SCAT Electronic News 28 Jan 1998
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SCAT Electronic News 28 Jan 1998
America's Cup Banquet
From Jim Parker
As of 98/1/27 I have recieved 55 paid resevations and 15 unpaid (mostly
foreign) reservations. This is on track for another record breaking turn out.
For those skilled in this cyber stuff I offer ee:mail banquet reservation!
Just ee:mail me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the number of resevations
you wish by FEB. 9, 1998. Please pay the 15 dollars CASH per
banquet ticket to me on the field, Friday or Saturday Feb. 13 / 14) and get
your ticket. After Feb 9, the banquet cost is 18 dollars.
Thanks to those who sent in their reservations the old fashion way. Next
year I'll make this offer on the notification flyer.
See you at Lost Hills.
Jim Parker
US Team Selection
Those in the 'program*' should have just received from the AMA [or be
just about to] .. the information bulletin from the new Team Selection
Commitee chairman, Bob Waterman. The dates for the 'finals' is 16 thru 19
September at Palm Bay in Florida. The CD will be F1A flyer Jim Juhl.
Gary Baughman is the F1A Director, Walt Rozelle the F1B, and Phil
Bayly the F1C.
Bob reports [and I have had reports from other sources too] that the
Florida Modellers Association and other locals including Jim Bradley the
area 5 rep have spent much time mowing and clearing the site. The site is
in much better shape that it was four years ago when the finals were last
held there.
* The 'program' is the US FF Team Selection Program. This is
administered by the AMA and the rules set by the progran participants and
Team Selection commitee. To get on the US Team for the 1999 World
Champs in Israel, you must -
Firstly - Sign up with the program through the AMA Competitions
Then qualify for the Finals - By Accumulating 4500 seconds air time in
your class in AMA sanctioned contests.
Then place in the top 3 in the Finals to be held in Palm Bay, FL as
mentioned above.
Note this is is just a summary of the program for those who are not familar
with it. You will get details when you sign up with the AMA Competition
Upcoming Events Reminder
7-8 Feb Isaacson Winter Classic at Lost Hills
13-16 Feb Max Men 14 Rounder World Cup, America's Cup at Lost Hills
13 Feb Electronic Timer seminar at Lost Hills School 6:30 pm.
14 Feb America's Cup Banquet - Wasco [near Lost Hills] - see above.
20 Feb SCAT Club night - Orange County
14-15 March SCAT Annual Americas Cup Contest - Lost Hills
Roger Morrell