SCAT Electronic News 23 Sept 1999
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- Hits: 1388
SCAT Electronic News 23 Sept 1999
Table of Contents
Radio Rules - Bauer
F1C engine runs - Smith
No Swept Cat yet - Hines
Thanks from Siberia - Gutai
Timing is everything - Andresen
E-mail wipe out - Thorkildsen
Radio Rules
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have a question that perhaps someone in authority, or a contest director can
Now that I have my glider with radio DT flying well thanks to practicing at my
local schoolyard, I may want to fly it in one of the
upcoming October contests. If the model should happen to get in a very strong
afternoon thermal and is very high at say 2.5
minutes, I would like to push the button to DT it so as to aid in retrieval and
avoid extremely long chases. If I do this will I be
disqualified? What if I wait until 181 seconds, then push the button?
I've become aware that many people are very interested in using this system, an
d others have been doing this for awhile now, so
perhaps it is time for a rules clarification or adjustment.
Thanks, Ken
Ken Bauer
Airtek Engineering
Fax: 603-697-1065
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I'm no expert or authority but I do not believe but you can't do it with
F1A or F1B. So if you did it you could be disqualified.
Or does it not matter once the max had been attained ?
Someone like Ian Kaynes might like to comment. [ also can
someone persuade Pierre Chaussebourg or Sandy Pimenof to get on-line]
I think it is an interesting question as there is some opportunity for
dishonesty. Even with F1C I'm not sure how you verify that a> there
is not another Tx somewhere and that b> radio/'timer' only stops
the engine and/or d/ts the model and does make any other trim adjustment.
I know that I had been looking a using your device with my timers and
was considering putting it in a blister at the CG that would be removed for
offical flights. I also considered connecting the radio to the timer
via the programming input so it could be easily and obviously removed.
For an F1B it would be harder to squeeze the Rx inside the pylon.
I was looking at doing this because I am [as you are] known to be into
electronics and immediatlely suspect by the traditionalist so wanted
to be extra cleam with respect to the rules.
In fact while I might be always suspect of some kind of Black Magic
[sorry I could not resist that one] in reality any sportsman
could put conventional R/C equipment in an F1A or F1C and it
not be perceived with a casual inspection.
[...Readers excuse my professional paranoia, one of my proffesional
responsibilities is security in a world wide data network so
sometimes I look for the guys in the black hats everywhere,...
so being suspicious is nothing personal on my part.
Incidently I'm looking for a another computer/network security person
so if you know about that stuff and like Southern California let
me know]
F1C engine runs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phil Smith
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I tried your experiment about a year ago, I got five people (all current
FAI flyers) to time a test flight engine run. The results were somewhat
startling with a spead of nearly 1/2 second and no two the same. Maybe we
should be putting more effort into who times us, than what we fly !!!!
Don't you just love the "human element" in F/F
No Swept Cat yet
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rog; My Cat. Gliders are NOT Sweepettes. To get swiftly into the ballgame
I am flying a kit
glider by Stan Buddenbohm, called "Coppercat". I have 2 copies, each with
popup wing DTs,
which Stan uses and helped me set up accurately in his secret Skunkworks shop.
His address is: 5652 Meinhardt Rd, Westminister, CA, 92683-2423
I do intend to whip up a Catapult version Sweepette in the near future ---
stay tuned.
Ciao, LEE
Thanks from Siberia
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, It's okay, just send me to Siberia for the below mentioned crimes.
For sure I'll have a lot of company. Also, thank you, California F1C flyers,
for your thoughtfulness. Your help is really appreciated. If there is
anything else you can do for us, we will love it!!!!! Roger, keep up the
good work, the page is very enjoyable. Bob
Timing is everything
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I applaud the timekeeping check and hope the results are published.
Have several comments that I hope are constructive.
At SWR we would often have backup engine only timers. Some contestants and
timers got bent out of shape by this for a totally unknown reason. With 3
timers on Randy Archers last flyoff we got 4.78 sec on every watch! This
was the only engine running and all timers were in close proximity to the
launch point.
Timing from the official table, several hundred feet away can add several
tenths of a second to the motor run.
When someone throws the model there is an anticipation that can cut a few
tenths compared with a simple release.
A major problem exists when multiple engines are running and it is hoped
that this situation is addressed also.
Have never been able to find an AMA or FAI definition of engine run. If by
sound there is a 0.5 sec penalty due to speed of sound. Going off the bunt
penalizes team USA who coast after the run. Going by smoke depends on
engine shutoff proceedure.
Good luck on the experiment and I look foreward to the results.
Barb thought I should miss the meeting in favor of seeing son Erik tie the
knot. If nominated I will not run; if elected I will not serve.
E-mail wipe out
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger, 9/23/99
My E mail was down for about 1.5 weeks. I really enjoy the electronic
scat news and wondered if there is a site I can visit or anyway to get
the issues between Sept 11 and Sept 19th?
Terry Thorkildsen
All of this is available at the SCAT web site
then yoy will see a section "editorial and latest news"
click on that link and you will see all of SEN in Date order with the
latest at the top]
Roger Morrell