SCAT Electronic News 22 Sept 1999
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SCAT Electronic News 22 Sept 1999
Table of Contents
F1C timekeeping - Iele
Patience - Gutai
More about the Vegas Comp - Hines
Whom will be contest director, MaxMen 2000? - Lane
Dynasty Cup - Phair
Al the Luddite - Furutani
SCAT Club Night Reminder
F1C timekeeping
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Trying to have a more "stadistical" basis for discussing F1C engine run
timekeeping problem, I am planning to run a test at the next selection
contest on October 9/11 in Buenos Aires.
I'll ask a representative batch of 10/12 timekeepers to time a number of
flights of Mr. Zito and myself.
Only engine run will be recorded.
Obviously, the objective of the test is to measure the degree of variability
between different timekeepers.
Results will be submitted to the list.
It would be helpful if the same test could be run at different
Daniel Iele
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, Good things come to those who wait. Thank you. One day, I might =
even figure out how this stupid computer works. Thanks again. Bob
[Bob's mail above is a reply to an earlier, un-printed message from Bob
asking if I had got or would publish his message about Verbitsky's
carbon. - Bob the reason I did not publish it was not
because you are a> an F1C flyer,
b> from the East Coast c> consorting with East Europeans, d> a
possible member of the International brotherhood etc .. [see below]
But rather because I had to get Eugene's e-mail address and include
it because not eveyone has it and I figured if 10 people all showed
for carbon tow etc ... When I prepare the material for publication
if I do it with the minimum of work it gets done very quickly -
if some reformatting or research is needed then it can take a day of so.
In this case I had to make a bunch of motors for the contest and
go there as well as doing some regular work. And while my friend
John Malkin is staying with me and doing maintence work on my trailer
and shop I do still make my own motors.]
More about the Vegas Comp
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
After you left Eldorado Dry Lake the great conditions remained thru the
end of the events. In F1G flyoff Jon Zeisloft beat Bob White(!) and
John Clapp. In F1H Martyn Cowley was again victorious, dropping only 1
sec in rd 5. In Catapult
glider, I am 2 for 2 now! This event is a lot of fun and I hope more
will try it soon. It is one of the four glider events in the NATS
Glider Championship, which might help the incentive to build a couple!
Regarding your comment on the air being so nice Sunday; since I was down
to one working F1A at the time, I was glad
it was fairly high performance so that I felt comfortable enuf to launch
in the mainly light, bouyant stuff and let the bird
go to work.
Later on, say noonish, stronger thermals built up, with the usual quick
switching turbulence associated with calm desert type air. That was
when most of us flew Cat Glider and the Coupe flyoff was held. Jon's
Coupe went OOS at about 6 min toward Vegas. Maybe it was headed home!
I left then, so don't know if he found it.
I want to say thanks again to the Zeislofts for another well run and fun
event, the yummie Prickly Pear Jelly given to all
and especially the ice water!
The only thing you might explain sometime, Roger, is the connection
between Seigfried and Roy, and Doug Joyce?!
Firstly is your catapult son or should I say grandson of Sweepette
or not so related ?
Secondly for the benefit of those who did not understand the S & R
and F1C ... this was a somewhat ironical commentary on F1C flying
in the Western USA.
I have been to every FAI event in Las Vegas, and the only F1C flyer
who has ever been is Doug Joyce ... Hence if you lived in Las Vegas
or there abouts the only F1C you would have seen would be Doug's -
a Canard of course. Now Siegfreid and Roy were chosen because they
are well known Las Vegas personalities - I could have mentioned
the well known builder of NASCAR engines who actually attended
the meet or Bill Northrop.. ditto but they do not have the glitz
of S & R. The reference to the F1C sportsperson's Union was a [snide ?]
aside at the rumored practice by some west coast F1C sportsmen of deciding
en bloc to to attend a meeting, supposedly so that those who attend
[usually Doug Joyce] get less America's points.
I do understand that one has the right to go to what contests one wishes.
That El Dorado Dry Lake can be dusty , but it has not been.
That it can be windy - which it was for part of one day but we
got our contest in in good conditions.
We [SCAT in this case] looked for contests on the West Coast that are not
at Lost Hills, Taft of Sacramento - so that America's Cup flyers in the
West can have a fair chance against those in the East. This contest is one
of them. But the western F1C flyers do not particpate - I assume to make
it easier for their buddies, Gutai, Keck, Mc Burnett, Spence, Parker et
al. ]
Whom will be contest director, MaxMen 2000?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Can you post the name and contact address of contest director for MaxMen 2000?
Can you confirm that Isaacson classic will be held the week before?
Robert Lane
[ I belive that the CD with be George Batiuk - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I also belive that Isaacson Winter Classic will be held the week before,
Norm ?]
Dynasty Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Dynasty Cup, a two-day Americas' Cup contest in i
Denver was held on September
18 and 19, 1999. Five rounds of Open Power, Open Rubber, and Open Glider were
flown on Saturday. The FAI mini-events were embedded in the Open events. Seven
rounds of F1A, B, and C were flown on Sunday.
Saturday was a glorious clear day
with temperatures ranging from 65F to 85F.
Sunday was more demanding with a very
low ceiling, and temperatures from 40F to 45F. Winds were light on both days.
Open Power, Open Rubber, and Open Glider are events for any class of free
flight model flown to FAI flight rules. The concept was borrowed from Reid
Simpson's Autumn Cup contest at Seguin to give our
local AMA flyers a taste of flying in rounds.
Your efforts with SCAT Electronic News are greatly appreciated.
Best Regards
Ken Phair
Dynasty Cup 1999
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOTAL
Pete McQuade 180 98 180 180 180 180 180 1178
Willard Smitz 0 0 0 0 82 92 89 263
Dave Saks 147 180 151 180 126 180 180 1144
Dick Wood 145 179 158 180 180 146 146 1134
Roger Maves 44 180 178 180 180 180 180 1122
Darold Jones 0 96 39 75 75 143 86 514
Temp, F 43 42 44 45 45
Wind, MPS 3.5 4.0 4.2 3.0 2.0
Dynasty Cup 1999
Model Class 1 2 3 4 5 Flt Time Total
Open Glider
Pete McQuade F1A 180 118 180 180 180 838 838
Ken Phair CLG 75 120 120 14 71 400 600
Willard Smitz F1H 59 120 54 80 48 361 542
Open Rubber
Ed Smull Unlimited 180 180 180 180 110 830 830
Dick Wood F1G 120 120 120 70 120 550 825
Roger Maves Unlimited 160 124 180 180 180 824 824
Dave Saks Unlimited 180 180 180 108 168 816 816
Bill Etherington Unlimited 180 171 180 94 85 710 710
Open Power
Art Hillis SOP 161 180 120 180 123 764 764
Bill Etherington Nostalgia 180 100 133 180 165 758 758
Chuck Etherington A Gas 180 180 141 156 11 668 668
Temp, F 72 83 81
Wind, MPS 1.5 1.5 1.5
Al the Luddite
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
>a number of people make copies for such luddites as Bob White,
>Al Hotard and Dough Joyce.
After seeing Bogart's definition of a Luddite, I'm not sure if Al Hotard
qualifies. I'm willing to bet in Al's mind, he thinks he's on the cutting
edge of technology. The problem is that Al is so old, he thinks a Gollywock
IS new technology!
Happy Birthday, Al whenever it may be!
-Norm Furutani
p.s. Somebody please pass this on to Al!
SCAT Club Night Reminder
SCAT members
Reminder - its the September Club night this Friday.
Roger Morrell