SEN 2951 - F1Q & Electric Free Flight – counting it Lost Hills Flash Other devices do ATS (Altimeter-Time-Signature) too
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- Category: Archive 2022
- Hits: 1015
SEN 2951
1. F1Q & Electric Free Flight – counting it
2. Lost Hills Flash
3. Other devices do ATS (Altimeter-Time-Signature) too
F1Q & Electric Free Flight – counting it.
from Andreas Lindner - from FaceBook
Hello all,
the new season starts in a few weeks. As announced end of last year I will try to help to coordinate to fulfil the requirements for F1Q to the World Championship status.
Remember, it’s necessary to fulfil these requirements: The rules must have been used in at least five international contests, or three World Cup contests, each with a minimum of six FAI member countries participating. At least two contests must be held in each of the two years with a total of at least 60 competitors in each year. All the contests must be registered on the FAI Sporting Calendar. (see here: FAI sporting code, section 4, chapter C.14.1). The requirement should be reached also with 4 competitions with a minimum number of 15 participants from at least six nations. The last point will be the difficulty. So we must try to coordinate this.
That any of you can see who will participate at which World Cup event I have create a Doodle survey. Here is the link:
There are only these events which have from the experience of the last years the best potential to meet the requirements. Please give your vote for your preferred participation, so that all other can see how many participants will be at the event.
Wish you a successful season 2022!
Andreas Lindner
Lost Hills Flash
Sky is blue, wind is low, there is green fuzz (Grass!) on the ground.
First world complaint section
The early morning wind is so low I can’t run fast enough to to launch my early morning LDA Flapper thing.
I can’t get new FAI ID to stick to the fancy non-smooth top surface of my black, almost slinky, carbon model.
Off the field competition for 2022
Fab Feb at Lost Hills has a number of non-flying competitions. One of the first, attributed I think to Mike Fantham or Chris Edge is to order breakfast at Denny’s without the waitress having to ask a question. For example if you order eggs, the waitress will ask – how do you want then done ,you say scrambled, then you will be asked firm or soft, ….
This year there is the new rule about the FAI ID on the wing that says it has to be 25mm high. But it does not say what font or how wide. So the challenge is to fit it into a 25mm square , 25mm high is Ok, but to fit the 3 character country code plus the 6 digits of the number into 25 mm wide requires careful selection of font and calligraphy tool.
First Winners ?
It looks like Artem Babenko was the first International arrival ? or was it Jama ? and what is first at the hotel or in the air or on FaceBook.
And the Brian and Janna Van Nest the first “locals” ?
Other devices do ATS (Altimeter-Time-Signature) too
From: Sergey Makarov
Available devices for 'Electronic Evidence of Flight Time for Fly-offs'.
Dear Walt, that is not full information, not only All-Tee. MTK9 electronic timer has build in very useful ATS function for this (Altimeter-Time-Signature), absolutely consistent with F1.2.7 of FAI Sporting Code.
Sergey Makarov.