SEN 1002 - 12 Apr 2006
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- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 1357
SEN 1002 12 April 2006
Table of Contents
Congratulations on 1000.
new diesel engine
About RL on RL
Chuck Markos E-mail Address
re: Spinne & Kria
F1B Instant Prop Release
Victor's Question on European Champions
Pierre's Reply on European Champions
Victor's table of Euro Champs with Pierre's additions
Huron Cup 2006
F1A Factory
nostalgia A/2 gliders
SEN 1001
For SEN: Hans Thomann drawings
Looking for [a real airplane at last :-)]
Issue #1,000
1000 Brokenspars
Backwards Servos
Fuel yore Deezil
Kudos on SEN 1000
1000 Thanks
Congratulations on 1000.
Bob Hatschek
Hi Roger,
Congratulations on 1000.
The Skyscrapers 70th Anniversary reunion is tomorrow.
Regards, Bob H.
new diesel engine
Cyclon Engines
Hello dear friend !
Special offer 10 diesel engines 09.JAK for 999Euro included shipping cost
for April only !
Best regards !
World Champion F2A
Alexander Kalmykov
pr.Dzerjinskogo 2-67
Novosibirsk 630112
Phone/fax : +7 383 279 37 71
Phone/fax : +7 383 217 32 78
About RL on RL
Mike Woodhouse
on 5/4/06 4:37, SCAT user at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. wrote:
> Talking to Rudi Lindner
> by Rene Limberger
Thanks for the piece. It filled in some of the gaps and mystery behind the
"Spinne". This model was one of the great models of the classic period.
Michael J Woodhouse, Norwich, UK.
Free Flight Supplies has secure internet credit card facilities.
All mail to: -
web site: -
Chuck Markos E-mail Address
Jim Bradley
Would you please post this in the next SEN.
Thanks, Jim Bradley
Chuck Markos E-mail Address:
For all of you that are participants in the 2007 FAI Free Flight Team
Selection Program and just received the latest Program Newsletter the E-mail address
for Chuck Markos that was shown was incorrect. If you need to get in touch
with Chuck to correct your qualification time his correct E-mail address is:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sorry for the mistake,
Jim Bradley, FFTSC Chairman
re: Spinne & Kria
Hermann Andresen
Just a few comments for anyone contemplating the Lindner gliders.
Not to detract from the original, but all the copies I've seen had
flutter problems, despite diagonal ribs, due to heavy TE and
possibly the flexibility of the wing tongue. Also stability
problems due to "V" tail.
If used for the AMA Classic event, moving the diagonal ribs to LE side of
spar (a Leeper trick) would help reduce flutter, as would a narrower TE.
Obviously, with their track record, Rudi avoided these problems. However,
Zoom launch, not used in that era, would aggrevate them.
Just an opinion,
F1B Instant Prop Release
Henk Van Hoorn
Start button for F1B Instant Prop Release
A delayed prop release system (DPR) on F1B models is a spectacular way
to start your model. But in case you don't control it a 100% the start
sometimes ends in a disaster. Thrown in a complete wrong angle or even
worse a tail slide, du to lack of speed or a to long delay time, it can
result in considerable loss of height or a crass and damage to you
For those who have problems or are not so athletic ( any more) we
developed an Instant Prop Release start button (IPR) 2 years ago for
models operating with a handle on the nosering. It has the usual locking
system and after pressing the button and releasing the model it
instantly starts the timer and the prop. So there is no need for
throwing at maximum speed and you can concentrate on throwing in the
right direction. It also performs well in very windy conditions.( for
your windy weather model)
The button fits in you home build model as well as in certain RTF
models, which are on the market (as long as they operate with a external
nosering handle)
To install the button in this type of RTF model the only thing you have
to do is take out the DPR start button; install this IPR button and
connect it with the nosering handle.
