SEN 2122
- Details
- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1328
- 14 Round Supporters - Murphy
- Rounds Revisited - EoB
- Found Tracker @ Perris - Ray
- Getting Organized - Damerell
14 Round Supporters
Those flyers who prefer the 7 round format will enjoy two 7 round meets coupled with two World Cup sanctions at the Magnificent Mountain Men's 37th annual 14 round meet in Denver this July.
Full details and entry form is available on the club's website
Jerry Murphy CD
Jerry Murphy
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Rounds and Line Revisited
From: chris.edge
Lord SCAT,
Perhaps we shouldn't be looking to the past with respect to number of rounds and position of lines for FAI events. Accordingly I propose for all FAI Championship and World Cup events that a) we fly 8 rounds (reason: we haven't flown that number before so about time we did) and b) we ditch the line and have to launch within 5m of a single point (reason: so we don't have the problem to put a line out anywhere), with the 5m radius set out with a barbed-wire fence and guard-Haggis. OK, so this may result in a bit of push and shove when the thermal comes through but it would make for good spectator appeal.
found tracker
From: Ralph Ray
Please ask if anyone lost a tracker at Perris. They can e-mail me with their phone contact and a brief description.
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Thank you Roger
Getting Organized
From: William Damerell
Hallo Roger,
as an IT Engineer- I have been keeping my model airplane records on pc (in spreadsheet form) for several years. Recently I developed a pc database system to record a comprehensive picture of all Information pertaining to my Model Collection. Including also competition results , training (Proben in German) and a list of Internet links by category describing relevant hobby information, film and material sources, etc.
I do now offer this as a Application Software solution called «a Model Airplane Hobby Asset Tracking System».
Anyone who is interested in obtaining a copy or requires more Information can kindly contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you for your time Roger.
Respectfully yours,
William Damerell.
Roger Morrell