SCAT Electronic News 24 April 1998
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News and Reports 1998
SCAT Electronic News 24 April 1998
Australian FF Champs FAI Events
Stamov, V. 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290
Morgan, V. 164 180 180 180 180 180 180 1244
Lewis, B. 210 180 129 180 180 180 180 1239
de Visser,P. 210 180 110 180 180 180 180 1220
Findahl, P. 150 140 180 180 180 180 180 1190
Mitchell,P. 168 107 180 180 180 99 180 1094
Nuttgens, A. 189 115 180 108 180 180 128 1080
Lacy, V. 171 86 180 180 180 51 180 1028
Thomas, J. 81 180 75 180 180 131 180 1007
Scott, P. 154 142 86 180 59 126 41 788
Campbell, M 137 59 60 180 180 55 58 729
Blackam, R. 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 210
Niec, A. 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 210
Richards Smith, 144 33 0 0 0 0 0 177
Verbitsky,E. 240 180 146 170 180 180 180 1276
Fletcher,J. 240 137 180 180 172 180 180 1269
Zengeller,G. 240 127 180 180 180 180 180 1267
Thomas,D. 240 180 180 175 129 180 180 1264
Nash,P. 181 176 180 167 180 180 180 1244
Summersby,R. 237 172 180 180 142 180 145 1236
East,B. 80 135 180 180 180 180 180 1115
Zeri,A. 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300
Blackam,R. 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 258
Morgan,L. 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 154
Lacy,D. 210 180 180 180 153 180 180 1263
Gordon,W. 210 180 180 152 178 180 180 1260
Blackam,D. 210 180 144 180 180 180 180 1254
Brush,A. 210 180 180 180 180 139 161 1230
Bond,T. 124 180 180 148 180 180 180 1172
Baynes,G. 210 66 180 93 163 0 0 712
Thomas,A. 191 180 119 0 0 0 0 490
Lewis,J. 210 156 101 0 0 0 0 467
Maynard,G. 0 0 180 0 180 73 0 433
Montes,S. 128 166 67 0 0 0 0 361
Edwards,A. 64 92 0 0 0 0 0 156
Brownlow,L. 22 46 0 0 0 0 0 68
Summersby,R. 120 120 120 120 120 600
Scott,P. 119 120 120 120 120 599
Somers,C. 111 82 120 120 119 552
Lewis,J. 120 120 120 120 53 533
Nash,P. 120 120 120 120 0 480
Slattery,J. 117 73 76 74 120 460
Car,G. 71 0 0 0 0 71
Wright,P. 57 0 0 0 0 57
Blackam,R. 120 120 120 120 120 600 180
deVisser,P. 120 120 120 120 120 600 126
Taylor,B. 120 120 120 120 120 600 80
Bond,T. 90 120 120 120 118 568
Gordon,W. 103 110 109 120 120 562
Baynes,Ge. 65 120 120 120 0 425
Brownlow,L. 114 97 30 44 0 285
Carney,B. 109 98 76 0 0 283
Richards Smith,V 45 60 0 0 0 105
Findahl,P. 120 120 120 120 120 600 180 92
Morgan,V. 120 120 120 120 120 600 180 72
Stamov,V. 120 120 120 120 120 600 92
Mitchell,P. 120 120 120 101 64 525
Richards Smith,V 109 120 68 65 93 455
Hill,S. 99 118 51 59 120 447
deVisser,P. 95 79 120 120 0 414
Thomas,J. 75 120 78 59 64 396
Baynes,Gl. 99 120 66 88 0 373
Somers,C. 120 80 33 107 0 340
Taylor,B. 120 85 120 0 0 325
Slattery,D. 120 114 38 14 0 286
Lewis,J. 117 54 0 0 0 171
Lewis,B. 72 42 0 0 0 114
From Fred Terzian
Just wanted to pass on some info for the SCAT website.
Reminder that the NorCal contest is coming up on the first weekend in
May. Full size FAI events on Saturday, mini-events on Sunday. All will
have one hour rounds starting at 8 a.m. Bill Vanderbeek guarantees
excellent flying weather this year! If you believe that, he's got a
large parcel of land near Lost Hills that he's willing to sell, CHEAP!
