SEN 2196
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- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1374
Table of Contents - SEN 2197
Russian Rod
From: ron kreetz
The so called 'Russian rod' you are looking for is an overstretched
monofilament polyester and is/was a.o. used for producing paper sieves for
the paper making industries. Producer of this sieves was e.g. Albany
Nordiska but the monofilament itself was produced by versatile fiber and
plastic producers all over the world like BASF, Dupont etc.
A lot of F1A flyers still using these towlines for the same weather
conditions and modells you are describing.
Ron Kreetz
Kotuku Cup
Roger Morrell
- Russian Rod
- Kotuku Cup Results
Russian Rod
From: ron kreetz
The so called 'Russian rod' you are looking for is an overstretched
monofilament polyester and is/was a.o. used for producing paper sieves for
the paper making industries. Producer of this sieves was e.g. Albany
Nordiska but the monofilament itself was produced by versatile fiber and
plastic producers all over the world like BASF, Dupont etc.
A lot of F1A flyers still using these towlines for the same weather
conditions and modells you are describing.
Ron Kreetz
Kotuku Cup
Kotuku Cup Oct 1-2 2016 Brian Van Nest, CD
F1A F1A FAI Number Rnd1Rnd2Rnd3Rnd4Rnd5Rnd6Rnd7F01 FO2 TOTAL
1 Lars Jensen DEN 4212 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 273 1893
2 Sholomi RosenzweiUSA 1009245 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 220 1840
3 Logan Tetrick USA 772689 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 137 1457
4 Mike McKeever USA 89734 240 180 178 180 180 180 180 1318
5 Randy Secor USA 79878 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290
6 Jim Parker USA N89015 240 180 123 180 180 180 180 1263
7 Brian Van Nest USA 23122 168 180 180 180 180 180 180 1248
8 Pierre Brun USA 37452 213 180 180 180 180 125 180 1238
9 Nir Shitrit ISR41387 240 180 180 180 134 180 138 1232
10 Bob Sifleet USA 18326 168 180 180 82 180 180 152 1122
11 Peter Brocks USA 84018 240 180 180 38 180 107 180 1105
12 Peter Allnutt CAN 2105 202 180 103 180 78 180 180 1103
13 Don Zink USA 35442 240 180 180 180 180 0 0 960
14 Andrew Barron USA 14095 22 23 165 180 180 180 180 930
F1B Rnd1Rnd2Rnd3Rnd4Rnd5Rnd6Rnd7FO1 FO2 TOTAL
1 Sevak Malhkasian USA 879795 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 2040
2 Walt Ghio USA 15325 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 396 2016
3 Alex Andriukov USA 548719 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 344 1964
4 Blake Jensen USA 35000 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 279 1899
5 Marty Schroedter USA 91163 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 272 1892
6 Charlie Jones USA 45287 223 180 180 180 180 180 180 1303
7 Bill Booth USA 47079 240 180 180 180 180 180 131 1271
8 John Clapp USA 19400 207 180 180 173 180 180 170 1270
9 Mike Richardson USA 29768 240 144 163 180 180 180 180 1267
10 Paul Crowley USA 2298 240 180 180 111 180 180 180 1251
11 Tomar Obligenarz ISR 1092360 240 180 180 180 180 180 101 1241
12 Michael Davis USA 6143 240 70 180 180 180 180 180 1210
13 Ryan Jones USA 590967 240 23 180 180 180 180 106 1089
14 Roger Morrrell NZL10530 210 80 180 152 0 0 180 802
15 Tom Ioerger USA 94950 0 0 0 91 0 0 0 91
F1C Rnd1Rnd2Rnd3Rnd4Rnd5Rnd6Rnd7FO1 FO2 TOTAL
1 Guy Menano USA GUY 240 180 180 180 180 180 104 1244
2 Taron Malhkasian USA 879794 240 140 132 125 180 180 180 1177
3 Bill Booth USA 47079 143 0 156 180 180 152 67 878
4 Dick Mathis USA 828033 240 180 113 0 0 0 0 533
5 Mike Roberts USA 119632 192 192
F1G Rnd1Rnd2Rnd3Rnd4Rnd5Rnd6Rnd7FO1 FO2 TOTAL
1 Tiffany Odell 120 120 120 120 120 128 728
2 Geralynn Jones 120 120 120 120 120 62 662
3 Ryan Jones 120 120 108 120 120 588
4 Peter Brocks 120 87 120 120 120 567
5 Mike Richardson 120 82 120 120 0 442
F1H Rnd1Rnd2Rnd3Rnd4Rnd5Rnd6Rnd7FO1 FO2 TOTAL
1 Jim Parker 120 120 120 120 120 128 728
2 Brian Van Nest 120 120 120 120 120 111 711
3 Blake Jenson 120 120 120 120 120 108 708
4 Mike McKeever 120 120 120 120 120 98 698
5 Bob Sifleet 73 0 0 0 0 73
F1S Rnd1Rnd2Rnd3Rnd4Rnd5Rnd6Rnd7FO1 FO2 TOTAL
1 Julie Parker 120 120 120 116 120 596
2 Lee Hines 64 120 120 120 120 544
3 Matt Gewain 9 120 120 109 120 478
4 Fred Terzan 0 120 120 104 120 464
5 Ben Tarcher 78 120 0 83 108 389
Roger Morrell