SEN 2210
- Details
- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1265
Table of Contents - SEN 2210
- Patterson Flyer
- The rest of the story
- F1E World Cup
- SW FAI Challenge
- Gap day in flying at the Finals?
Nov 12&13 Reserve Nov 14 , 2016 at Lost Hills Field, CA
AMERICAS CUP Contest Sanction No.16/2048
Saturday, Nov 12 : F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q, F1P
Seven 18dfb0df7cee95c90f2b17077a270457 one hour rounds start @ 7:30 AM with extended max times
F1A, F1B, F1C, and F1Q: 240 sec F1P 180 sec
Remaining round maxes are 180 sec.
Fly off schedule 30 min after end of last round. Event start times will be posted
Sunday, Nov 13: F1G, F1H, F1J, F1S
Tie Breaker flight to the ground. F1G 7:30- 7:40; F1H 7:45-7:55; F1S & F1J 8:00: -8:10
There may be a slight delay if F1A, F1B, F1C require morning fly offs
Standard Five 2007-03-12 22:18:15 rounds 45 minute long starting @ 8:30 AM, 120 sec maxes.
2 FO flights starting 45 min after end of last round Event start times will be posted
If tied at end of standard rounds, tie breaker flight time add
Tie breaker as above 10 second motor run timed to the ground
F1S will run in rounds the same as F1H & F1G ( 10 sec motor run 2 minute max)
Fly off 1 will be 5 second motor run 2 minute max
Fly off 2 will be 5 second motor run 3 minute max
If there is tie after 5 rounds +2 fly offs tie breaker will be used
Entry Fees:
FAI events: FIA, B, C, G, H, J, P, Q; $25 first event, $10 for second
AMA age juniors: $5/event,
Trophies awarded for 1-2-3 places in F1A, B, C, G, H, and F1S
Perpetual trophies for F1A, B, C, G, H, J (if they show up at the field!)
Junior Hi-Time Trophy Glider, Rubber
F1J, F1Q & F1P 1st only
AMA & Lost Hills Field Assn memberships are MANDATORY
FAI events run to the 2016 FAI rules
Processing of models will not be done as normal course
Protest in addition to 20 euro ($28) requires equipment needed for model processing
Q flyers to measure, calculate, and monitor one another’s motor runs
Flight line will move as needed to avoid retrieval from fields
No Moto-flapping
RDT allowed all events.
Contest Director
Brian Van Nest
2346 Cheyenne Dr
Bishop CA 93514
Home 760-873-5073
Cell 760-937-0177
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The rest of the story
We got a posting saying that Reid Simpson had won a Euro Champs F1C back in the 60s. So we went to the list of World and Continental Championship results that Ian Kaynes maintains at At this site Ian says that the champs did not start officially until 1972 although there is some question about 1970.
I remembered something about both Simpsons, Reid and Roger being in Europe so I wrote to Roger asking for clarification.
Roger's story shows how lifelong sporting friendships are made by just showing up at contests big and small and flying together.
now the story ...
HI Roger,
Good questions to ask, with good reason. First off, our presence in Europe was because of being in the Air Force and being stationed in Germany….. Reid 1966 to 1970, myself 1967 to 1971.
Reid and I both belonged to German Aero Clubs, Reid in northern Bavaria, I in the state of Hesse (Wiesbaden). In local, State, and German Nationals contests, we flew representing our local German Aero Clubs. In all of the International contests we flew in we flew as Americans, with the exception of the then Europa Coupe for the F1C event only, held each year in Homburg Saar, Germany, which was attended by teams from almost all of the European countries.
In 1968 Reid placed second in F1C at the German Nationals. Germany selected the German team for the F1C Europa Coupe from the first three positions in F1C at their Nationals. Reid flew in the 1968 Europa Coupe representing Germany, and if my memory serves me well, placed either second or third.
As for myself, in 1970 I won the F1C event at the Alpine Cup International Contest in Zell am See, Austria, flying as an American, and then that summer I won the German Nationals representing the Wiesbaden Aero Club.
I then received a written invitation from the Yugoslavian Aero Club inviting me to compete in the 1970 F1C European Championships being held in Zagreb, Yugoslavia. I accepted the invitation and drove to Yugoslavia with my lifetime friend Tassilo Schwend, a German F1C competitor who was on the German team.
I won the European Championships, competing as an American, in a flyoff with two Czech competitors. Yes, I flew as a guest, but was awarded first place. The German F1C team (with Tasillo as a team member) placed first in the team competition…. We were very happy during our drive back to Germany.
Right after I got back I flew in the Europa Coupe F1C contest as part of the German team as I had won the German Nationals and had qualified for the team. I placed third in the contest which was one of the windiest contests I have ever flown in, right up against the max wind speed.
Both of the contests had suit and tie banquets following the competitions with formal award ceremonies. Both Reid and I were fully accepted in the European Aeromodeling community and were treated with much respect.
Yes, much detail, but I felt it was necessary to fully explain and answer your questions. I have read Mike A’s lobbying for opening up the European Championships to everyone. I do not think they should and such lobbying accomplishes nothing.
F1E World Cup
From FFn
The 2016 events for F1E have n0w been completed and so the following are the top 20 final positions for 2016.
