SEN 2590 - Canada and New York colored Red or Black spirals
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- Category: Archive 2019
- Hits: 1126
SEN 2590 – Table of Contents
Canada and New York colored Red or Black spirals
1. Schedule for the Lacey-Kerr Memorial (July 13-14)
2. Plop off the top
3. Red vs Black
4. Huron Cup
5. CANADA CUP 2019
Schedule for the Lacey-Kerr Memorial (July 13-14)
From:Andrew Barron
Dear Free Flight Friends,
Here forwarded is a reminder of the previously announced Dave Lacey, Tom
Kerr Memorial free flight meet July 13-14 for America's Cup FAI, AMA, NFFS
events. It is at Barron Field in Wawayanda, New York. [It is a replacement
for the Eastern States Championship that Tom Kerr lead for so many years.]
Concurrently there is the Bob Morris Memorial meet for all SAM old-timer
events. Go to for specifics on the
Morris Memorial.
We are making a couple of small updates to the schedule for the FAI events
(edited in the forwarded announcement). One is that F1B which starts
Saturday at 10 am will carry over to Sunday at 6:30 am, for a 5 or 6 minute
max flight, weather permitting. Another is that F1A will start at 7:30 am
Hope to see many of you there!
Andrew Barron
Plop off the top
By Aram Schlosberg
Last week I attended the Scandinavian World Cups and had the opportunity to observe Tapio Linkosalo’s S/E36 model’s climb. (Awarded the 2018 Model of the Year.)
To be specific, suppose a power model climbs around an imaginary cylinder and denote the ratio of its height to its diameter as H:D. Tapio’s model called Puzzle climbed at an 8-9:1 ratio in one rotation of about 5 seconds. When the motor stopped, the model plopped backwards into a left (!) glide. (I suppose each model has a glide direction personality. A non-tilted stab also matters.)
Tapio’s innovation is to circumvent the power-glide transition that underlies AMA-like locked everything power climb patterns. These power models’ left thrust/right rudder cross trim together with a titled stab and a small right wing wash-in are designed to assure a smooth climb-glide transition. At a 2-3:1 climb ratios these models typically side slip into a right turn when the power is cut. (Banking increases with the climb ratio.) Here the wing’s lift plays a major role in gaining height and countering the centrifugal force at these climb ratios.
In contrast, Tapio’s model is climbing almost vertically, while the wings are flying at close to a zero-lift while the model is rolling around an imaginary vertical line.
A plop transition has three prerequisites. First, the CG should be forward (around 65% of the wing’s chord) to prevent gigantic recovery stalls. Second, the CG should be as low as possible, with a high pylon, allowing the model to quickly land on its feet. And finally, the model’s outer perimeters should be super light with most of its mass concentrated in the center. In other words, lack a directional inertia. This is attested by having the prop about an inch ahead of the wing. ///
Red vs Black
From : Magic Timers
From time to time we get questions about Red Magic Timers. Here are some answers.
A Red Magic Timer is a Special version of a Black Magic Timer made exclusively for Victor Stamov. There a few different versions (number servos for example) but internally they are very similar to the Black Magic Timers of the same period. They are no longer made. Some were assembled by Magic Timers and some by Victor with parts from Magic Timers. They are programmed using the Super Magic program on a Palm Pilot just like regular Magic timers.
Physically the Red Magic timers have a separate "control block" made by Victor Stamov that is attached to the timer electronics by a flexible ribbon cable.. This control block has the power switch and connectors for hook, battery, servos and RDT. Victor’s control block was made by Victor in Kyiv and cannot be easily connected to a Black Magic Timer.
Red Magic repairs – some improperly functioning or damaged Red Magic Timers can be repaired. But a fault with some Red Magic Timers is the connection from the ribbon cable to either the control block or the electronics board is severely damaged by a crash or corrosion, probably caused by epoxy, and cannot be repaired.
More recent Black Magic timers have upgraded technology and more features that Red Magic timers and will perform better. The program from a Red Magic can be loaded in to a Black Magic Timer. A Red Magic can be replaced by a Black Magic but some work by the installer is needed to deal with the different physical shape.
Caveat Emptor. When buying a second hand timer of any kind always check that it is working properly, that it can be programmed, that all inputs (start button, hook, RDT ) work and the same with the servos. Make sure that you get a pinout – i.e. where to connect everything for that particular timer. If the timer is in a model and is working take a photo of the timer, the installation and wiring.
