SEN 2680 - Looping around Argentina and Motel 6

SEN 2680 – Table of Contents

Looping around Argentina and Motel 6

1. Argentine World cups invitation
2. FAI and Argentina
3. Another worm hole ?
4. Motel 6 at Lost Hills
5. Looping E ?
6. Free Flight Quarterly #74 has appeared


Argentine World cups invitation

From:ramiro gonzalez

Hi Roger,Here I send you the invitations for the freeflight family to the Argentina World Cups that will be held in the month of April, two world cups in the same field, F1A, B, C and Q class. In this link you can find all the information about the two competitions:
Feel welcome to Argentina for the Mendoza Cup and the Condor Cup!!!!

Ramiro, González López

Jose P. Otero 1880
- Cerro de las Rosas

Cod. Post. 5009

Córdoba -
F1A Blog site:

FAI and Argentina

From: Alfredo Baños

Dear Roger, it would be very helpful if you can publish in the next SEN that Argentina returned to Active Member, last week it was paid for FAI membership. Thank you. Alfredo

Another worm hole ?
From:Dick Ivers

SEN 2679 - Regarding closed loop control:
There is another system that could possibly be interpreted as closed loop control that is used in some current F1Q models. The system is the motor speed governor function present in some ESCs. This is used to keep motor speed constant throughout the climb thus reducing the effect of battery sag. Motor speed is measured internally by the ESC, then the voltage to the motor is raised or lowered to keep speed constant.


Motel 6 at Lost Hills

From:Martin Schroedter

I recently spoke to Laura at Motel 6 and she told me because of the
confusion on the price for the February dates, she has reserved several
rooms for the modelers because of their years of support. If you contact her
just mention that you are a flier and she'll give you the special rate, no
special code is required. Please call to confirm but I believe she is saying
the rates are $59.95 for two people and $49.95 for single.

Motel 6 Lost Hills phone number 661 797-2346


Looping E ?

From:Jerry Fitch


By way of understanding open/closed loop systems in the current context, what’s on an F1E model?  From the comments, seems like it would be closed loop.

Editor’s comment : I think it is agreed that magnetic steering is OK as that’s part of the class. Using a GPS is not ? but and electronic compass is ? And can you steer by a method other than a rudder e.g wing wiggler and could you link the stab for example to the turning action or amount of turn ?


Free Flight Quarterly #74 has appeared
From: sergio montes  
Roger ,
Could you please insert this brief message in the next issue of your newsletter?

with thanks



The new edition of Free Flight Quarterly has just appeared, with a wide variety of articles, including a 6- page obit of Evgeny Verbitsky, and  detailed story by Allard van Wallene about the F1A day at Lost Hills, with occasion of the latest World Championship there. The cover, table of contents and extensive summary of the articles in this edition of Free Flight Quarterly can be found in our website:


Sergio Montes