SEN 2089
- Details
- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1219
- Fab Feb Update
- FAA UAS Update
- Cal Cup Info
- Icare Tracker at Lost Hills
- Proposal for Am Cup Scoring
Fab Feb Update
The master plan was to have in this SEN the link to online registration but it has been held up by Toronto's close proximity to the North Pole , the caused early and extended Xmas celebrations which have delayed info for the North American Cup.
So the Link will be out "real soon now".
FAA sUAS update
John Lorbiecki reports after consultation with the AMA
In regards to the FAA registration.....
At this point, the official word from AMA is that we, as FFers, do NOT need to register...
Merry Christmas...
John Lorbiecki
NFFS President
AWARDS: Perpetual Trophy to high point winner
1st through 3rd place awards
CONTEST DIRECTOR: Brian Van Nest 760-873-5073 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
HEAD JURIST: To be determined
ENTRY FEE: $25.00 Open, $10.00 Junior NOTE: F.A.I. SPORTING LICENSE IS MANDATORY FOR ALL COMPETITORS. Current F.A.I. Sporting Code will apply. THIS IS ALSO AN AMERICA’S CUP CONTEST WARM-UP CONTEST: Isaacson/Kiwi F1E World Cup on Feb. 8, 2016 (Monday) starting at 10:00 AM with 5 one-hour rounds
ENTRY FORM F1E California Cup 2016 NAME: ____________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________ CITY, STATE & ZIP: ______________________________________ COUNTRY: ____________________________________________ F.A.I. LICENSE NO.: ______________________________________ PLEASE ENTER ME IN: Open ($25.00) ___________ Junior ($10.00) ____________ NOTE: MAIL ENTRY FORM WITH PAYMENT (make checks out to SCAT) OR E-MAIL FILLED-IN FORM AND PAY THE CD ON THE HILL BEFORETHE CONTEST. A VALID F.A.I. SPORTING LICENSE IS MANDATORY SEND ENTRY FORM TO: Brian Van Nest 2346 Cheyenne Drive Bishop, CA 93514USA This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. HOLLOWAY HILL
Holloway Hill is man made and was created when excavating gypsum. From the top at the West face the vertical distance into the pit is approx. 34m/110ft. The top is flat and is accessible by car. Some surfaces are soft but retrieval by foot or motorcycle is fairly easy.
MOTELS Lost Hills: Motel 6 - phone 661-797-2346Days Inn - phone 661-797-2371
Buttonwillow: Motel 6 - phone 661-764-5153
Super 8 - phone 661-764-5117
Icare Tracker in Lost Hills
From:Frédéric ABERLENC
I will bring some Icare2 GPS tracker to Lost Hills in February.
Please send me an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and list what you want.
The full list including pricing is available on
If people are interested, I can make a presentation on the field on Sunday the 7th.
See you in Lost Hills
360 Chemin de Pauli
Tel: (33) (0) 4 42 38 05 32
Mob: (33) (0) 6 86 56 69 97
A Modified American Cup Scoring System
Currently, the America Cup awards bonus points based on the number of participants. One point if there are 6-7 entries, two for 8-9 entries, three for 10-11 entries, four 12-13 and 5 points for more than 13 to 75 entries. However, this scoring penalizes tail events, both small and large.
Instead, I’m proposing that all those who have maxed-out, in contests were the maxes are at least 2:30, get 25 points; that their bonus points be based on the number of fliers in the flyoffs. If there are four people in the flyoffs, that the winner get 4 bonus points, the second 3 and so on; ties would be rounded down. Furthermore, that the best placed flier not in the flyoff will get 20 points, the next flier 15 points etc.
Hypotheticals. (1) A contest in which five flew in the flyoff and two did not score; the scores would be 30, 29, 28, two 26s. (2) A contest with a single max-out; the scores would be 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5. (3) A contest without anyone maxing out; the scores would be 20, 15, 10 and 5. So we have,
Single flier events: 25 points with a max-out, 20 otherwise.
Small events: Suppose there are five F1C fliers and three are in the flyoffs, their scores would be 28, 27, 26, 20 and 15. Currently their scores would be 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5.
Large events: Suppose a F1B contest has fifteen fliers and seven in the flyoffs. the scores would be 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26 (first seven) and 20, 15, 10, 5. (ten score!) Currently 5 bonus points are awarded to the first five – 30, 25, 20, 15 and 10.
The proposed modified scoring fairly reflects events of all sizes and it reward fliers who do consistently well in flyoffs. In other words, it’s a better reflection of participation and excellence.
Roger Morrell