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- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1334
- Squatter's View of the Finals
- Timing C engine runs
- Thanks A & B guys
- Cooney F1B e-timer Query
- F1E Arizona Champs + Sierra Cup
- Free Flight Quarterly #61 has appeared
Squatter's View of the Finals
From: Thomas Coussens
After either competing or helping in almost every Team Selection Final
since 1986, (okay, to a lot of you, that's still rookie status), my
continual impression at each event after the last stopwatch has clicked off
has been, "How could it ever get better than this?". Yet once again, the
2016 Selection far exceeded all the previous events.
My exposure to FAI Free Flight is now pretty much limited to the finals, so
the advances in design, the rule changes and the modelers' responses to
them appear to be massive step functions every two years. This year, in all
three events, the performance improvements and design changes were
stunning. LDA airfoils and drag reduction efforts have resulted in dramatic
differences in the way the ships climb, and in the case of F1C's, how they
glide, more so than even Nordics.
In my little corner, I was overwhelmed at the changes in Jim Parker's model
box. All his ships were long and short LDA's or hybrids. I had to quickly
adapt to a completely different flying style and initially was desperately
concerned at the fine feathered edge he flew, balancing performance and
consistency. This was not the same game as 2014. But as the hours ticked
by, just as Jim had learned to adapt to the new game, I began to feel more
comfortable with it all. But I was stunned at how it had all changed in
just two years.
And then there were the flyers. In a constantly changing environment, the
remarkable characteristics of these men, and in most cases, their support
crew, remained and were on display in their resilience, dedication and
sportsmanship. Each of them had invested significant time, resources,
brainpower and emotion into each cycle to meet the demands of
competitiveness as they pushed themselves to qualify. Then came that
fateful three days every two years in which all their efforts were on the
line. And during those three days more characteristics were evident:
coolness under pressure, when with minutes to go in the round, motors boke,
engines didn't start or worse, overran, and gliders towed in; amazing
courtesy to others and a lot of gallows humor even when everything had
tanked. And this was all happening on a dry, dusty field in the middle of
When I was competing as a flyer, I developed a perspective about how we in
the free flight world created moments, ephemeral flashes of brilliance,
color, intensity, and violence with every launch, and these moments were
really what we were all about, what we strived for. Years later, every
time I return, I have the privilege of seeing these moments continue to
play out, but in a far grander scale.
Tom Coussens
Timing C engine runs
From: aram schlosberg
After a two year hiatus, I timed C models again the Lost Hills finals. During this time the engine run was dropped to 4 seconds. Interestingly, when I watched the model climb, I always gave it an over-run! Evidently, I was timing the bunt’s initiation, including the delay between the engine termination and the bunt, typically .5 - .75 seconds, as part of the engine run.
Instead, I completely concentrated on the motor’s sound but did not watch the model climb. My engine run times – typically 3.80-3.90 – conformed to other timers on the line. In other words, not watching the model climb helps one focus entirely on listening.
Of course, when other engines are co-running (parallel flights or another flier starting his engine) then one can only time the climb visually to the bunt. And if the time is under say 4.75 seconds, the flier should be granted a legal engine run.
And yes, I clocked Walt Ghio an overrun on a solo flight. Fortunately, he had just enough time to fly a backup model and max.
Thanks A & B guys
from : Mike Roberts, a C guy
I would like to thank all the F1 A and F1 B timers for their promptness at their poles so I could fly at the hooter if needed. This action really relieves some stress and I much appreciate your efforts. Thanks again.
Cooney F1B e-timer Query
Wondering if anyone knows who was selling a Cooney F1B e-timer on ebay several months ago? The timer had been modified to accept a RDT unit and I am interested in finding out the details of it. Please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ted Burfein
F1E Arizona Champs + Sierra Cup
From: Peter Brocks
Here are the results of the 2 F1E contests during the Endless October in Lost Hills, CA. The plan is that in 2017 the event “Slope Soaring Gliders” or class F1E will be included in the Kotuku World Cup and the Sierra Cup.
2016 ARIZONA F1E Championship Sept. 30, 2016 Lost Hills, CA
1 (150) 2 (180) 3 (180) 4 (180) 5 (180sec) TOTAL
1 PETER BROCKS 100% 87.22% 91.80% 99.44% 97.95% 476.41%
2 TOM IOERGER 100% 88.33% 100% 70.00% 74.66% 432.99%
3 BOB SIFLEET 100% 100% 36.07% 100% 86.99% 423.06%
4 DAVE PARSONS 34.67% 67.78% 100% 79.44% 100% 381.89%
5 MIKE RICHARDSON 58.67% 52.78% 63.11% 56.11% 86.99% 317.66%
6 FRED TERZIAN 82.67% 57.22% 76.23% 44.44% 56.85% 317.41%
2016 F1E Sierra Cup Oct. 4, 2016 Lost Hills, CA
1 (1502 (1503 (1504 (1505 (150s) TOTAL
1 DAVE PARSONS 100% 100% 100% 100% 93.33% 493.33%
2 PETER BROCKS 100% 95.71% 90.83% 53.33% 100% 439.87%
3 FRED TERZIAN 100% 75.00% 25.69% 28.00% 41.33% 270.02%
Free Flight Quarterly #61 has appeared
The new edition of Free Flight Quarterly has now been mailed. As usual, it contains a wide range of articles. The Table of Contents and the cover of the new issue can be seen at:
Sergio Montes
Roger Morrell