SCAT Electronic News August 9 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1421
SCAT Electronic News August 9 1999
Table of Contents
Nats Stories
US Free Flight Team Contributions - Johannes
Nats F1G Results - Toto in KS
balsa in OZ ?
Editorial Policy - Products, Price Lists etc
SCAT Electronic News - Publisher's Statement
Cox engine Parts
Nats Stories
Most of the side stories coming out of the Nats were
retrival related. I'm suprised that F1A team memeber
Steve Spence got any flying done because a bunch of people related
as to how he helped them find their models. Local [to me] flyer
Tom Laird showed excessive connection to his other hobby of automobiles
by finally finding his F1B on the roof of the Muncie Transmission
Factory roof 9 miles from the flying site. He triangulated with this
Walston and then had to convince the guards to let him to get the model
from the roof. Another SCAT member , Ernesto Busnelli found his
F1A 13 miles from the field, 40 feet up in a tree. I hear that
Jim Walston was doing good business !
US Free Flight Team Contributions
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
I am pleased to report that the $11,000 budget deficit that the ' 99
Free Flight team was facing has been erased.
On behalf of the Advanced Aeromodel Engineering Society I want to thank
all those whose help made this project a success. Thanks to Bob Stalick
and the NFFS for their cooperation in allowing AAES to take advantage of
their tax exempt status so that tax deductible donations could be made.
And, a big THANKS to the individuals and organizations for their
generous contributions. These include:
Bob Klipp
Marvin Mace
Christopher Parkyn
Jim Bradley
Hardy Broderson
Chris Matsuno
Bob Perkins
Gil Morris
Bill Vanderbeek
Henry Spence
Rod Mogle
Walter Scarborough
The contributing Organizations include:
Sierra Eagles
Thermaleers (St. Louis )
"Big Al's FAI Shootout"
Dallas Cloud Climbers
Detroit Balsa Bugs
Central Ohio Free Flight Club
Tri City Fliers (Texas)
Mark Twain Hobby Center (St. Charles, MO)
Now with the money problems behind them the Team is free to concentrate
on WINNING. GOOD Luck and "Bring home the hardware".
Regards, Bob
Nats F1G Results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bob White won with 833 sec. 2nd thru 4th was Brocks, Kamla & Crowley. (I am
not 100% certain of the order.) Chuck Markos was 5th (certain!) and Ed Vargo
was 6th.
Jim O'Reilly, Asst FF Mgr & F1G flyoff director.
balsa in OZ ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Do you know where I might be able to purchase a block of balsa 65cm long,
36cm wide and 18cm high in Australia? I need to carve out a
model solar car.
I would really appreciate any help with this.
Please e-mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Editorial Policy - Products, Price Lists etc
On the SCAT Web Site we have a
suppliers section. This is is material submitted
by the various suppliers that support our hobby.
It is the suppliers responsibility to keep the information
up to date. The presence of any item in the list does
not mean an endorsement of the product.
In SCAT Electronic News we like to publish the latest information
about products and services for our hobby.
To this end we will publish various peoples price lists.
Also we will publish press releases or other announcements
that are relevant to FAI free flight.
If you want to submit any information in these categories
you should send them This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SCAT Electronic News - Publisher's Statement
This is the SCAT Electronic news. It object is to support Free Flight
Model Airplanes. It is e-mailed out on an irregular basis whenever
'enough' news is collected. It is published in conjunction with the SCAT
Online web site at
Contributions are invited. Mail them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Any information of interest to FAI Free Flighters is welome, contest
announcements, contest results, product information, technology
information, comments on rules etc.
The SCAT Web Site is supported by Roger Morrell and donations from
friends in the FAI Free Flight community. There is a list
of the donors on the Web Site.
Images are better submitted in GIF or JPEG formats
as they are smaller [than BMP].
Text can be plain text or a MS Word Document [I will convert it to
plain text for e-mailing]
Contest results can be in text or excel format.
If you just started getting this it is because some else suggested
it, you asked for it or you logged on to the SCAT Web site
and indicated a preference for FAI FF events.
To subscribe send the person's e-mail address to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
To be removed from the list notify the above address.
SCAT is the Southern California Aero Team.
Cox engine Parts
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cox engines were purchased by Estes rockets three years ago and they have
attempted to do away with the competition engines and continue to produce
the reed valve engines for the flying toys. Some parts can still be
purchased from them (they are located in Colorado and their address is
in the magazines). If you can't find parts form them,
you might contact either of the following:
Trumps Hobbies
These are fellows here in Oregon who stock quite a few Cox parts and have
them for engines that are no longer produced.
Their address is:
Timberhill Shopping Center
Corvallis, OR 97330.
Jim Trump is a good free flight supporter.
Another source is Lee Campbell at Campbell's Custom Kits, PO B ox 3104,
Muncie, IN 47307. Ph: 765-289-7753. Lee has a good selection of stuff as
FYI: Some of the competition stuff is beginning to get scarce, so the
prices are beginning to go up. You might want to get the stuff ASAP.
Good Luck,
Bob Stalick, NFFS
Roger Morrell