SCAT Electronic News May 21 1998
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SCAT Electronic News May 21 1998
World Cup Results from FAI Web Page
FAI Free Flight World Cup 1998 Class F1A
Last update: 3 May 1998
1 Viktor Stamov UKR 153 MM- 1 KC- 1 AU- 1 AC- 1 OM- 2
2 Per Findahl SWE 123 HL- 2 KC- 2 AU- 2 OM- 3 AC- 5 BC-10
3 Vin Morgan AUS 74 AC- 2 AU- 8 KC- 8 OM- 9
4 Ansgar Nuttgens GER 67 AU- 3 KC- 6 AC- 7 OM- 7
5 Antony Koerbin NZL 67 OM- 1 KC- 9
6 Lars Hafner SWE 65 BC- 1 HL-12
7 Gerhard Aringer AUT 52 HL- 1
8 Kimmo Kulmakko FIN 50 MM- 8 HL- 8 BC-12
9 Brian Van Nest USA 47 KC- 5 OM-10 MM-15
10 Pieter de Visser AUS 43 AC- 4 KC- 7
11 Javier Abad ESP 42 MM- 2
12 Kari Tuisku FIN 41 BC- 2
13 Phil Mitchell AUS 39 OM- 5 AC- 6
14 Stew Cox NZL 34 OM- 6 KC-10
15 Tommi Isotalo FIN 33 HL- 9 BC- 9
16 Anca Somers BEL 32 MM- 3
17 Stefan Rumpp GER 32 HL- 3
18 Jeremy Woolley AUS 32 AU- 6 KC-12
19 Martin Tarnroth SWE 31 BC- 3
20 Phil Crump NZL 31 KC- 3
21 Ben Lewis AUS 30 AC- 3
22 Matt Gewain USA 27 MM- 4
23 Mikael Holmbom SWE 27 HL- 4
24 Heikki Tahkapaa FIN 26 BC- 4
25 Bill McGarvery NZL 25 KC- 4
25 Andrew Niec AUS 25 OM- 4
27 V Lacy AUS 25 AU- 4
28 Randy Weiler USA 22 MM- 5
29 Matti Lihtamo FIN 22 HL- 5
30 Tony Van Eldik NED 21 MM- 6
31 Jari Valo FIN 21 HL- 6
32 Esa Lamberg FIN 21 BC- 5
33 Fritz Wilkening GER 20 MM- 7
34 Vesa Varuskivi FIN 20 HL- 7
35 Jyri Tahka FIN 20 BC- 6
36 V Thomas AUS 20 AU- 5
37 Jukka Pakarinen FIN 19 BC- 6
38 Tom Coussens USA 18 MM- 9
39 P Scott AUS 18 AU- 7
40 Jim Bradley USA 17 MM-10
41 Pakka Ronkanen FIN 17 BC-13 HL-21
42 Jukka Sillgren FIN 17 BC- 8
43 Paul Lagan NZL 17 OM- 8
FAI Free Flight World Cup 1998 Class F1B
Last update: 3 May 1998
1 Anselmo Zeri NED 153 AC- 1 KC- 1 OM- 1
2 Richard Blackam AUS 118 AU- 1 AC- 2 KC- 4 OM- 4
3 Leigh Morgan AUS 102 AU- 2 AC- 3 KC- 3
4 Allen Brush USA 83 MM- 2 KC- 6 AC- 7
5 Don Blackam AUS 81 OM- 2 KC- 5 AC- 6
6 Yrjo Waltonen FIN 68 BC- 1 HL-10
7 John Malkin NZL 59 KC- 2 OM- 7
8 Dave Lacy AUS 56 AU- 3 AC- 4
9 Vladislav Andriukov(J)UKR 55 MM- 1
10 Roger Morrell USA 54 OM- 3 KC- 8 MM-22
11 Bror Eimar SWE 53 HL- 1
12 Viktors Rosonoks LAT 43 HL- 2
13 Alexsander Shelepov RUS 41 BC- 2
14 William Gordon AUS 39 AC- 5 KC- 7
15 Tapio Linkosalo FIN 37 BC- 6 HL- 9
16 Harald Meusburger AUT 35 MM- 3
17 Russell Peers GBR 35 MM- 9 HL-12
18 Alexander Andriukov UKR 33 HL- 3
19 Ari Kutvonen FIN 31 BC- 3
20 Jan Somers NED 30 MM- 4
21 Mario Lovato ITA 28 HL- 4
22 Larry Norval USA 25 MM- 5
23 Hakan Broberg SWE 25 BC- 7 HL-19
24 Riku Posa FIN 25 BC- 4
25 Merv Buckmaster AUS 25 AU- 4
26 Jerry Mcglashen CAN 24 MM- 6
27 Stephan Stefanchuk UKR 23 HL- 5
28 Herb Sessums USA 22 MM- 7
29 Alexei Bukin UKR 22 HL- 6
30 Hugo Benedini ARG 21 MM- 8
31 Antonio Sanavio ITA 21 HL- 7
32 John Clapp USA 21 OM- 5
33 Dave Ackery NZL 20 OM- 6
34 Maxim Solodov RUS 20 BC- 5
35 B Pudney AUS 20 AU- 5
36 Gene Jensen USA 19 MM-10
37 Gunnars Purins LAT 19 HL- 8
38 P Twiss AUS 19 AU- 6
39 Bill Cushenbery USA 18 MM-11
40 Mike Woolner GBR 17 MM-12
FAI Free Flight World Cup 1998 Class F1C
Last update: 3 May 1998
1 Eugeny Verbitsky UKR 153 AU- 1 AC- 1 KC- 1 OM- 2 MM- 7
2 Jon Fletcher AUS 113 AC- 2 KC- 2 OM- 3
3 David Thomas AUS 96 AU- 2 KC- 3 AC- 4 OM- 4
4 Phil Smith NZL 77 OM- 1 KC- 4
5 Jyri Roots EST 75 BC- 1 HL- 4
6 Ed Keck USA 55 MM- 1
7 Reinhardt Truppe AUT 51 HL- 1
8 Roger Simpson USA 45 MM- 2
9 John Cuthbert GBR 41 HL- 2
10 David Halliday USA 35 MM- 3
11 Andreas Lindner GER 30 HL- 3
11 Gabor Zsengeller HUN 30 AC- 3
13 R Summersby AUS 30 AU- 3
14 Peter Watson GBR 29 MM- 4
15 Terry Kerger USA 24 MM- 5