The Toronto Free Flight Group
Presents the 19th Annual
Huron Cup
An Americas and World Cup FF Competition
Dates: Sunday, July 21st 2019
Place: Zander Sod farm, New Tecumseth, Ontario, Canada (aprox 1 hr, 15 minutes North of Toronto)
Events: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q, F1G, F1H, F1J/P
Entry Fees: $25.00 for F1A, F1B, F1C $10.00 for F1G, F1H, F1J/P
Juniors Free all events!
CD: Tony Mathews
11233 Hwy 118, PO Box 85, West Guilford, ON K0M2S0 Cell: +1 705-854-0698
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sunday July 21st
F1A/B/C/Q Round 1 8:00 am – 9:00 am 3 minute maxes
Round 2 9:00 am – 10:00 am 4 minutes for round 1 & 5
Round 3 10:00 am – 11:00 pm (weather permitting)
Round 4 11:00 pm – 12:00 pm
Round 5 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
F1A/B/C/Q Fly-offs 8:00 pm (weather permitting)- max to be announced
F1G/H/J/P Round 1 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Round 2 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm 2 minute maxes
Round 3 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Round 4 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Round 5 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Note: The 1st round max time could be extended (weather permitting) and the 5th round max time will depend on the weather. Max times will be announced before the start of each round.
F1G/H/J/P Fly-offs 7:00 pm (weather permitting)
July 20th. 2019
Zander Sod farm, New Tecumseth, Ontario,
Categories: F1A – F1B – F1C
Contest schedule: F1A – F1B – F1C
July 20th. Round 1. 8.00 AM - 9.00 AM Round 2. 9.00 AM - 10.00 AM Round 3. 10.00 AM - 11.00 PM Round 4. 11.00 PM - 12.00 PM Round 5. 12.00 PM - 13.00 PM Round 6. 13.00 PM - 14.00 PM Round 7. 14.00 PM - 15.00 PM
Round 1 Max will be : F1A 240 sec.
F1B 300 sec
F1C 300 sec
All other rounds are 3 minute maxes.
Fly Offs: 18.00 PM on July 20th. 2019 based on weather conditions
Current FAI Sporting Codes Apply
Entry Fee: $30.00 CAD / Event Junior Entry Fee: $5.00 CAD / Event
For Insurance purposes, non AMA or MAAC members will have to buy a
Temporary CAD $10.00 membership.
Sod Farm location:
GPS co-ordinates: 44.124309,-79.811856
6114-6746 12th Line
New Tecumseth, ON L0G 1A0, Canada ?
Tottenham road and 12th side road are the main intersections
(The field is on 12th. side road, east of Tottenham road.)
168 Mill Street
Angus, Ontario
Tel: (705) 424-7777 Fax: (705) 424-9551
174 Mill Street
Angus, Ontario
Tel: (705) 424-6362
497 Victoria Street East
Alliston, Ontario
Tel: (705) 435-4381 Fax: (705) 435-2265
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Leslie Farkas
21 Misty Moor Drive
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Canada L4C 6P9
Tel: (905) 886-6959 Fax: (905) 886-3025
E-Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(Sunrise for July 21st – 5:56 am Sunset - 20:55 pm)
Test flying possible for Friday July 19th at sod farm call CD for details
Sod farm rules:
1) Do not drive or park on the grass ever!!
2) Access is in the area labeled A on the map (I can email a map)
3) No motorcycles or motorized vehicles of any kind allowed on the grass
4) No tents, sunshades, tables, or Bar B Q’s allowed on the grass
5) Do not leave any garbage (including rubber motors) on the grass!
6) Parking is available talk to CD
Sod Farm location:
GPS co-ordinates: 44.124309,-79.811856
6114-6746 12th Line
New Tecumseth, ON L0G 1A0, Canada ?
Tottenham road and 12th side road are the main intersections.
Motels available in the area:
168 Mill Street
Angus, Ontario
Tel: (705) 424-7777 Fax: (705) 424-9551
174 Mill Street
Angus, Ontario
Tel: (705) 424-6362
497 Victoria Street East
Alliston, Ontario
Tel: (705) 435-4381 Fax: (705) 435-2265
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.