sen 2360 - Fab Feb Sign Up available
- Details
- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1900
Table of Contents – SEN 2360
- Fab Feb Sign up available
- 2018 Bob White Memorial Max Men International - see under Fab Feb 2018 section
Fab Feb Sign Up available
Sign up for the FAI and Social events at the Fab Feb Contests:
Ike Winter Classic/Kiwi Cup
North American Cup
MaxMen International
The MaxMen announcement is below and other detailed contest announcements will appear shortly in SEN and there is a special section on the SEN web site at that will have all the information.
Here is a brief summary
* date to be announced - Offical Confirmation of Dates after CIAM meeting
* As last year people are strongly encouraged to Sign up on Online. No payment is needed.
* Online sign up is at
* Friday 9 Feb 2017 - Sign Up and pay for Entries for all contests on the field or at the Lost Hills Community Center
* Saturday 10 Feb 2017 - Kiwi World Cup F1ABCPQ - Ike AMA events
* Sunday 11 Feb 2017 Ike FAI Mini Events F1HGS and J(only if advance entries are received) -Ike AMA events - Lost Hills Family Flying
* Monday 12 Feb 2017 Kiwi F1E World Cup
* Tuesday 13 Feb Ladies Tea Party
* Wedensday 14 2017 North American World Cup F1ABCPQ
* Thursday 15 Cal Cup World Cup F1E, MaxMen on Field Entry, Fab Feb Mexican Dinner in Lost Hills
* Friday 16 MaxMen F1B, F1C and F1P World Cup
* Saturday 17 MaxMen F1A and F1Q World Cup
* Sunday 18 Feb 2017 MaxMen Mini Events
* Monday 19 Feb 2917 - MaxMen Reserve day and President's Day Public Holiday
The entry form is available at
We will be doing our Top Dude award for the best in each World Cup Class across all events and a similar new award for the best in the FAI Mini events. There will be the Jean Battern awards for the top lady in the World Cup Classes at the Kiwi Cup as well as the Grand Master awards for top sportsmen who have reach that august status.
The Kiwi Cup will have many AMA events as usual and all, including international visitors are invited to take part. In our tradition there will be a number special events and full details wil be published soon. But as a teaser we are working on the following. There will be a special fast pace 5 X 5 HLG/F1N Hand launch Glider event on Sunday with a $100 prize plus same for the top 3 man team, An E-36 World Challenge with bigger bucks for first. second and third starts early on Monday morning. Our Australian visitors will help run the Scramble event, will glider guys Per Findahl or Ken Bauer beat old power guy Henning and Classic man John Buskell or how about Norm’s Vintage Dakota ?