SCAT Electronic News 1 Sept 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1337
SCAT Electronic News 1 Sept 1999
Table of Contents
Questions from the Cloud
Bill Warner
F1C Flyers Ruminate
The Duke
FAI Invitational Results: Aug 28-29
New Field in the east!
Qualification Time
Questions from the Cloud
Bill Warner Question
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'm trying to find Bill Warner to find out if he has any more of his "Hey
Kid..." airplane series books for my son.
Can you get me his e-mail address, or point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance,
David Casazza
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Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please advise where in NSW or ACT I could purchase a mabuchi motor part
RF510 T.
I need one urgently, please reply as soon as possible
F1C Flyers Ruminate
Fw: SCAT Electronic News 31 Aug 1999
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Easy! Randy Weiler and Roger Simpson
Re: SCAT Electronic News 31 Aug 1999
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Roger, I know who the two "Rs" are. Do I get a prize? Also we better not
hold our breath waiting for F1C results. I suspect our reporters are tied up
in the festivities, and with good reason, it was a tough fight. Bob Gutai
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Keck 2
Parker 5
MacBurnett 36
Team USA 8
Via Blake Jensen to his brother Jensen to Brokenspar by phone about 11pm
[ We had Ed and Faust , we wanted the rest, like who won !
Probably a third of our readers are from outside the USA .. starting
before Aringer and going to after Zeri... so we like to publish the
whole picture. Anyway I wanted to know if Verbitsky used the "Reducktor"
and if he did, what the Negev did to the gears.
As our last report was being sent George Batiuk was coming back from
the fly off and knew how the US team did.. it probably the sign of a good
manager that he's so focussed on helping the US Team that he does not
know/remeber other placings. It looks like from Brokenspar's message that
the Assistant Team manger Blake is following in his leader's
foot steps. At that point the offical listing with the results was
not available.
What we [I] need to next time is get our [my] act together and
get a press officer [correspondent] just to do this for the
rest of the world not lucky [?] enought to be at the Champs.]
FIC Results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger - Please let us know winners of FIC in Israel if you know them. We
are anxious to know of Ed Keck's place. Tom
Re: SCAT Electronic News 31 Aug 1999
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I guess we will have to wait until Model Aviation prints the results next
February to find out who won F1C. Our electronic communication must have a
blown diode. The real reason is that everyone was in a big hurry to get a
shower and leave after the champs.
Re: SCAT Electronic News 31 Aug 1999
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Why does Weiler and Simpson just suddenly pop into my head? I hate this
unexplained phenomena stuff.
RE: SCAT Electronic News 31 Aug 1999
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Randy Weiler is the person in the combat section of the magazine that
flies F1A.
Terry Thorkildsen
[I guess we all know our buddies too well ! .. but how come
all these guys recognise Randy ? is Weiler really an
F1C guy at heart?]
FAI Invitational Results: Aug 28-29
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Chicago Aeronuts sponsored contest at Muncie was held along with their
Fall Oldtimers and annual Midwestern States AMA-events contest. The F1A,
F1B and F1C rounds were held on Sat, Aug 28 starting at 11:00. An overlap
of 1/2 hour was allowed for each round to allow time for chasing, timing or
repairs as well as flying in the Oldtimers events. That is, Round 1 was 11
- 1:30, Round 2 from 12 - 2:30.....etc. All maxes were 180 sec. The Saturday
weather was warm with L&V winds. Contestants were allowed to chose their
launch points so as to provide a landing on the field since it was
impractical to move the contest control. Even so, thermals were quite
strong and Paul Crowley had a model go over the river and through the woods
(literally) which he had to retreive the next day since it was hiding.
Because of Paul's situation, Bill Shailor showed sportsmanship and
friendship by agreeing to hold the flyoff on Sunday morning. Bill blew the
launch and Paul won!
