SEN 2167
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- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1307
Table of Contents - SEN 2167
World Junior Championships - Incorrect official results
From: Michel Picol
The official results of F1B contest were published today August 5 on the organizer's website :
It seems there are some problems :
- The first ranked competitor also appears eighth ... with the same full score after the five flights.
- At ranks 17 and 18, the two competitors of the French team were credited with exactly the same times.
However, a picture of the scoreboard shows different flight times for one of these competitors :
F1B Tag 04.08.2016
We can ask this question :
There is no one among the officials of this event to verify and validate the results ?
Editor's Comment - Michel this goes with the comment that we made in a previous SEN -The organizers have dome of poor job of publishing the results, very disappointing in this day and age.
I notice than now some hours after the completion of the F1P the results are still not on line and the F1B results not fixed. Sub standard for a FAI catgory 1 event.
Kudos to the USA Team and Reporters
From: George Batiuk
I've read the reports from both Mr Parker and Mr Stalick, and I think they
were both very well done. Of course we would look as Jim's as being from an
FAI point of view, and perhaps Bob's not. But, I thought Bob's reporting was
very good, enjoyable reading, and an angle perhaps to the non-FAI guys.
Thanks for that, Bob.. Congratulations to the entire team, a job very well
done by all accounts. And, there was really no mention of how difficult it
is to fly 2 events in this affair. Good job by all, gb
Alan Jack's Blog
Earlier we referenced Alan Jack's blog at
I'm not sure how many people took the trouble to read Alan the other UK sportsmen's words. But I have included some sections here because they offer a very good independent perspective on the event. Alan is very experienced flyer who gives additional insights on why and how some of the things happened.
B Rounds or sometimes it bites
The B Rounds were flown in near calm – in fact back to the practice days after the breeze of A day. The thermals got stronger and smaller and the inevitable result is that some got spat out.
The story came this time from the US flyers. Coming to the last round they had Sevak Malkhasyan and Jace Pivonka clean and Troy Davis had dropped a few seconds. As a team they were comfortably leading. Their flying had been exemplary. The last round usually has a big standoff as those with full houses suddenly become cautious as the goal gets within sight. This lasted 25 mins or so before lift was marked and the mass launch began. Sevak gave an excellent launch and his model was screaming up in the thermal. Flyers of Wakefield will recognise this as dangerous though as sometimes the extreme steepness of the climb leads to a prop stall. This befell Sevak when he was already at at least 3 towline heights but his model recovered and continued to climb rapidly in lift. The recovery had (as usual for a B which needs some form of anti-spin) taken the model left. The prop stopped with the model very high and gliding in lift. If only we had the benefit of foresite a DT at this point ( if and rdt was available) still in lift would have resulted in an easy max. However we don’t have foresite and the model now evidently on the edge of this powerful but small column of lift flew out of the lift and the horrible descent began resulting in a so painful drop of 7 seconds.
Jace was next. Another long wait then a mass launch into big lift. Massively high but why is it gliding left? The prop had not folded properly and a blade is stuck on one wing. That means a large rudder effect and drag. Again a DT at this point whilst the model was in lift and so high even at only a minute thirty would have given a max but again if only we could see the future. Instead it glided straight out of the lift and down it came for only 2.37. two flights and two hopes dashed. That’s toy flying; if it was easy we would not do it and sometimes fortune deserts!
Troy capably made a max in what little of the round was left and a review of the scores showed to my eye at least that the US was in second team spot but to rub more salt in the wound they were only second to Russia by a scant 3 seconds – very harsh!
Ok onwards to the evenings flyoffs.
We have a bit of a silly with the rules for the P rounds. seems that the change from 7 to 5 rounds did not make it into the P rules and so as I was leaving the jury and P TM’s were discussing whether or not to adopt a binding agreement to go with the new 5 round format. I know not yet what the decision is.
Final B flyoff
The B flyoff at 6 am this morning settled it. Light drift with models flying gently towards the rising sun and what seemed like no assistance from the air.
A winning time of 5.48 probably reflects that the air was not all that helpful as his model and flying is certainly well up to senior standards.
The P comp will be to 7 flights. The deal was that all had to agree to a change to the 5 find format but the Russian team voted against. I only have the quote 2nd hand but their reason was that “our models will not do 4 mins”. Surely something has got lost in the translation or the command of English because all of the Russian P’s are rocket ships!
P is decided
The weather today was the usual pattern gentle thermals from the start building up into huge but small thermals in the later rounds. If you were not in a thermal you were on a fast defending set of stairs. P trim with vit and autorudder and a relatively long run should probably follow old style f1c with maybe a 3/4 turn spiral and an extra kick from the auto rudder just as the engine cuts to commit into the glide. On the other hand it’s easy to get greedy and aim for straight up. The trouble with this is that it’s so easy for the climb to wander off sidewaysnand and that is the enemy of accurate placement into the detected thermal. Thus it was that one after the other models strayed away on the climb and if they did down they came. In the end no flyoff was needed as a photograph of the final results sheet shows. One felt really sorry for Sevak of the US who had the only full score after round 6 but a rather floppy flat and left launch saw it pull out much lower than usual but crucially off to the left side and into the sink for only 63 secs. Given he had dropped the last round in B too ( though that by sheer bad luck) it was very sad to see.
Maybe I will reflect on the contest later but for now it’s great to be out if the sun!
