SEN 2130
- Details
- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1331
- What Binos?
- BFMA FFF Report
- New NFFS Website
- FFQ for April
What Binos do I buy?
From: Mike Roberts
Given my 10x50 Steiner's were not found; I need recommendations for a new set of Binoculars that have a tripod mount (or one that can be made). Please give me the reasons for your recommendations and where I might purchase.
BMFA Free Flight Forum Report
From: Martin Dilly
The new 2016 BMFA Free Flight Forum Report is just out, and once more covers a wide range of free flight topics. Adam Beales has done an unusual cover
Indoor Scale Free Flight Gliders - Andy Sephton; Juniors in Free Flight - Mark Gibbs; Carbon Fibre for Aeromodellers - Mick Lester; The Making and Testing of F1B Rubber Motors - Peter Brown; Computations at Low Reynolds Number and a New Aerofoil for F1G (Coupe d'Hiver) Models - Alan Brocklehurst; Carbon Fibre Covered Prop Bladesfrom Simple Tooling - Phil Ball; Weather Forecasts - How Good Are They and How to Interpret Them - Mark Gibbs; Capitalising on Low Drag Aerofoils and All That- Alan Brocklehurst; Basic Propeller Theory – Andy Sephton; Methanol to Lithium - Peter Watson; Dave Greaves 1942-2016 -An Appreciation. In addition there are features and plans for Adam Beales's Nats-winning 50gram Open Rubber model, Ray Elliott's electrified E-36 Satellite, Mark Benns's new F1D model and Trevor Grey's E-36.
The UK price is £12.00 including postage; to Europe it’s £15 and everywhere else £17. Sales of the Forum Reports help to defray the heavy expenses of those representing Great Britain at World and European Free-Flight Championships. Cheques should be payable to ‘BMFA F/F Team Support Fund’ in pounds sterling, drawn on a bank with a UK branch; you may also order by credit card, which is a lot easier (and cheaper).
Copies are available from : Martin Dilly
20, Links Road,
West Wickham,
or by phone or fax to: (44) + (0)20-8777-5533, or by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> (NB new e-mail address)
New NFFS Web Site
We are pleased and excited to announce the launch of the new NFFS web site The most significant upgrade is the new online shop which
will be easier to use and far more stable than the previous version.
And - There is a great new feature - You can now choose to download model
plans and print them yourself. When you receive an email receipt for your
order it will have a link to download your plan(s).
You'll also see a list of available plan files to download in My Account
along with a record of your recent orders.
To celebrate - the NFFS Online Shop will feature a special 10% discount on
all purchases, except membership, from now until May 12. To take advantage
of the discount enter the coupon code NFFS2016-1 at the time of checkout.
Your password for the Forum, the Shop and your account information will now
be a single username and password across the whole system. You can also now
reset your password yourself. If that isn’t working properly, please send
me an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with your preferred username and
That said, please be aware that some features and files may not be
immediately available as we roll out the new site. It will be a work in
progress for a week or so as we fine tune it.
You can now update all of your account information in one location,
password, mailing address, etc. in My Account -
Alan Petersen
Free Flight Quarterly for April 2016 has appeared
From: sergio montes
Free Flight Quarterly for April 2016 has appeared. A summary of the articles, table of contents and cover with Tony Mathews can be viewed in our website:
SEN readers will find a broad range of topics in the articles of our latest issue.
Sergio Montes
Roger Morrell