be arriving at the FAI Modelsupply emporium this week.
No news on testing but the hairs on the Tarantualas legs are
vibrating - surely a good sign. :-)
DOS and Win95
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jim Parker wrote:
....if the F8 key is pushed at the right time (I now just tap it
repeatively during the bootup), behold, a MS Windows 95 Startup Menu comes
The F8 key is only active for the 2 or 3 seconds when the words "Starting
Windows 95" (or 98) are displayed. Hit it then.
The F8 key gets you into a part of the PC that is intended for trouble
shooting which is why Jim ended back at the same menu when he typed EXIT.
It's other unintended (by MS) use is to run games and other DOS programs
that hate Windows.
This menu lets you select a "Command prompt only" or "safe mode
command prompt only". I do not understand the difference between the two
but both work. They take you to a DOS, C:\> prompt. At this point I use
the same key strokes as before and the down loads work perfectly.
If you upgraded a Win 3.11 or DOS machine to Win 95 rather than buying a new
PC you'll find an extra menu option saying something like 'Run Previous
version of DOS'. This may the best one to choose because it starts your
original DOS instead of DOS 7 (the Win 95/98 DOS) - that is provided you
haven't removed your old DOS following the upgrade!
Closing is more difficult The only way I've found is to use
"CNTRL,ALT,DEL" which reboots me back to Windows. "EXIT" returns me to "MS
You should be able to just turn the PC off when the command prompt is shown,
like you would in the good old DOS days.
Sun Glasses
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Was caught w/o sunglasses at SW Regionals, faced West for 2 days, ended up
with gigantic floater in L eye and advancement of cataract activity. Would
strongly suggest GOOD sunglasses for all going to the Negev in August.
Rubber knots revisited
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Amazing, we still get our SCAT fix with you in the middle of the
battlefield. The miracle of modern technology.
[ Herm , the nearest battlefield is 15 or so miles east of my house !]
As to rubber knots, the Indoor guys seem to have little problem and they not
only have knots in 100% of the strands, but also clip off the last milligram
of tail. Except for Jim Richmond who uses CA and a thread wrap, most use a
combo of 2 knots. Steve Brown uses someones method which as I recall is a
square knot at the end. Inboard is an overhand knot tied loose and pulled
into the square knot. Occasionally CA is used on the back side.
Back when Eastman 910 was the only choice in CA, a rep would demo by cutting
a rubber o-ring, repairing with CA and then seeing if anyone was strong
enough to break the bond. Technicians who had tried this were truly amazed.
Turned out there was a behind the scenes trick of thoroughly cleaning the
silicon preservative off the razor before cutting the o-ring.
Back when I was active in outdoor rubber (yes, it is hard to believe)
I would terminate with an overhand, back it up with a granny and then, the
important thing, give each tail a complete wrap around the motor and tie it
off with a square knot on the outside or back side of the motor. Adds well
under 0.1% to total weight but reduces stress on the knot and gives plenty
of tail if the knot were to slip. Also keeps the strands together.
Saliva was used to keep from chaffing.
Won't say how long ago that was, but CA wasn't an option.
Welcome home,
FOR CLASSES: F1-A, F1-B, F1-C, F1-G, F1-H, and F1-J
SATURDAY OCT, 9th F1-A, F1-C and F1-G
SUNDAY OCT. 10th. F1-B, F1-H and F1-J
F1-A, F1-C & F1-G Saturday, October 9th, 1999
-7- One hour rounds commencing at 08:00 hours
(F1-G 5 rounds commencing at 10:00 hours)
F1-B H and F1-J Sunday, October 10th, 1999,
-7- One hour rounds commencing at 08:00 hours
(F1-H & F1-J rounds commencing at 10:00 hours)
FLY-OFFS: Will start at 3:15PM (FIRM) both days
Sat. F1-A 3:15 to 3:25; 4:00 to 4:10; 4:45 to 4:55; 5:30 to 5:40
Sat. F1-C 3:30 to 3:40; 4:15 to 4:25; 5:00 to 5:10; 5:45 to 5:55
Sunday, F1-B (Same as Saturday F1-A)
Timers will not be provided, please find yourself someone to time.
Perpetual Trophies to winners
Engraved glassware 1st through 5th place for F1-A/B/C
1st through 3rd place for F1-G/H/J
ENTRY FEE - $20.00 FOR F1-A, F1-B & F1-C
$10.00 FOR F1-G, F1-H & F1-J
Contest Director - Juan A. Livotto
13212 Lake Street - Los Angeles, CA. 90066
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell