SEN 2514 - From Q to Fab Feb Fuel via building and blogging
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- Category: Archive 2018
- Hits: 1692
Table of Contents SEN 2514
From Q to Fab Feb Fuel via building and blogging
- Active Adult Community
- Are are waiting ?
- Facebook and Blogs
- More on Q hardware
- Fab Feb Fuel
- Ballot link for NFFS West VP
Active Adult Community
From: Roger Willis
I believe the "right demographics " for growing new builders and flyers should be focused on the Active Adult Communities all over America. We have put together a "How To" booklet on how to do this and we have taught over 10 classes at Active adult Communities using the craft rooms of the Community to teach a class on how to build a rubber powered model to flight- trim the model you build and how to fly the model in competitive contests. Everyone in the class builds the same model and they learn all the basic building skills.We have been approved by AMA and have received funding grants from their TAG Program [ Take Off and Grow ] to help defer some of the expenses. I believe at last count, we have added about 70 new free flight builders and flyers to AMA and the FLYING ACES. We are currently teaching a new class at the OASIS Community in Menifee California. You are welcome to sit-in and watch this process.
The Active Adult Community seems perfect for this approach i.e. these folks have the time, patients and money and many of them have built models when they were kids. If you have an Active Adult Community in your neighborhood and you enjoy teaching folks how to build and fly, just give me a shout This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I will be happy to send you the how-to booklet and get you started.
Roger Willis
Are are waiting ?
From: Gavin Manion
Wings for F1Q,
Klaus said it. It has all gone terribly wrong if waiting for "commercially available" is what our hobby has become.
Facebook and Blogs
From: Bernhard Schwendemann
Thermiksense: Facebook and Blogs
Following the remarks in the latest SEN about free flight in the internet and especially on Facebook.
You can find our German Free Flight Magazine Thermiksense in Facebook, too. There is usually not many information, but you will be up-dated, if there is new information available on the website
And most international championships you can follow by the blogs on our website.
You see, you can find free flight and championships in the web.
Of course – would be even better, if you would find more.
Best regards
Bernhard Schwendemann
More on Q hardware
From: Aram Schlosberg
Klaus Salzer is correct about also using old B wings on Q models. In fact, I happen to fly such a model with a direct driven prop for 3+ years. (It’s technical parameters were posted on FB.) But the model usually places behind geared and/or larger Q models because they are MORE efficient.
Most of the construction work on a Q model using hand-me-down wings and stabs is on it’s motor tube and pylon. One has to fit the motor (and gear) a controller, an e-timer, a RDT, a (self powered) beacon or GPS unit, a servo to operate auto surfaces, an EL and the main battery of course - onto a tight motor tube and pylon.
A folding prop requires a stop that comes in two flavors - a bird beak tethered to a line from the servo (like the system used by Vivchar on B models) or a pin that is shoved into a plate behind the spinner. Creating a reliable prop stop requires machining and experimentation.
So the availability of suitable off-the-shelf Q fuselage units will certainly swell Q’s ranks. And Q models are cheapest by far. ///
Fab Feb Fuel
From: Mike Roberts
If you are a FAI Power flyer coming to the Fab Feb contests and need fuel. Please let me know before January 15, 2019 at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you need F1 J fuel, be sure to let me know the nitro content you want. Be sure to bring your Js so we can make the Gs and Hs nervous.
Mike Roberts
Ballot link for NFFS West VP
From: Don DeLoach
Vote only if you are a NFFS member living in Alaska, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Montana, Washington, California, Nevada, Hawaii or Oregon. DEADLINE: 12/31/18, midnight MST.
Don DeLoach
NFFS Digest
P.S. CLUB LEADERS: Please distribute to your lists.