SCAT Electronic News 7 Sept 1999
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SCAT Electronic News 7 Sept 1999
Table of Contents
Western FAI Challenge - Roberts
WC Report - Lagan
Thermals and Streamers - Thorkildsen
Champs results - Kaynes
Eiffel Pokal - Van Nest
For and A'gin Achterberg - King and O'Reilly
Wobbeking Airfoil and others Ackery
BOM [give credit to the ..] - Ruyter
San Diego Orbiteers Annual [FAI Events only]
Western FAI Challenge
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The following are the results from the Western FAI Challenge held over labor
day. Turn out was small and the flying was terrific so those not there
missed out.
F1 A Dan Protheroe 2235 secs
F1 B Dan Tracy 2628 secs
Bruce Hannah 2624 secs
Ralph Cooney 2623 secs
Rick Ewing 2503 secs
Lee Schroeder 627 secs
F1 C Mike Roberts 1221 secs
F1 G John Kamla 568 secs
Frank Pollard 424 secs
F1 J Bruce Augustus 600 secs (won coin toss)
Mike Roberts 600 secs (lost coin toss)
14 rounds for F1 A,B& C, good thermals with variable drift through all
rounds with high wind arriving at 12:30 just in time for fly-offs (thus the
Mike Roberts CD
WC Report
From Paul Lagan
1999 World Free Flight Championships
This is being written in our hotel room in Ashkelon, Israel shortly
after the 40 man fly-off in the F1A glider event. 81 contestants from 30
Nations entered the event. Antony Koerbin and I flew for N.Z. but Antony
unfortunately dropped one flight after a launching mishap and
subsequent damage to his model's wingtip. I managed to max out,
and in the fly-off
(in a light wind at dawn) I didn't quite get the launch right, my model
stalling down to about 30metres before settling into the glide to score
around 2mins 44 seconds. I don't know where I placed but guess it
would be around 35th. The winner was a Pole with 5 1/4 minutes and there are
two tied in second at present (a Dutchman, Pieter de Boer, and a Japanese)
with just over 5 minutes. Even if my model hadn=92t stalled I would have
probably been lucky to exceed 4 minutes in the fly-off as the air where
and when I launched was not all that good. However, both Antony and I
are quite happy with the way we flew and although we are out of season, we
made very few mistakes and had models that were well up to the
general standard of performance required.
Both Antony and Chris Murphy flew
F1A at the Negev Cup pre-World Champs event a few days ago - Antony got
through to the 25 man fly-off in this event and Chris flew very well to place
87th. There were 142 flyers in this contest and Antony's fly-off flight of
215secs placed him 20th.
The F1B (Wakefield) World Championship event is presently being flown and
it looks as if there will be about 30 in the fly-off in that event
tomorrow morning.
The weather pattern here has been very different to New Zealand. The
contest is flown in the northern Negev desert and the first round starts
as soon as visibility permits (about 6.15am). By the time the 7th round
is finished it is very hot (toward 40 degrees) and most unpleasant with
huge thermals, dust storms and, if a model is sucked up into one of the
monster thermals, a flight of well over 3km can result.
Hell for retrieving! There have been many people quite exhausted and
heat-stressed with the conditions.
ps. It is now 1 Sep and we are in UK - head off for USA on Friday.
Further to the above, the Wakefield event was concluded with a 42 man
fly-off and as we had to leave Israel shortly after this I don't have full
details. As was the pattern each morning of the World Champs, there was a
10mph breeze at dawn and all the final fly-offs were in a breeze. The air
at dawn had patches of gentle up and down - very hard to detect by
wind/temperature changes and very subtle changes in attitude on a towline.
Back to the wakefield flyoff... I watched a couple of likely winners
closely it was impossible to observe more than two or three in such a
large feild. Alex Andruikov (current world chanp) has dropped a flight
the day before so he was assisting his son (who was in the USA team). He
did a flight of just over 7mins which I thought was really good but the
winning time was aroud 8mins and several had over 7 1/2. Anselmo Zeri
did well as did the Swede Eimar.
The first round of F1C started before I left the field and even with a 5
sec motor run the top models were getting to around 100metres. In F1B I
think the top models there were getting to about 85meters in the fly-off.
Paul Lagan
Thermals and Streamers
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Roger, If that was your comments after Randy on thermals and streamers,
then I should tell you that there are two 1/2A combat contests a year
held at whitter narrows. Typically myself, Terry Kerger and Martin
Cowley fly in them and although I have seen Randy Weiler there I haven't
seen him enter yet. We all enjoy this end of the hobby and had an
absolute ball at the last FF champs on Sunday evening after the awards
we flew with the above for some fun matches that provided entertainment
to die hard FF fans.
For anyone interested in controlline there are some web sites that will
get you the contest calendar for Southern Cal.