Because off the successful operation and growing interest among the
Dutch colleges we produced a small quantity off these start buttons (
partly milled and wirecut; gold anodised; fully assembled).
In case your interested mail me for full details.
Henk van Hoorn
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Victor's Question on European Champions
Victor Stamov
Dear Free Flight Friends,
As you know, Ukraine is a host country of European FF Champs 2006. We
have donated to CIAM FAI 5 Challenge Trophies, which will be the first
time presented this year in Odesa. There are Individual Trophies in F1A,
F1B (F1C is already exist) and Team Trophies in F1A, F1B and F1C. We are
going to engrave names of all previous Individual European Champions and
Team Champions. Below is information from the FAI web site. Some data
are missed, or incomplete. Please, check it and let me know.
Thank you.
Contest Director
Simirenko str., 34, Apt. 127,
03134 Kyiv, UKRAINE
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 380-44-402-7932
Mobile: 380-97-987-4280; 380-67-751-1663
Pierre's Reply on European Champions
Pierre Chaussbourg
Dear Victor,
According to my documentation (Mainly French Magazines named MRA "Le
Modele Reduit d'Avion") FAI gave the title : " European Championships"
only in 1970 to the Championships organised in Homburg (Germany) for
classes F1A and F1B and to the F1C Championships organised the same year
in Yugoslavia.
Before that, the "Aeronautical Union of Yugoslavia" organised for the
first time a "Europa Cup" in the city of BLED, from the 22 to 26 August
1951 for the class F1C.
This contest was organised the day after the F1A World Championship day
(At that time there was three different W/Ch: one per class) where there
was 42 competitors from 11 nations, and this F1A World Championhip had
been won by Oskar CZEPA (Austria).
Back to the F1C Europa Cup, it had been won by the French Jacques
MORISSET, and it was the first time that the "Aeronautical Union of
Yugoslavia Cup" has been awarded.
Traditionnally, this trophy has been then awarded to all the F1C
individual winners of this "European event" which in 1970 became the
official European Championship recognised by FAI as such.
It is only after the 1996 European Championship in Maniago that I made a
report for this prestigious trophy to be recognised by FAI as THE
Official Trophy for F1C Individual European Champions.
I know that for some administrative reasons the F1C event could not be
organised in 1952, but in 1953 it has been organised on the 17th May in
EVREUX (France). In this time, it was a tradition that the country of
the winner was organising the next contest! The winner was Geoeges
LIPPENS from Belgium. Then, you can read the names of the winners on the
trophy until now... If I remember well, the 1958 winner must be Evgueny
VERBITSKY, as in Portugal he won this trophy 40 years later!!!
For some years, then, F1A and F1B was organised in Germany, and F1C in
Yugoslavia, until 1978 when all three classes were organised in the
same place in AMSBACH, (Germany) where I have been for the first time in
the French team and placed 16th ...!
I found some more names that I have added to the empty boxes in your
following table.
