SEN 2103
- Details
- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1182
- Fab Feb Update
- RDT for Sale
- Frank Heeb
- Archive Offer
Fab Feb is right around the corner.
In the last SEN there were two important items under the Americas Cup Report that concerned the Fab Feb Contests.
So for those who skipped over the Am Cup Report, here they are:
We are moving the AmCup Banquet, held during the the Fab Feb events on Feb 13, 2016, from the Wasco Elks club to the new Lost Hills Rec Room (north of the Fire Station). The food will be catered by Willow Ranch BBQ Restaurant. The chicken and tritip will be cooked at the Rec center with bread, garden salad and rice pilaf. Fresh made (guaranteed not from frozen pan!) veggy lasagna for those that request it by Feb 9th.
The caterer will provide four server banquet style. We will have soda, water and beer on tap and a fruit cobber dessert. Everyone is invited to this banquet. We think the attendance will be up due to the short drive and ability to go directly from the field to the banquet.
SCAT is doing a catapult glider project with the Lost Hills kids. This is a follow on from the Delta Dart activity we did last summer.
The building session is Thursday, Feb.4 starting at 3:30 at the North Lost Hills Rec room ((north of Fire Station). SCAT has 15 Stan B's Scout for the bigger kids. Mike McKeever is making 16 of Chuck Marko's Mini for the smaller kids. Brian VanNest is doing the launch stick with rubber. Roger M, Mike M, Brian V and myself are committed to the Thursday building session.
Help needed:
1. Four more people at the Thursday 3:30 building session
2. Six people to help on a special Cat Contest for the kids on Sunday Feb 7, 2016.
Finally don't forget that the online entry for all 3 Fab Feb events is at :
We have received a number of email entries that did not have quite enough information. The online entry form will ensure that you supply all the required information. This is particularily important for the Sportsmen from outside the USA and Canada
At this point we have 145 entries from 29 countries. leading the country list is Great Britain under the guidance (leadership would be too strong a word!) of EoB, that well known Haggis Wrangler (apologies for the use of the colonial term).
On a rough count it looks like we have at least 16 World Champs or World Cup Winners.
But we know that other have still not yet entered so get on line as above.
Thermals, Jim Parker with help
Standalone RDT for sale
Practically new AIRTEK (Ken Bauer) RDT Transmitter
Quick Action RDT Receiver with 160Mah Battery
Two New 160Mah extra Batteries
Complete Servos Systems for Two F1C models, consisting of
- New Servos with Custom rotating mini-arms
- Internal mounts with hardware
- External mounting plates with hardware
Charger for Transmitter, plus mini-cable for charging Batteries
Wall-to-charger (110V-12v) Cable
Car Battery-to-charger (12V) Cable
Asking $275.. Will mail, or will bring to Lost Hills February 3 thru 13
Roger Simpson Tel 817-599-3088 email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Passing of Frank Heeb
From: Bucky Servaites
Long time Ohio/Indiana free flighter extraordinaire Frank Heeb passed away January 20. Frank was a super good rubber flyer and he was very helpful to me in my early years.
Archive Offer from John O’Donnell
Many enthusiasts would find an archive and library covering the development and history of model aeroplanes attractive . Are you one of them ?
To be useful it would be a working facility with its contents accessible to interested parties . To set up and operate such an archive would need a knowledgeable individual or group with vision, premises, resources, capability and long term commitment.
It might be thought that this project would appeal to our governing body, the BMFA. Unfortunately the idea has become associated with that of acquiring a National Flying Ground. This has led to a notable change of priority with a consequent lack of any real chance of having an archive in the foreseeable future.
Delay could lead to the loss of potential reference material and exhibits, so some speedy action would seem required. A private archive is an obvious suggestion. There are plenty of collectors who have their own specialities but co-ordination is lacking. Is some integration possible or desirable ?
To inspire possible custodians who have the abilities but not the wherewith can I offer a starting package ? This is my own extensive collection of British and American magazines, newsletters, books and the like. I am not looking for money but rather the proverbial ‘good home’. My family and any future executors will not want to sort out my effects. I will however require convincing by any applicant before ‘the deal is done’. I do not want requests for odd rarities from individual collectors.
This email is to help spread word of this situation and make it known to those who do not take the commercial magazines. They could be unaware that my offer is spelt out in a full and detailed article in the just published February issue of ‘Aeromodeller’
To discuss or ask questions please feel free to contact me by phone or email.
John O’Donnell 19 January 2016
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 01942 211742
Roger Morrell