SEN 2185
- Details
- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1257
- P vs J
- Altimeter test time
- part 2
- Hatschek International Challenge and Skyscraper Annual results
F1P vs. F1J
Hello Roger,
I feel compelled to defend F1P against major change. I agree F1P is harder to fly than F1J because F1J rules permits the bunt whereas F1P do not. My experience with the two is that a reliable transition of F1P from power-to-glide dictates a less than optimum power pattern and mastering a reliable transition requires sensitive settings that even then can be upset by foul weather. F1J's have a major negative side in that carbon wings are almost a necessity because of their high aspect ratio. This alone drove F1J into being almost exclusively a factory product. My feeling is that F1P would be successful by simply allowing the bunt with all else unchanged. This would still encourage home built designs to the advantage of the Junior Program.
Gil Morris
Project to test the idea of using an altimeter to time a model.
From Allard van Wallene on FB
The organizers of the Criterium Rhône-Alpes / Philippe Lepage World Cup kindly allowed to test the FAI rule proposal to use electronic altimeters as back up fly-off timing system. Those who would like to participate in this test (on a voluntary basis) should do the following:
-Have his/her model used in the fly off equipped with an altimeter.
-The altimeter should be switched on and start recording shortly before the start of the fly off. This is to record the unique signature prior to the fly off, the towing, launch, flight and the landing.
-The altimeter should have a resolution of at least two or more measurements per second.
-And last but not least, make it to the fly off.
After the fly off, the participating competitor is kindly requested to hand over the altitude data to the contest organizer or Allard van Wallene for further analysis. These data will be published at a later point in time.
The results of the altimeter data will not be used for the competition / world cup results.
And in Slovenia too
From FB discussion
Bogdan Lemut: I like this approach - the proposal was first tested by a smaller group, it has been developed in details, later published publicly starting wider discussion and it will now be tested again with more actors before final submission. Thumbs up!
Bogdan Lemut: I just proposed that we in SLOvenia do the same on some event from the SLOvenian National Cup series of competitions or NCh in F1A. We can later pass gathered data to you, Allard.
Allard van Wallene: Thanks, the more data we collect the better!
Allard van Wallene: Please note that also for F1B and C it can be used!
Bogdan Lemut: Allard van Wallene Sure, sure, this 'F1A' mark next to NCh refered to the fact that there is only the F1A NCh left this year in SLO. F1B and C have already been flown :-)
Hatschek International Challenge and Skyscraper Annual results
From: Andrew Barron
Dear Free Flight Friends,
Here are the results of the Hatschek International Challenge from May and
the Skyscraper Annual from July. The CD Dave Acton promptly emailed me
scans of the score sheets. Sorry I was slow to transcribe them. There were
some superb performances. At the Hatschek Challenge max-out wins by Tom
Vaccaro (F1B), Dick Ivers (F1Q), and Drake Hook (E-36), an F1G flyoff
between John Clapp, Carrol Allen, and Don Rousseau, and near max-out wins
by Oliver Cai (F1A), Drake Hook (F1S), and first time Wawayanda flier Jan
Langelius (with 356 second total in HLG). At the Skyscraper Annual maxouts
by Sarah Radziunas and Carrol Allen (F1B), John Clapp F1G, and Dick Ivers
Nicely flown!
Thermals, Andrew
F1A (Hatschek International Challenge)
1. 230 157 180 180 180 180 150 1267 Oliver Cai
2. 211 180 180 180 180 057 150 1138 Igor Fradkin
3. 240 180 005 097 180 180 150 1032 Andrew Barron
4. 170 000 180 000 000 180 150 0680 Joel Yuri (junior flier)
5. 000 000 180 180 051 180 083 0674 Bob Sifleet
F1B (Hatschek Internat Challenge)
1. 240 180 180 180 180 180 150 1290 Tom Vaccaro
2. 240 164 180 180 180 180 150 1274 Ron Felix
3. 218 180 180 180 180 180 150 1268 Carrol Allen
F1Q (Hatschek Internat Challenge
1. 180 180 180 180 150 870 Dick Ivers
2. 180 180 180 180 018 738 Joel Yuri (junior flier)
3. 136 131 150 154 131 702 Drake Hooke
4. 129 180 166 ___ ___ 475 Rich Wegener
F1G (Hatschek Internat Challenge)
1. 120 120 120 120 120 Flyoff 193 John Clapp
2. 120 120 120 120 120 Flyoff 184 Carrol Allen
3. 120 120 120 120 120 Flyoff 167 Don Rousseau
F1H (Hatchek Internat Challenge)
1. 120 058 120 120 082 Robert Sifleet
F1S (Hatschek Internat Challenge)
1. 120 120 100 120 120 Drake Hooke
2. 120 120 120 120 027 Dick Ivers
E36 (Hatschek Challenge)
1. 120 120 120 120 86 Drake Hooke
2. 120 120 120 120 60 Dick Ivers
3. 078 ___ ___ ___ __ Rich Wegener
HLG (top three flights)
1. 120 116 120 Total 356 Jan Langelius
2. 047 051 048 Total 146 Larry Pelatowski
3. 024 017 029 Total 091 Vito Gagliano
Classic Towline (Hatschek Challenge)
107 120 97 Rich Wegener
P-30 (Hatschek Challenge)
117 116 93 Ian Hurley
120 105 88 Tom Juell
Dawn (Hatschek Challenge)
302 John Clapp
148 Don Rousseau
Electric B (Hatschek Challenge)
120 120 86 Drake Hooke
Catapult Glider (Hatschek Challenge)
50 50 41 Larry Pelatowski
F1B (Skyscraper Annual)
1. 180 180 150 150 150 Total 810 Sarah Radziunas
1. 180 180 150 150 150 Total 810 Carrol Allen
3. 180 180 147 150 150 Total 807 Aram Schlosberg
4. 153 167 150 ___ ___ Total 470 Tom Vaccaro
F1A (Skyscaper Annual)
180 118 150 101 143 Total 692 Peter Barron
F1G (Skyscraper Annual)
1. 120 120 120 120 120 John Clapp
2. 093 110 108 089 120 Don Rousseau
3. 109 ___ ___ ___ ___ Larry Pelatowski
F1Q (Skyscraper Annual)
1. 180 180 180 165 180 Dick Ivers
2. 180 180 145 137 108 Rich Wegner
3. 107 000 062 148 098 Drake Hooke
F1S (Skyscraper Annual)
1. 120 096 087 120 120 Total 543 Drake Hook III (son)
2. 120 054 120 091 120 Total 505 Drake Hook (father)
3. 120 102 082 081 120 Total 505 Dick Ivers [Tie resolved by placing at
E-36 (Sky Annual)
1. 120 120 120 Dick Ivers
2. 099 120 ___ Rich Wegener
P-30 (Sky Annual)
1. 115 116 120 Tom Juell
2. 095 120 120 Ian Hurley
3. 050 062 120 Ed Pelatowski
4. 101 058 ___ Don Rousseau
HLG (Sky Annual, best three flights)
1. 39 31 17 Larry Pelatowski
2. 26 27 31 Ed Pelatowski
3. 14 16 16 Vito Gagliano
Catapult (Sky Annual)
55 42 120 Larry Pelatowski
Classic Towline
98 Rich Wegener
Roger Morrell