Roger Morrell
- World Junior Championships - Incorrect official results
- Kudos to the USA Team and Reporters
- Alan Jack's Blog
World Junior Championships - Incorrect official results
From: Michel Picol
The official results of F1B contest were published today August 5 on the organizer's website :
It seems there are some problems :
- The first ranked competitor also appears eighth ... with the same full score after the five flights.
- At ranks 17 and 18, the two competitors of the French team were credited with exactly the same times.
However, a picture of the scoreboard shows different flight times for one of these competitors :
F1B Tag 04.08.2016
We can ask this question :
There is no one among the officials of this event to verify and validate the results ?
Editor's Comment - Michel this goes with the comment that we made in a previous SEN -The organizers have dome of poor job of publishing the results, very disappointing in this day and age.
I notice than now some hours after the completion of the F1P the results are still not on line and the F1B results not fixed. Sub standard for a FAI catgory 1 event.
Kudos to the USA Team and Reporters
From: George Batiuk
I've read the reports from both Mr Parker and Mr Stalick, and I think they
were both very well done. Of course we would look as Jim's as being from an
FAI point of view, and perhaps Bob's not. But, I thought Bob's reporting was
very good, enjoyable reading, and an angle perhaps to the non-FAI guys.
Thanks for that, Bob.. Congratulations to the entire team, a job very well
done by all accounts. And, there was really no mention of how difficult it
is to fly 2 events in this affair. Good job by all, gb
Alan Jack's Blog
Earlier we referenced Alan Jack's blog at
I'm not sure how many people took the trouble to read Alan the other UK sportsmen's words. But I have included some sections here because they offer a very good independent perspective on the event. Alan is very experienced flyer who gives additional insights on why and how some of the things happened.
B Rounds or sometimes it bites
The B Rounds were flown in near calm – in fact back to the practice days after the breeze of A day. The thermals got stronger and smaller and the inevitable result is that some got spat out.
The story came this time from the US flyers. Coming to the last round they had Sevak Malkhasyan and Jace Pivonka clean and Troy Davis had dropped a few seconds. As a team they were comfortably leading. Their flying had been exemplary. The last round usually has a big standoff as those with full houses suddenly become cautious as the goal gets within sight. This lasted 25 mins or so before lift was marked and the mass launch began. Sevak gave an excellent launch and his model was screaming up in the thermal. Flyers of Wakefield will recognise this as dangerous though as sometimes the extreme steepness of the climb leads to a prop stall. This befell Sevak when he was already at at least 3 towline heights but his model recovered and continued to climb rapidly in lift. The recovery had (as usual for a B which needs some form of anti-spin) taken the model left. The prop stopped with the model very high and gliding in lift. If only we had the benefit of foresite a DT at this point ( if and rdt was available) still in lift would have resulted in an easy max. However we don’t have foresite and the model now evidently on the edge of this powerful but small column of lift flew out of the lift and the horrible descent began resulting in a so painful drop of 7 seconds.
Jace was next. Another long wait then a mass launch into big lift. Massively high but why is it gliding left? The prop had not folded properly and a blade is stuck on one wing. That means a large rudder effect and drag. Again a DT at this point whilst the model was in lift and so high even at only a minute thirty would have given a max but again if only we could see the future. Instead it glided straight out of the lift and down it came for only 2.37. two flights and two hopes dashed. That’s toy flying; if it was easy we would not do it and sometimes fortune deserts!
Troy capably made a max in what little of the round was left and a review of the scores showed to my eye at least that the US was in second team spot but to rub more salt in the wound they were only second to Russia by a scant 3 seconds – very harsh!
Ok onwards to the evenings flyoffs.
We have a bit of a silly with the rules for the P rounds. seems that the change from 7 to 5 rounds did not make it into the P rules and so as I was leaving the jury and P TM’s were discussing whether or not to adopt a binding agreement to go with the new 5 round format. I know not yet what the decision is.
Final B flyoff
The B flyoff at 6 am this morning settled it. Light drift with models flying gently towards the rising sun and what seemed like no assistance from the air.
A winning time of 5.48 probably reflects that the air was not all that helpful as his model and flying is certainly well up to senior standards.
The P comp will be to 7 flights. The deal was that all had to agree to a change to the 5 find format but the Russian team voted against. I only have the quote 2nd hand but their reason was that “our models will not do 4 mins”. Surely something has got lost in the translation or the command of English because all of the Russian P’s are rocket ships!
P is decided
The weather today was the usual pattern gentle thermals from the start building up into huge but small thermals in the later rounds. If you were not in a thermal you were on a fast defending set of stairs. P trim with vit and autorudder and a relatively long run should probably follow old style f1c with maybe a 3/4 turn spiral and an extra kick from the auto rudder just as the engine cuts to commit into the glide. On the other hand it’s easy to get greedy and aim for straight up. The trouble with this is that it’s so easy for the climb to wander off sidewaysnand and that is the enemy of accurate placement into the detected thermal. Thus it was that one after the other models strayed away on the climb and if they did down they came. In the end no flyoff was needed as a photograph of the final results sheet shows. One felt really sorry for Sevak of the US who had the only full score after round 6 but a rather floppy flat and left launch saw it pull out much lower than usual but crucially off to the left side and into the sink for only 63 secs. Given he had dropped the last round in B too ( though that by sheer bad luck) it was very sad to see.
Maybe I will reflect on the contest later but for now it’s great to be out if the sun!
Roger Morrell