SEN 2101
- Details
- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1196
- Golf cart Rental
- Awesome April
- Lost Hills and haggis in the Press
- Entry link
Lost Hills Golf Car Rental
From Bill Booth
Hi Roger,
I just called All Carts the golf cart folks, to make my reservation for the cart we need for Max Men. The proprietor mentioned that a lot of people have called, but I am the first to actually make reservations. This is a “heads up” that the delivery and pick up fees vary depending on how many carts he is delivering. If one delivery truck fills up and there is one cart left to deliver, that last guy in line will pay a full share to have his cart delivered. So it would be a good idea to get your reservations in soon.
All Carts (661) 836-9800
Awesome April (in Australia)
From: Malcolm Campbell
Hi Roger
Australia is hosting three World Cup events 8-18 April 2016. Albert Fathers, Phil Mitchell and I will have brochures at Lost Hills in February, advertising these events.
The link to this poster and a view of the two fields can be found at
Entry forms and details are available from the AFFS Secretary, Phil Mitchell at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Malcolm Campbell
Dave Anderson Memorial (DAM) (World Cup Event)
Friday 08 April F1A & F1C ( 5 x 1 hour rounds 0800 - 1300
Saturday 09 April F1A & F1C fly-offs from Friday 0700- 0730
F1B 5 x 1 hour rounds 0800 - 1300
Sunday 10 April F1B fly-off from Saturday 0700 – 0730
Reserve Weather Day/Practice/Rest Day
AFFS Championships 2016 (World Cup Event)
Monday 11 April Combined % open 3 flights 0700 - 1200
F1G 5 x 1 hour rounds 0730 - 1200
F1H 5 x 1 hour rounds 0730 - 1200
F1J (See note 3) 5 x 1 hour rounds 0730 - 1200
Tuesday 12 April % Open fly-off from Monday 0700 - 0710
F1A 5 x 1 hour rounds 0800 - 1300
F1C 5 x 1 hour rounds 0800 - 1300
P30 3 flights, 120s max 0800 - 1300
Open Rubber 3 flights 0800 - 1300
Wednesday 13 April F1A, F1C, P30 Fly-off from Tuesday 0700 - 0730
F1B 5 x 1 hour rounds 0800 - 1300
Open Power 5 flights 0800 - 1300
Combined/HLG/CLG/TLG 0800 - 1200
Thursday 14 April Flyoffs from: Open Rubber 0700 - 0730
F1B & Open Power 0700 - 0730
Combined Vintage 3 flights 0730 - 1200
Oz Diesel 5 flights, 120s max 0730 - 1200
Scramble (Ivor F Memorial Trophy) 0830 - 0930
Thursday 14 April Evening. Presentation Dinner for DAM & AFFS 7 for 7.30 pm
Venue: Morundah Hotel. Bus from Narrandera provided
Southern Cross Cup 2016
16th - 18th April
West Wyalong NSW
World Cup - Open International for F1A, F1B and F1C
Saturday 16th April F1B 5 x 1 hour rounds 0800 - 1300
Open Power 3 flights 0800 - 1300
Sunday 17th April Flyoffs for F1B and Open Power 0730
F1A 5 x 1 hour rounds 0800 - 1300
F1C 5 x 1 hour rounds 0800 - 1300
Open Rubber 3 flights 0800 - 1300
Monday 18th April Flyoffs for F1A , F1C and Open Rubber 0730
Bloodbath at Lost Hills ?!
From: chris edge
Dame SCAT,
I read in one of our national organs that there is an world-wide almond glut and prices have dropped from $4.70 last summer to $2.60 now. Seems that over-production is that problem and that quote 'One American nut trader has described the conditions affecting the almond market as a "bloodbath"'.
On a positive note, in another organ I can report that haggis numbers in the Selkirk hills are good this year and the annual hunt will be well attended.
Of course as a well-read individual I'm sure you'll be aware of both these nationally important stories.
While I do not want to dispute the findings of one of your national organs I can report that recent examination of the flying site by a well known power flyer who is a retired medical doctor , so should know what blood looks like did not report seeing any baths let alone those filled with blood.
I can report however that the principal of the Ike Contest organization reports a $2 increase in price of the famous Lost Hills Pistachios that are part of the prizes at our event.
With respect to the Haggis, I fear that they are in trouble because Dr Grordborts reports that the intrepid hunters are returning to Earth from Venus where they went after the creatures described in this link .If one can do battle with such creatures surely the Haggis is toast. So make sure your chicken are well and truely in the hen house.
Fab Feb Online Entry Link
Enter online at
Roger Morrell