With my best wishes for a good Championship,
Best regards,
Victor's table of Euro Champs with Pierre's additions
Year |F1A F1B F1C
2004 Yaron KRAUS, Israel Stepan STEFANCHUK, Eugene VERBITSKY,
Ukraine Ukraine
Buzau, Romania Team: Slovenia Team: Germany Team: Great Britain
Russia Ukraine Russia
Kunszentmiklos, Team: Hungary Team: Netherlands Team: Germany
2000 Jeno VOROS, Hungary Oleg KULAKOVSKY, Edin SAHINOVIC,
Ukraine Bosnia Herzegovina
Buzau, Romania Team: Hungary Team: Italy Team: Italy
1998 Dusan FRIC, Alexandr ANDRIUKOV, Eugene VERBITSKY,
Czech Rebublic Ukraine Ukraine
Beja, Portugal Team: Slovakia Team: Germany Team: Great Britain
1996 Mikael HOLMBOM, Mario KUSTERLE, Thomas KOSTER,
Sweden Italy Denmark
Maniago, Italy Team: Russia Team: Bosnia HerzegovinTeam: Russia
1994 Ditrich SAUTER, Andrey KHREBTOV, Peter WATSON,
Germany Russia Great Britain
Kyiv, Ukraine Team: Russia Team: Russia Team: Russia
1992 Abraham BARUCH, Eugene GORBAN, Eugene VERBITSKY,
Israel Ukraine Ukraine
Sibiu, Romania Team: Romania Team: Ukraine Team: Great Britain
1990 Andres LEPP, Sasho JORDANOV, Oskar MACZKO,
USSR Bulgaria Hungary
Domsod, Hungary Team: CSSR Team: USSR Team: DDR
1988 Victor TCHOP, Alexandr ANDRIUKOV, Valery STRUKOV,
Zrenjanin, YugosTeam: Italy Team: France Team: USSR
France Hungary USSR
Pitesti, RomaniaTeam: CSSR Team: USSR Team: USSR
1984 Cenny BREEMAN, Alexanrd ANDRIUKOV, Eugene VERBITSKY,
Livno, YugoslaviTeam: Germany Team: France Team: USSR
1982 Cenny BREEMAN, Alexandr ANDRIUKOV, Vaclav PATEK,
Netherlands USSR CSSR
Zulpich, GermanyTeam: CSSR Team: USSR Team: Great Britain
Yugoslavia , France USSR
Mostar, YugoslavTeam: Yugoslavia Team: France Team: Bulgaria
1978 Gottf ZACH, S. RUYTER, Thomas KOSTER,
Austria Netherlands ? Denmark
Ansbach, GermanyTeam: Germany Team: Netherlands Team: Germany
1976 Gottf ZACH, R. ARTIOLI, Zagreb, Yugoslavia
Austria Italy ? Alexandr DENKIN,
Homburg, GermanyTeam: Yugoslavia Team: Italy Bulgaria
Team: Germany
1974 H. CHMELIK, Joahim LOFFLER, ?Cakorec, Yugoslavia
Austria ? DDR
Homburg, GermanyTeam: Yugoslavia Team: Austria
?Michel JEAN, France
Team ?
1972 J. EWEN, J. MABEY, Otocac, Yugoslavia
Luxemburg ? Great Britain ? ?Michel JEAN
, France
Homburg, GermanyTeam - CSSR Team - DDR Team: Yugoslavia
1970 J. EWEN, Albrecht OSCHATZ, Zagreb, Yugoslavia
Luzemburg ? DDR Cenek PATEK
Homburg, Germany Team: DDR , CSSR
Team: FRGermany Team: Germany
Huron Cup 2006
Jerry McGlashan
The dates for the Huron Cup have been set to Saturday, July 15 and Sunday,
July 16. This year the usual FAI and mini events will be held and F1Q will
be added. Flyers have been sent to the usual suspects by snail mail or
email. If you don't receive one and you need one, please contact me
Jerry McGlashan
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F1A Factory
Vyacheslav Bolgov.
I manufacture and sell class models F1A.
Models of sufficiently high quality and level under comparatively
nonhigh price.
More detailed information possible to hear
If you this interests write me.
Vyacheslav Bolgov.
nostalgia A/2 gliders
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please, somebody can send me the nostalgia A/2 rules?(
Thank you.
Hernan Alarcon
SEN 1001
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For SEN: Hans Thomann drawings
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you please,
I am looking for your global assistance in finding any drawing
of Hans Thomann's Aquila or any other of his fine A2 designs.
Thank you,
Looking for [a real airplane at last :-)]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Looking for Stanislaw Zurad
I am interested in the work of Stanislaw Zurad from Poland and
especially in his 2nd place Wakefield from the WC in 1958.
Is there anyone who can help me on the right track.
