SEN 2711 - Lost Hills Alert - SCAT Annual Date Change

SEN 2711

Lost Hills Alert - SCAT Annual Date Change


2020 SCAT Annual is being postponed

From :James Parker, Contest Director

2020 SCAT Annual at Lost Hills is being postponed from this weekend (Mar. 14-15) to Mar 28-29.
3/4 inch of rain this week has made the Lost Hills a slick mud area as reported by our Holloway friends. Forecast is more rain and winds Sat and Sun 8 mph with gusts to 15 mph.


Please pass the news on to others who may not be SEN subscribers and may be planning on attending.

As background information the rain in the Southern California area has been half the average rain for this time of the year, but in March there has been more rain than usual. Earlier it looked like the conditions would be OK for this weekend’s contest but this week there has been more rain than expected so the event is being moved 2 weeks. The forecast for that date is much better.