SEN 2269 - 24 Feb 2017
- Details
- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1641
Table of Contents – SEN 2269
- Fab Feb Top Dude award
- Revised North American Results
- Merry Smith’s Photos
- Great Trip to Lost Hills
Fab Feb Top Dude Award
Every year SEN Awards the “Top Dude” award to the sportsman who does best over each of F1 A B C and Q. We use a slightly modified World Cup scoring scheme. The World Cup only allocate points to the first 20 and the first half of the participants. We allocate the point to the first 20, we don’t cut off at the halfway mark. But we don’t allocate bonus points to those in the latter half. In the results below the closest contest was in F1Q, with Ian Kaynes just beating Jack Murphy. Because Jack and Ian were only one point apart and the allocation of Bonus points is a little arbitrary both will be considered joint winners. The Super Top Dude was in F1B where Oleg Kulavovsky chalked up a huge lead. In F1C the Babenko “Factory Team” cleaned up.
1 Jama Danier CAN 854
2 Aviv Balassiano ISR 797
3 Anders Persson SWE 790
1 Oleg Kulakovsky UKR 1531
2 Stepan Stefanchuk UKR 811
3 Igor Vivchar UKR 778
1 Artem Babenko UKR 1137
2 Larissa Savukhina RUS 984
3 Reinhard Truppe AUT 912
1 Ian Kaynes GBR 1205
1 Jack Murphy USA 1204
3 Tom Ioerger USA 503
Special Custom Chaos T-Shirts will be awarded.
Revised North American Results
The revised North American Results have been put on line at The corrected results now also include the Team results.
copilot2011 (Merry Smith) Fab Feb Flickr photos
From: Merry Smith My photos
(By the way, if the photostream link doesn't work, try
copying and pasting it from this email into your browser's
address bar.)
Roger, Here is my contribution to the photo collections for
our Fabulous February Free Flight Contests!
Great Trip to LH
From the Free Flight group on FB by David Gerspacher, the father of junior flyer Kyle Gerspacher. Kyle made his first big trip across the USA to go to the MaxMen event with a 3 hour plus flight. I remember many years ago the first big trip that I made by myself was to the NZ Nats at Bell Block near New Plymouth. Fortunately I forget how long ago that was ! As you see from David’s note below Kyle had a great time and we wish him many more.
David Gerspacher
We picked Kyle up late last night at the airport coming home from Lost Hills. Even though he was dead tired he talked all the way home about his wonderful experience. I want to thank everybody for helping him and making him feel welcome on his first trip to Lost Hills. A special thanks goes to Charlie and Geralyn Jones for making his trip possible and Jim Lueken for picking him up at LAX.