NFFS President Bob Stalick is planning to attend plus Dan Sobala will be
on hand for the one-design 1/2A GEEF event (which he designed). It's
shaping up to be a very good turnout so if any out of towners, out of
staters and out of country people are planning a business trip or
vacation, they should come join the flying at Waegell Field near
Sacramento. Check out Don Vetter's FF site for more details on the
Please note that Arlene Hannah will NOT be running the food
concession this year. If there isn't a roach coach, then it's every
person for themselves. There are some fast food outlets about 6 miles
north on Sunrise Blvd.
Louis Joyner's Free Flight Duration column in the May 1998 issue of
Model Aviation mentioned availability of the British Free Flight Forum
for 1997. NFFS Publications (me) has about 20 copies and they are
available for $20 postpaid for NFFS members or $24 postpaid for
non-NFFS members. If there are any left, I will bring them along with the
1996 issue (same price) to the NorCal contest.
Locally (in Cupertino), I have discovered an individual who repairs and
services Honda MiniTrail 50's, Trail 70's, Trail 90's and 110's for very
reasonable prices. He also has sold those types of Trail bikes through
local newspaper ads. Anyone that is interested can email me their
questions. Fred T.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deutsche Optik Products
From Fred Pearce
Fred says that the Deutsche Optik Products of San Diego have a deal on 7
X 50 Steiner Binoculars with compass. These are top quality . The
company's web page at
says the following :
IDF Forward Observation Binoculars, assorted (Steiner, special issue)
Steiner-Optik was founded at the end of WWII when its founder and
namesake left Carl Zeiss-Jena to set up a high quality optical shop under
his own name. Since that time, Steiner has grown steadily and today is a
significant part of the high-end optical market in the USA. However,
Steiner's greatest success has been in supplying optics to advanced
military forces around the world. While the optical quality of Steiner
military binoculars is excellent, their success in securing military contacts
has been exceptional.
We've just received a quantity of special issue Military-Marine Steiner
binoculars made exclusively for the Israel Defense Force (IDF).
Somewhat easier to service than normal Steiners, these glasses include all
the usual Steiner quality: full rubber armor with integrated lens covers,
individual focusing diopters, multi-coated optics, and rugged porro prism
design. IDF markings on the hinge serve as a reminder of previous
campaigns, and our full reconditioning of these units have made them now
ready for a new life with you. Available in 8 x 30 BGA (Price $149),
7 x 50 BGA (price $199) and 7 x 50 BGA with integrated compass and
extra-long eye relief (Price $299).
According to Fred these last ones with the extra long eye relief , for those
who wear glasses and the compass are great for FAI Flyers. I think that the
regular price is at least $700. For those truely positively inclined the IDF
origin is maybe a good omen for the up coming World Champs !
I noted that also have some 12 X 80 Tripod mounted ex WW2 anti
-aircraft binoculars that would be just right for the time keepers on Randy
Weiler's next and last attempt to win the $1000 prize at the Black Sheep
Contest. Last attempt because the contest flyer says this is the last time
they're going to do this. [Also I don't think that even Randy's power's of
salemanship can convince Martyn or Norm to time for him much more.]
These glasses have the eye piece angled at 45 degrees to see the model
high in the sky with out getting a crick in the neck. Randy, maybe they
would be better of the Walt Ghio / Dick Meyers team ?
I think the 800 number is 800 225 9407.
That Motor again
Inspite of being pushed of the front page by the F1B Wall Street Journal
article here is a small item about The prop on the geared F1C from John
Bill G. ( not Gates ) in answer to your query about prop
pitch he said his propellor is 325mm in diameter and 300mm in pitch.
He did say that this was just a starting point, so I would imagine
that he will go on from there.
It seems to me from the reports that the pitch is not correct, may be too low
as the model had great initial acceleration that faded. No doubt Evgeny
will be trying other prop combinations.
Roger Morrell