SEN 2161
- Details
- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1373
Table of Contents - SEN 2161
UK Junior WChamps Blog
From: Alan Jack
Roger can you alert your readership to the blog the GB team are writing on their experience of the Junior FF Champs at Prilep. It is at the same address as last year's blog at
Best regards Alan Jack
FAI rules change proposals
From: Chuck Etherington
Hi All,
Please be aware that the 2017 CIAM Plenary meeting will be a substantive rules change cycle, meaning that new rules may be proposed and existing rules may be modified. At a minimum, I would expect to see some discussion about the current F1C motor run and the F1C RDT requirement. Below is an excerpt from the U.S. rules proposal process. Please note that although the deadline for proposal submission to the FFTSC Chairperson is Aug 1, I didn’t get a reminder published in a timely manner, so please consider Aug 15 as the target date. Ideally, possible proposals should be vetted among those with an interest and stake in the event and submitted as a group. I will be at the Jr. World Champs (off Line) until Aug 8 but will be available for help following that. Thanks.
1) New rule suggestions, recommendations and proposals are to be carefully worded in simple but precise language. They should reference the rule(s) to be changed, if appropriate, and concisely explain the proposal and describe the rationale and benefits. If a completely new rule is being proposed, the location within the sporting code where the rule would be written should be identified. A form for this is available on the NFFS website.
2) Rule proposals are to be sent to the chairperson of the US FAI Free Flight Team Selection Committee (FFTSC) before August 1.
Chuck Etherington
CIAM FF Technical Committee Rep (USA)
Editor's Note
While this post is directed to FAI sportsmen in the USA, it is a good heads up for flyer in other countries to get organized and follow their national procedures too if they have rule chnage proposals.
Roger Morrell
- UK Junior WChamps Blog
- FAI rules change proposals
UK Junior WChamps Blog
From: Alan Jack
Roger can you alert your readership to the blog the GB team are writing on their experience of the Junior FF Champs at Prilep. It is at the same address as last year's blog at
Best regards Alan Jack
FAI rules change proposals
From: Chuck Etherington
Hi All,
Please be aware that the 2017 CIAM Plenary meeting will be a substantive rules change cycle, meaning that new rules may be proposed and existing rules may be modified. At a minimum, I would expect to see some discussion about the current F1C motor run and the F1C RDT requirement. Below is an excerpt from the U.S. rules proposal process. Please note that although the deadline for proposal submission to the FFTSC Chairperson is Aug 1, I didn’t get a reminder published in a timely manner, so please consider Aug 15 as the target date. Ideally, possible proposals should be vetted among those with an interest and stake in the event and submitted as a group. I will be at the Jr. World Champs (off Line) until Aug 8 but will be available for help following that. Thanks.
1) New rule suggestions, recommendations and proposals are to be carefully worded in simple but precise language. They should reference the rule(s) to be changed, if appropriate, and concisely explain the proposal and describe the rationale and benefits. If a completely new rule is being proposed, the location within the sporting code where the rule would be written should be identified. A form for this is available on the NFFS website.
2) Rule proposals are to be sent to the chairperson of the US FAI Free Flight Team Selection Committee (FFTSC) before August 1.
Chuck Etherington
CIAM FF Technical Committee Rep (USA)
Editor's Note
While this post is directed to FAI sportsmen in the USA, it is a good heads up for flyer in other countries to get organized and follow their national procedures too if they have rule chnage proposals.
Roger Morrell