Response to SEN 97-18 - 6 Oct 1997
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News and Reports - 1997
Response to SEN 97-18 of 6 October 1997
Sierra Cup-The nordic cafe
Rocket writes from the Sierra Cup's Nordic cafe.
Wow! What a contest! With weather only the thermal gods could
provide and organization the Sierra Eagles have perfected in over
twenty years, one could only ask for a little more sunscreen or an
extra pair of legs.
Friday was a wonderful mini contest with Crawly taking F-1H. it
was nice to see the two juniors flying, even if they where disqualified.
It seems they where flying the same glider. ( Who the heck
protested anyway? )
Big day(F-1A)
As usual the morning drift required a move to the alternate flight line
at the top of the hill. This was a wonderful place to fly from with at
least twenty seconds of extra height, a gentle slope that faces the
early morning sun upwind, and down wind a long view that is perfect
for chasing on foot. The first few rounds where about taking turns
from the vary top of the hill. Being one of the first to the new flight
line I was able to spend some time feeling the air and noted an
apparent lift cycle of eight to ten minutes. For my self it was only a
matter of waiting for the lull, circling two or three times , then a nice
easy zoom!
If only it had remained that easy. Do to a sun soaked wing ( and
brain? ) I did not do that well for the remainder of the contest. At the
end of seven rounds the only three clean were Hector Diez, Jim
Parker, and Fred Turzian. The five minute round was an easy max
for all three with vary strong thermals forming. In the seven minute
round Hector launched almost immediately ," surprise Parker..." ;
he dropped the round.
It was now time for the nine minute round, a window of ten minutes
for the "Mono el Mono". Fred in his first F1-A fly off "in a life time"
and previous US team member Jim sporting a carbon fiber knee
brace and one heck of a limp. Fred had mentioned that his strategy
of the day was to both stay clear of the other sportsmen and pick his
own air. Jim's plan for this last round became apparent as he waited
until Fred towed to the top of a hill and then moved into the piggy
back position. Fred waited some time into the ten minute window,
then with a wonderful bunt was on his way. Jim having drifted down
wind perhaps more than he should have and also underestimating
the height gain of Fred's hill , was going to have a tough time
reaching his height. But in the usual Parker fashion, knee brace and
all, he raced half way up the hill and kicked out a killer bunt. A short
time into the flight it became apparent that Fred's model was sinking
faster than Jim's slowly circling Nordic. While some were
congratulating Jim before the official times were posted, he was not
so sure he had won and said that it was actually vary close; it was
only twelve seconds close.
congratulations to:
1st-Jim Parker
2nd-Fred Terzian
3rd-Hector Diez
and to the rest of the F1-A sportsmen.
Oh. Where did I finish you ask? LAST PLACE !
Rocket at the 21st annual Sierra Cup.