SEN 2271
- Details
- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1545
Table of Contents – 2271
- Fab Feb Fotos - Forgotten
- Francois Fab Feb Flicker Fotos – Fixed
- Collectively the best
- F1A Restrictions
- Life of LiPo batteries
Fab Feb Fotos - Forgotten
From: Malcolm Campbell
We got these Photos a day or so ago – but they did not make it to the last SEN
Hi Roger
Back from Fab Feb 2017, jet lag gone and photos ready for you to see. I hope you like them!
Fab Feb 2017 COMPETITIONS 303 photos
Fab Feb 2017 SOCIALS 82 photos
Malcolm Campbell
Francois Fab Feb Flicker Fotos – Fixed
The links had an error – which some of you figured out
From:Francois DUCASSOU
Voici un lien vers mes photos de LOST HILLS 2017
Collectively the best
Hi Roger,
Foresight told me this FabFeb would be a bust because of the adverse weather forecasts. But, in hindsight I believe it to be the most competitive in my memory. F1A, F1B and F1C each shown to be excellent in model and flyer performance. The administration was tops too. A most memorable outing!
FB Comments on the F1A idea in the last SEN
Idea to restrict performance by making everyone use the same airfoil.
Tony Mathews I can't imagine many current F1A flyers supporting this. Everyone using Benedek 6356b airfoils and 2 meter wings? Of course you'd have to ban flappers as a flapped Benedek model could still reach 100 meters. It is a possible solution to limit performance. But not one that I'd be happy with.
Diego German Bovari Good point !
Jack Murphy limiting F1 models is counterintuitive to my perception of what FAI models are..... rule changes should be given a 3 year consideration process with participants having a great deal of weighted influence......
Ismail Sarioglu Not a uniform profile, but 2 Mt span limit WITH flapper ban sounds reasonable to me. People will still lunch their birds pretty high, yet glide will be limited. A 2 or 3 years notice is for sure a necessity .
Ismail Sarioglu Also, a similar 1.5 mt span limit for F1B sounds sane.
Nikolay Nikolov If we go back to 7 rounds you can see how many will finish with full maxes? Look at the results before flapper era much more then last 4 years . Big changes will make more work for the professional model builders and the results will be 2yers big profits! Going back to conventional airfoils is not far from the good changes ,models will go back to 70-85m max and the gliding will be like 2008-2010 . Short 2m wingspan is not big problem and is not limiting the gliding. I be come first in Turkey European Championship with model 2.12m wing span! .
Mati Moskovich Well done guys
Please keep writing, you're good at that...
And we will keep flying F1a ...
There wasn't even one lunch (unfortunately) in lost hills this year that reached 120m...
And everybody that fly in the competitions (not speak about them) saw that except one flyoff everything was picking the good air ( thermal ) !!
I'm sure that if someone will decide to make all those changes, 70-80% of the F1a fliers that compete in L.H this year , won't be there a year after the changes !
Have a good day all my inventors friends....
Bart Rotteveel Not good.....not good ??
Thomas Weimer I don't think there is a need to change the F1A rules.
Ismet Yurtseven I am not an F1A flier but I believe that F1A is the best sport in the world. It is best because of the creativity, innovation, hard work, spirit, ambition and so on. I think there is no need to restrict the goodness.
Cristea Vlad Dorian There is no need for more changing on F1A rules!
Issues would also being deciding how close to the specified airfoil is still OK and what happens at the tip as the section changes
Life of LiPo batteries
From Boddington @Magic Timers
The LiPo batteries that we use in our electronic timers are quite reliable but both Magic Timers an another timer maker were asked about this at the recent Fab Feb events. Our reply was typically 3-5 years. But you need to monitor all parts of your electronic control system just the same as you would have monitored and maintained a mechanical system. The parts the most likely to fail are the batteries and electro mechanical parts like servos and switches.
Our onboard electronics operate in a hostile environment with risk of water, heat, mechanical, crash and foreign object damage. Clearly it would be possible to pack them in something like a Pelican box or use expensive Mil-Spec connectors and enclosures but all of this would increase the weight and cost. Seeing we don’t transport people or dangerous materials we don’t need that level of component but we still need to check that our airplanes are working properly and replace components when necessary.