Thermals and keep your lines tight,
Terry Thorkildsen
Champs results
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Further to my recent message, I have now put all the available
Championships on the web site. At the foot of the index there is a note on
missing items - any information would be welcome from your readers. Also
any corrections, with about 250 files there must be a few glitches and
Eiffel Pokal
Eiffel Pokal .. from our roving correspondent Janna Van Nest
F1A - 66 sportsmen
1. R Holzleitner AUT
2, D Schulz GER
3. B Van Ness USA
4. M van Dijk NED
5. A Rink GER
Number in Fly off
5 min - 23
7 min - 11
9 min - 5
F1B - 34 Sportsmen
1. O Kulakovsky UKR
2. A Andriukov USA
3. A Zeri NED
4. G Batiuk USA
5. J Sessums USA
Only 1 flyoff held early morning
F1C - 15 Sportsmen
1. Faust Parker USA
2. G Aringer GER [ AUT ?]
3. R Stabler GER
4. R Mc Burnett USA
5. H Stetz GER
No Fly off
We weren't on the field for F1B and F1C but I have never heard George so
disgusted before. The first few rounds were calm, about the 3rd round the
breeze picked up and brought high winds for the remaining rounds. The
models went through the corn field, stinging nettles, strawberry fields and
a village into trees. John Sessums spent all day locating his F1B, rented
a plane. He located the model and the tree climber arrived at dusk but it
was to dangerous to climb at in the dark. Hopefully he got it back the next
day. Steve Spence did not finish the last round in F1A because it took
him a few hours to retrieve the plane after the tree climber arrived.
The banquet was held on the field. they put up a tent with wooden floors
and side with a tarp canopy., very nice. The provided German music and
for some reason 3 belly dancers [Janna , you not need a reason to have
belly dancers]. They had them at the World Champs too.
A'gin Achterberg
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Reply to Mike Achterberg:
It is not appropriate to refer to the opinions of those who (cordially &
respectfully) disagree with you as "Negative grap."
Jim O'Reilly
For Achterberg
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Dear SCAT readers.
I quote.....
<< Hope to read some more positive comments in the future!! Life is to
short for all the negative grap; let us make our sport the foundation of
positive and progressive fellowship!
Michael Achterberg >>
Well said, Michael !!! What a breath of fresh air to hear this kind of
thinking put so
succinctly !!
Yours, In total agreement
Peter King
Wobbeking Airfoil and others
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The request for the Wobbeking Airfoil got me thinking.
Airfoil drawings, and coordinates would make an interesting additon to SCAT
E News. so if people can supply their favourite, with a few comments I am
sure we would all find it very interesting.
David Ackery
[David we would be pleased to publish, index and archive any
airfloils sent to us]
BOM etc.
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Reading the comments of Daniel regarding his previous message about the
BOM triggered an idea. Why don't we include the origin of the models in
the result list. Like the Formula 1 of NASCAR races always mention the
driver and make of the car. We can do the same f.e. Verbitsky, Stamov orx=
own design at least someone who has the courage to build his own models
get the credit he deserves.
Pim Ruyter
[ I like it ..]
San Diego Orbiteers Annual [FAI Events only]
This contest was part of a 3 club jamboree with the Orbiteers, Fresno
and Scamps [or was it the Scifs ?] with a whole bunch of events
and the resturant and Aerodyne hobby shop. Being chauvinistic
[actually I would print them if it didn't have to enter them] we
have only the results of the FAI Events.
F1A - 7 contestants - 3 in F.O.
1. Martyn Cowley
2. Hector Diez
3. Lee Hines
F1B - 10 contestants - 2 in F.O.
1. Norm Furutani
2. Larry Norval
3= Rich Rohrke
3= Bob Tymchek [should be Tymchouck or is Tymchook ?]
Norm clains that this is the only F1B contest he has won in the USA -
he has to be sand bagging some how.
F1C - 5 contestants - 3 in F.O.
1. Doug Joyce
2. Ken Happersett
3. Guy Menano
F1G - 8 contestants
1. Bob White
2. John Ferrar
3. Ken Koval
F1J - 5 contestants
1. Steve Moffatt
2. Norm Peterson
3. Del Adam
Thru a gross oversite the organizer did not include F1H on the event list
[isn't that the phrase I should use Martyn ?]
Great contest, excellent weather on Saturday, did not really hit 90,
hotter on Sunday but still OK til after the 7th round. Thane we sat
around in the shade solving the problems of the world and watching Bob
DeShields fly a bunch of AMA gas ships. How Bob can rocket around on
that bike and fly all that stuff with out getting a hair out of place
beats me. May be it has a clear coat of K&B Super Poxy on it. Later
it got cooler and the slight breeze dropped for the F1B flyoff and
Norm put in a picture perfect 7 minute F1B flight as the sun was setting.
and again we did appreciate the ice cream...
Roger Morrell