16 Bob Gutai USA 23 MM- 6
17 Ken Oliver USA 21 MM- 8
18 Nik Wood NZL 20 KC- 5
19 Frank Schlachta CAN 19 MM- 9
20 Gerard Aringer GER 18 MM-10
21 Henry Spence USA 17 MM-11
22 R McBurnette USA 16 MM-12
23 Gill Morris USA 15 MM-13
24 Hardy Brodersen USA 13 MM-14
Looks like Stamov, Zeri and Verbitsky profited well from their travels
Down Under. To edge them out a win in a big contest like the Von Hafe
Cup in Portugal [close to the Euro Champs] will be a must.
Electronic Timers .. encore
I do have some more material on this but decided that we could with a
break on this subject. So it is being held over for another issue.
Simple is good
Many great things have a certain simplicity that leads to elegance and
greatness. With all the talk about rules, look at the F1A rules , who ever
did that did an excellent job. The rules have remained basically
unchanged since the 1940s [or maybe even before that ?], they have
suvived clockwork timers, electronic timers, composite structures, nylon
line, kevlar line, zooming, bunting, circle tow.. Still after all that winning a
F1A contest or even maxing out is no gimme. I watch Don Zink and Lee
Hines with their Big Als going almost 5 minutes in the early morning air. I
see Victor Stamov give a perfect launch into a killer bunt. I see Martyn
Cowley walk around the field with his airplane behind him like he was
walking a dog. I see Matt Gewain working on the latest in structures or
electronics. I see Stefan Rumpp with his long arms and and legs looking
like he is reaching into the thermal. Brian Van Nest and Gerhard Aringer
are charging after the lift, and from right across the other side of the field I
can even see Randy Weiler's game face. But many times all those experts
with their beautiful models employing the latest technology are still only a
little ways in front of the beginners with their Czechmates when it comes
to getting that magic Max. Most times that little ways is enough. But the
rules are such they only have the slightest margin for error and often we
make that error. The rules for this event are not complicated, there are no
'ifs' or 'buts' they're simple and that's why they are so good.
Heavy Industrial Espionage
... was of no avail to find out the preparations in the Weiler Camp for
the [last] Black Sheep $1000 Shoot out. However we have gleaned that
the many time US F1A team member has changed his approach and started
a glow engine for the first time in 20 years.
In the Press
In the latest Aeromodeller a very good article by Mike Woodhouse on
molding F1B props.
Rubber Rumors
FAI Model Supply has just got the May Tan 2 from the factory. Initial
reports are very promising, possibly better than February 98. Actually in
credit to John Clapp the October 97 , Dec 97, Feb 98 and now May 98 all
seem to be of excellent quality so there is not really any excuse for not
having some of the good stuff for your F1B.
Alberto Dona of Hobby Club reports ..
Torque: 8.4 oz/in
Speed: 0.09 sec/60 degree
Voltage: 4.8V (4 cells only)
Weight: 5.8 grs
Size: 0.82 x 0.44 x 0.87 in.
Connector compatible with: Futaba, JR, Hitec or Sanwa-Airtronics
(reversing wires sequence)
INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL USD$39.95 (First 20 customers)
Web Site:
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: (714) 498-5377
Fax: (714) 498-5340
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Looking for Vintage F1A Plans
Brian Van Nest is looking for vintage F1A plans for gliders first flown
before 1 Jan 1951 so he can build for the special event to be held at the
Labor Day FF Champs.
Roger Morrell