1. Chuck Markos 180 180 180 180 180 68 180 1127
2. Bill Schlarb 129 139 180 95 131 69 140 883
3. Bob Sifleet 180 166 att
1. Paul Crowley 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 + 313 1573
2. Bill Shailor 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 + 245 1505
3. James Sessums 180 180 180 161 180 180 180 1241
4. Richard Wood 180 180 101 180 180 131 180 1132
5. Chris Matsuno 132 180 180 180 180 128 113 1093
6. Taylor Gunder (Jr) 180 164 180 115 180 100 148 1067
7. David Lacey 175 134 166 180 113 113 141 1022
8. Fred Blom 180 74 180 114 116 127 166 957
9. Bill Kozak 180 162 147 180
10. John Watters 11 173 119 134 66 7 41 551
11. Tom Ioerger 25 180 180
12. Julia Whitesides (Jr) 47 64
1. David Halliday 180 180 168 180 172 180 180 1240
2. Bob Sifleet 180 180 135 180 180 180 180
3. Norman Poti 180 125 180 158 180 180 180 1183
4. Bob Johannes 162 180 180 180 180 128 1010
The mini events were held on Sunday, Aug 29. The weather had changesd
somewhat as a cool front had come through the area at night but no rain had
fallen. The breeze was from the North all day, about 5-7 mph at 8:00 and
gradually freshening to about 15 mph by the end of the contest. The mini
events were not flown in rounds but the first five flights had to be
completed by 2:00 to allow time for the flyoffs. A poll of the three F1J
sportsmen indicated that they wanted to fly the 7-sec engine run and
3-minute max even though the launch site was about three minutes away from
the crops to the South of the field. As luck would have it they all
launched into a huge thermal within seconds of each other. Austin Gunder's
model was perfectly adjusted for climb and transition and was noticebly
higher than Gene Wicks or Keith Fulmer's models. All three were flying
"Maverick" type models with CF fuselages and no auto-surfaces. I would have
to say that Austin's model was the equal of any F1J that I had observed in
several contests throughout the USA. Only Austin made it back in time for
the second flyoff flight. His glide circle was quite wide and the model
luckily flew into some down air about 2 minutes into the flight and glided
in at 4 minutes. Gene's model was reportedly in the air for 7 minutes and
Keith for about 5 minutes. As a result, Austin was declared the winner even
though his sense of sportsmanship wouldn't allow him to take advantage of
the two who wern't back. In case you weren't aware of it Austin Gunder is a
JUNIOR! He later tried to improve on the record which he holds but fell
1. Tom Ioerger 120 120 120 91 120 571
2. George Clowes 120 120 87 120 120 567
3. Chris Matsuno 70 120 106 93 65 454
4. Ed Konefes 116 71 61 100 64 412
5. Richard Wood 109 22 131
1. Chuck Markos 120 120 120 120 120 600
2. Bob Sifleet 84 120 120 104 120 548
3. Bill Schlarb 120 120 67 40 120 467
4. Hank Sperzel 63 120 44 46 273
5. Rudy Kluiber 80 33 120 233
6. Chris Matsuno 79 79
1. Austin Gunder (Jr) 120 120 120 120 120 + 180 780
2. Keith Fulmer 120 120 120 120 120 + 180 780
3. Gene Wicks 120 120 120 120 120 +180 780
4. Steve Frazier 120 120 120 120 90 570
5. Jim Haught 120 65 120 120 104 529
6. Jason Poti (Jr) 65 108 103 93 79 448
7. James Whitesides (Jr) 25 25
New Field in the east!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger: We have a new field at Genesso, N.Y. It is about .8 to a mile
square, all mowed grass. We just concluded a three day contest there. Art
Ellis ran the America Cup, yours truly the AMA events. [seeArt's report] I
hope we can establish a long lasting relationship with the HAG
Group[Historical Aircraft Group]. We are looking forward to having a rebirth
of FF activity in the East.
Thermals to all
Brooks Goodnow for Western N.Y. Free Flight
Qualification Time
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To answer Hardy's question, only time scored at AMA sanctioned FAI
contests count toward the needed 75 Min. Finals qualification (pg 1 of
2001 Program). Foreign contests don't count. If you feel strongly about
it, best to discuss it with your Dist. Rep. (pg 6) so he can bring it up
to the Team Selection Committee for consideration in the next program.
- Gil Morris ?
Roger Morrell