SEN 2094
- Details
- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1230
- USA Team Selection - Time accumulation
- H for sale
- S missing ?
- Some of the rules changes proposals
USA Team Selection Program - Time Accumulation Clarification
From: Charlie Jones
Time accumulation for advancement to the finals, a clarification:
Recently, the TSC has received questions from participants and contest directors regarding contests scheduled for five rounds instead of seven and the affect this will have on time accumulation. So, we felt a clarification was in order. Following the wording of the program time per contest is capped at 1260 seconds per contest and 180 seconds per flight. Also, flyoff rounds are specifically not allowed. In the past when a C.D. has canceled rounds or prematurely ended the meet at five rounds because of weather, delays for moving the line, allowance for extra retrieval time, etc, a competitor who is accumulating time has been allowed to make two additional flights for that purpose. This practice is not specifically addressed in the program but will be allowed to continue. Preferably, anyone who needs an opportunity to accumulate the full amount of time would secure their own timekeeper and make the additional flights before or after the scheduled five rounds (the two extra rounds must be on the same contest day). The max for these two additional flights may not be less then the prior rounds and no more then 180 seconds.
The two extra flights along with the rest of the contest scores should be reported to Aram Schlosberg by the CD to help in the administration of time accumulation. Participants should make sure the CD signs off on their Proof of Program Entry card that you received from AMA to record the qualification times.
Charlie Jones
TSC Chairman
F1H for Sale
From: Dean Clark
I wish to sell my Vasi F1H. It is New, never flown
Mechanical F1H six panel Mini (H) Al. This retails for approx $800.If you are interested, make me your best offer.
Dean Clark
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Re: SEN 2091 - F1S at the MM
From: Dick Ivers
Regarding the Lost Hills FabFeb Summary:
I did not see mini class F1S included on any of the Maxmen weekend days. Is this intentional?
Dick Ivers
Dick This was a clerical error. Thanks for pointing it out. A corrected summary has been posted that includes F1S along with the other Mini Events on the Sunday. It also corrected the error of the wrong day for F1Q. F1Q is on the Friday with F1A
Some of the proposed FAI FF related rules changes
(more in a future SEN)
The submitter in most cass was the Free Flight Sub Committee - FFSC
FFSC: Definition of an unsuccessful attempt
All classes – clarify the attempt rule for a detached part. Two
versions, one for towline gliders, another for all other classes
F1A Modify item 3.1.5.(c):
3.1.5.c) It is apparent to the timekeepers that a part of the
model becomes detached during the launch by the
helper, while the model is being towed, or during
the official flight time
Same change also to F1H at 3.H.5.d
F1B Modify 3.2.5 (a):
3.2.5.a) It is apparent to the timekeepers that a part of the
model becomes detached during the launch or during
the official flight time
Same change also to F1C 3.3.5.b, F1E 3.5.5.a, F1P 3.6.5.c,
F1G 3.G.5.b, F1J 3.J.5.c, F1K 3.K.5.b, F1Q 3.Q.5.b
This clarifies the need for the timekeepers to see the part that
becomes detached and the fact that this applies up to the end of
the official flight time.
FFSC F1A 3.1.7.Duration of Flights
Modify the text of the first paragraph :
The maximum duration to be taken for the official flights
in world and continental championships is four minutes for
the first round and, if conditions allow, for the last round
and three minutes for the other rounds. In other
international events a maximum of three minutes will be
used for all rounds unless different durations (not
exceeding five minutes) have been announced in advance
in the contest bulletin for specific rounds.
Change 3.2.7 and 3.3.7 to read “See 3.1.7”
A proposal to change the maximum in the first round of F1A
championships was presented to Plenary meeting 2015 which it
was intended would make 3.1.7 for F1A identical to the
existing rules 3.2.7for F1B and 3.3.7 for F1C. The proposal
was passed by the Plenary meeting but when being
implemented in the 2016 Sporting Code it was realised that
there was one word different in the proposal compared to the
existing text in 3.2.7 and 3.3.7. The rule 3.1.7 as presented to
Plenary 2015 has been implemented in the 2016 Sporting Code
but without the cross-reference from 3.2.7 and 3.3.7. This
proposal is presented to correct this difference – it applies only
to open internationals and allows flight time increase to five
minutes instead of four minutes.
FFSC F1A 3.1.8 Classification (applies to F1B, F1C)
Add new item (9) as a clarification to 3.1.8.f (the group flyoff
9) Competitors proceeding from group flyoffs to the
later flyoffs will be classified only by times achieved
in the later flyoffs after the group stages. The times
in group stages do not count in their classification.
The groups flyoff was approved by CIAM for application from
January 2016. In advance of that the system has been used in
two World Cup events during 2015. One of these indicated a
confusion about the scores to be used for classification. The
additional item is an explicit clarification of intent of the
original proposal, where it was stated in the reasons that “With
another flyoff guaranteed by (7) this ordering will not
determine the winners but just the lower places.” However, the
proposal did not include explicit words to mandate this effect.
Netherlands - F1C 3.3.2. Characteristics
Change fuel definition:
Fuel to a standard formula for glow plug and spark ignition
motors will be supplied by the organisers, and must be used for
every official flight. The composition shall be as follows: 80%
methanol, 20% oil. Oil can be castor oil or synthetic oil.
There is a free choice for the competitor.
Lots of competitors spread over the continents are using
Synthetic oil. There are lots of well-known brands.
An extra indication on the (preliminary) entry form for F1C
informs the organiser about the competitor needs.
If we remember the enormous number of crashes on the WC in
France 2013 mostly due to polluted Castor oil, we have to
categorise this clarification as a safety one.
Roger Morrell