Henk van Hoorn
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Issue #1,000
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Congratulations on your great achievement in perservering to this
point,#1,000, Roger. The amount of work entailed when one looks back on it
must be enormous, not only the collating all the material, arranging it in
readable form and then arraging for it to be sent out to all of us, the
I have probably only touched on the amount of work entailed which as John
Malkin pointed out must have takken up a large part of your waking day.
Where you found time to build models and compete at the highest level in
addition to the production of Scat Electronic News is quite beyond me!
We all owe you a debt of gratitude for there are not many who would be
willing to do what you have done on our behalf and free flight in general.
Somehow Rene Limberger's interview with Rudi Lindner is a fitting tribute to
you in a kind of way, for how would all of us learn so quickly that Rudi is
still active as well as the history of his planes and their development.
Congratulations again
Mike S
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Well !
At the most recent Balsa Bug Meeting, I made a motion
that the club congratulate ...SCAT, reaching 1000.
..a thousnad what...'s on your computer..
A motion was made..
Got a show of hands.
Undertones...' what's a scat'....' you get that ?'
guys getting another beer... ( no Budwieser )
The motion carried !
I have not seen the Balsa Bugs' congratulations
noted in this editon.
I am dissapointed.
So, I think to myself -
" This calls for a limerick ! "
Then, pondering what might rhyme with - thouusand --
all I could come up with was - blousend -
naw !
- Neckerchief blousend. - .?
( ...he does wear that cowboy hankie...)
so Roger:
Congrats from Brokenspar !
Backwards Servos
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To reverse a servo, as you said, you need to swap the two leads to the motor
and the two to the outside connections on the feedback pot. But on servos
this small, I've only been successful when I swap the leads at the amplifer
board... I can successfully unsolder/resolder the leads at the motor, but
will ruin the feedback pot if I try to change those leads there.
Greg in Minneapolis
P.S. There are a few of us people who also fly RC who still know which end
of a soldering iron to pick up... Heck, I still fly with a transmitter made
by my own hands!
Fuel yore Deezil
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Diesel fuel - Thanks Steve, as Eric knows I have used Dr. Diesel (him) many
times over the years for engines and fuel. There could not be a nicer guy to
deal with. I had an OliverTiger that was not performing well and for a
nominal fee he sent it to PAW for improvement. Now that's sum guy! I am
still on a gallon of diesel fuel I bought from him 5 years ago. It has
performed well but nowadays needs either boosting. Unfortuneately my only
scource is gas engine starter fluid, not the greatest. Of course because of
this reason it it would be nice to mix the ingrediants for each flying
season like the good old days but that seems impossable. Ed Mate
Kudos on SEN 1000
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would be remiss not to send my hearty congratulations
on reaching the 1000th SEN issue milestone!!!
As the other folks have said, it is a fine & noble thing
you do for our SCAT group & the global freeflighters who
receive this periodical.
It is an essential ingredient & very much appreciated.
Thank You.
Now about Rene's 'Talking to Lindner' featured article:
I cannot even explain how thrilled I am for Rene, to be able
to add such a legendary hero to his circle of friends.
Herr Lindner's grand victories & exploits were instrumental
in my seemingly life-long love of A2 gliders.
In a small aside, Rene also found that Oskar Czepa is
still vertical, to our happy surprise!
Check out this website:
This I found fascinating as well, since it adds living history
to this great sport of ours.
Onward to the next kilos worth of SEN!
yr fthfl srvnt,
the Scribe
To Arik Donde, Walt Ghio and George Batick and the MaxMen for their
donations and kind words in support of SEN
1000 Thanks
For the reader support and encoragement. In reality I don't write
much. It's all the stuff you write. From Ken Bauer's tech and philophoical
contributions, contest reports, classic stories like RL on RL, wize words
from Salzer to Stamov, news from Andriukov to Zulic, helpful hints from
fixing your palm to Palmistry [or what ever it take to interpret the CIAM!].
Roger Morrell
1916 B Ggates Ave
Redondo Beach, CA 90278