1 Marian Popescu ROU 215 CH-1 CP-1 GC-1 PA-1 NM-2 TC-3 PC-11 MT-6
2 Alexander Winker GER 212 VL-1 PM-1 OB-1 FB-1 CH-2 MT-4 CP-6 PE-11 NM-14
3 Ian Kaynes GBR 177 HB-1 CA-1 UE-2 HA-3 NM-5 PA-5 KE-5 BG-8 CP-12 TZ-18 GC-18
4 Dominik Andrist SUI 167 CP-2 PM-2 KE-2 CA-2 VL-3 PE-7 NM-11 FB-10 PC-17 OB-16 MT-21
5 Daniel Bildea ROU 153 UE-1 BG-1 PA-4 CH-8 GC-9 TC-18 TZ-22
6 Bob Sifleet USA 150 KE-1 CE-2 CA-3 NM-4 MT-5 UE-15 GC-23
7 Pierre Chaussebourg FRA 147 MT-2 BG-2 PA-3 CH-4 UE-4 PM-8 TC-15 NM-9
8 Jaromir Orel CZE 140 TC-2 HB-2 GC-3 CH-10 UE-17 PC-23 NM-24
9 Frantiszek Kanczok POL 133 TZ-2 HA-2 CH-5 UE-6 PC-8 MT-10 CP-20 NM-15 GC-16
10 Andre Trachez FRA 131 PE-1 CP-4 PM-4 VL-6 PC-19
11 Stanislaw Kubit POL 129 HA-1 FB-3 UE-5 PE-5 OB-8 PC-12 GC-15
12 Wieslaw Moj POL 128 TZ-1 HB-3 CH-7 UE-9 HA-7
13 Jacek Zurowski POL 118 TC-1 GC-2 TZ-10 UE-24
14 Florian Winker (J) GER 116 VL-2 FB-4 CP-5 OB-6 MT-12 CH-24
15 Frantisek Doupovec CZE 113 PC-1 VL-8 HB-6 CH-11 MT-13 OB-14 UE-19
16 Florian Draghici ROU 112 PC-2 CH-3 TC-12 GC-12 MT-15 TZ-14 CP-17 VL-17 UE-22 NM-16
17 Jean-Luc Drapeau FRA 106 PA-2 NM-6 CP-8 TZ-8 BG-6 VL-9 PE-10 PM-10 MT-14 PC-15 OB-13 FB-13CH-22
18 Ema Kozuchova (J) SVK 105 TZ-3 HA-4 HB-4 NM-10 UE-12 CH-15 MT-22
19 Christian Andrist SUI 98 CP-3 KE-3 CA-4 VL-18
20 Peter Brocks USA 95 CE-1 KE-4 CA-5
1 Ema Kozuchova SVK 204 TZ-1 NM-1 CH-1 HA-1
2 Florian Winker GER 202 CP-1 VL-1 OB-1 FB-1
3 Dorobantu Hariton ROU 186 PC-1 BG-1 TC-2 MT-2
4 Laurentiu Anca ROU 173 PA-1 PC-2 NM-2 BG-2
5 Clarisse Trachez FRA 159 UE-1 TZ-2 PM-2 PE-3
6 Nathan Laura FRA 140 CP-2 VL-2 PE-2 TC-9
7 Ondrej Holubec CZE 133 MT-1 CH-3 VL-4 PC-5
8 Mihnea Prodanel ROU 130 CH-2 GC-2 NM-4 TZ-5
9 Laura Kozuchova SVK 81 NM-3 CP-3 TZ-7
10 Florian Buliga ROU 80 TC-1 PC-4
11 Nick Finke GER 80 OB-2 FB-2
12 Theo Laura FRA 76 PM-1 PE-4
13 Hugo Bazile-Desgoges FRA 74 TC-3 UE-5 TZ-6
14 Enael Drapeau FRA 65 PM-2 OB-3
15 Teodor Ionica ROU 51 PC-3 TC-8
16 Dymytro Chornyj UKR 51 GC-1
17 Nathan Herbert FRA 51
SW FAI Challenge Flash
Day One
F1A - Brian Van Nest, Peter Brocks
F1B - Blake Jensen, Bob Tymchek, Bob Piserchio
F1C / FAI Power - Bill Booth, Drake Hooke
F1Q Jack Murphy, Alan Meacham, Drake Hooke
Big item was Bob Tymchek's return to flying after about 5 years off with various medical issues and making the F1B Flyoff to boot.
Days 2 AND 3 from Mike Richardson
Southwest FAI Challenge is now finished for 2016. Sunday evening the wind howled all night long on the lake bed. At 2:30 in the morning I checked the weather report and my heart sank. It called for 20-25mph winds. Well at 5am it dropped to 5-8 which was a big relief. We finished by 10 and said our goodbyes. At 11 o'clock the winds were light and variable. Never fails!
F1H was captured by Brian VanNest followed by Blake Jensen.
F1S was won by Jack Murphy followed by Dick Ivers and Drake Hooke.
F1G was humble me in first followed by Geralyn Jones and Peter Brocks.
Gap day in flying at the USA Team Finals?
From : aram schlosberg
Our Finals have two contests for three events. Two of the events fly back-to back, while the other has a non-flying day in between. However, similar weather conditions are likely on two consecutive days. If we would like to test fliers under different flying conditions, there should be a gap day in flying for all three events.
This can be achieved if say A flies on the first and third day, while B flies on the second and fourth day. C being the smallest event, could be attached to A – flown on the first and third day. In such a setup, only B flies on the second and fourth day and – allowing those days to be used for extra flyoffs or tie breakers for A and C.
More timing is required when flying over four days. In this example, B times on the first and third days, C times on the second day with an assist from A (being the smallest event) and A times on the fourth day as well. Since only B is flying on the fourth day, it could include extra B flyoffs. And if there are still ties, they would be settled by the absolute times on B’s previous flying day.
This suggestion utilizes Final’s reserve day for flying, retaining the Finals foot print. Each event has a gap-day in flying. In the next Finals (2020), A and B flying would be switched.
Roger Morrell