SEN 97-21 - 17 Oct 1997
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News and Reports - 1997 Issue 97-21
SCAT Electronic News - F1H Rules 17 October 1997
Information on the F1H,
from Martyn Cowley - the man to beat in F1H.
Perhaps you could help me circulate this
From: Cowley on Tue, Oct 7, 1997 1:07 PM
Subject: F1H Rules ?
To: Kaynes, Ian
This weekend, I saw a loose-leaf print-out (presumably from a
computer web-site), of the 1997 FAI Free Flight Rules (I have yet to see
a hard-bound '97 rule book?). **
The F1H rules appear to be incorrect, as I understand them, in
requiring 30 second fly-off increments. This is inconsistent with the
'97 published rules for F1G / F1J with (the correct) 1 minute increment
Were the F1H rules deliberately changed, or is this surely the
remnants of the rule that was once in force, but which has not been
correctly updated ?
The only rule change that was announced, for the Mini FAI classes,
was the removal of the infamous Builder-of-the-Model requirement.
For your interest, the last cycle FAI rule book (green) also had an
error in the F1H rules, in that the published minimum weight was 212 gms
(instead of 220 gms). When I met him at Lost Hills, I drew this to
Sandy's attention, and asked him what the correct ruling would be
regarding such a "published rule". Sandy replied in style, and without
hesitation, "Martyn, it is not the printer of the rule book who decides
the rules, but the minutes of the CIAM meeting" with that he
personally corrected my copy of the rules, and signed and dated it, for
the clarification of any contest director I should happen to meet.
So, perhaps you could help me by clarifying the question of the F1H
fly-off rules if possible, in time for this Sunday's Livotto
International at Lost Hills.
and now Ian Kaynes' Reply ..
From: Ian Kaynes on Thu, Oct 16, 1997 1:04 PM
Subject: F1H Rules ?
To: Cowley
Thanks for pointing out the error in the F1H rules. For all the
cross-checking and proof reading I did, that one has slipped through. It
was correct in the previous issue for all classes and in the new issue it
is incorrect only for F1H. I have asked the CIAM Tech Secretary to
organise an amendment.
I am sorry that I was not able to reply in time to be useful for the
Livotto comp.
The FAI Web Site has the rule book in MS Word format. I got a printed
but unbound copy from the AMA Competition Department, that I assumed
was part of the FF WC Team package. It had been reformatted slightly to
fit 8 1/2 X 11 paper instead of the A4 of the original document. I do not
believe that there is a offical printed copy.
This does raise an point as to what is the offical rules [obviously the one
on the Web Site as derived fromn the CIAM Minutes..] but it would be
easy for someone to print one out with some 'local' modification.
Roger Morrell