SEN 2029
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- Category: Archive 2015
- Hits: 1680
- Hungarian or Bulgarian ?
- Are you in the database ?
- MMM reminder
On the Net – 1, the Hungarians are one minute up on the Bulgarians?
The World Cup events this year seem to be a little more cursed (the opposite of blessed?) at fly off time with too much wind. So this has prompted the organizers to use what some on FB have called a Bulgarian style fly off. This involved launching the model and D/Ting after one minute of flight and timing it to the ground. So you end up with flights of about 90 seconds. At a recent event in Hungary the wind was not quite as bad as Bulgaria so they did 2 minutes before D/T. Interestingly in the Hungary F1A this resulted in a tie with 2 on 135 seconds requiring a second fly off to get a winner.
It is not clear to the remote observer (your editor) if for a Central-European style FO a RDT is required or if the D/T can simply be set a one or two minutes, depending on the country style used at the event.
On the Net – 2 Are you in the data base?
Or rather is your FAI Sporting License in the FAI’s database? Those who compete in international competition, in particular in World Cup and World Championship events around the world need a FAI Sporting License. This applies not only to Aeromodelling but to all Air Sports under the auspices of the FAI. You get this from your local National Aero Club. Apparently there have been a number irregularities in the past. To fix this the FAI has created a searchable database of FAI Licenses. The concept is that when a NAC issues a sporting license they also send the information to the FAI who put it in the database. It can them be searched by event organizers to make sure that participants are properly credentialed. The information for the upcoming FF Word Champs in Mongolia stated that contestant’s licenses must be in the database. The database search can be found at
A number of sportsmen and team managers have checked this. There were some surprises in that people who had the licenses could not find them, this meant they had to go back to their NAC to ask them to re-send the information to the FAI... Note than in some countries such as the USA the NAC (the AMA with the NAA) is run by professional full time staff who do a good job of sending the information to the FAI quickly but in some other countries the NAC is staffed by volunteers who have more limited resources. Of course the FAI License has a fee associated with it and I believe that part of this is sent to the FAI. The cost of the FAI Licenses to the sportsmen seems to vary quite lot from country to country
We have been free of FB FAI FF sporting controversies since the last December’s are-F1B-sportsmen-allowed-to-fly-in-F1A. But the above License database appears to have given rise to a new situation. A recent World Cup winner did not have a FAI License “in the database”. There appears to be some question around, was this just his NAC being behind in sending in the information or was it because the sportsman has instructed his NAC to send the information to the FAI, perhaps because of some notion personal privacy? Time will tell.
But in conclusion if you are a regular competitor in World Cups or World Champs you need a FAI License and it needs to be in the database. So as a sportsman you need to check the FAI database to make sure you are there and if not take it up with your NAC. And if you object to the FAI having this information about you, take up some other sport.
36th Annual FAI 14 Round Meet Reminder
From: Jerry Murphy
Just a reminder that the deadline for the early registration discount is approaching. Entries received after July 1 will be at the full price of $35 per World Cup event and $15 for the FAI Mini events as well as the AMA and NFFS events.
The Hq. hotel is the Super 8 on Parker Rd. There is a limited number of double rooms available at the MMM rate of $89.10 + $4 tax per night.
The field is in super shape after the spring rains. Don't forget your gaiters as the grass
is taller than usual.
If you have any questions please drop me an email.
Jerry Murphy, CD
9 Via Escondido Valle
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
he Magnificent Mountain Men 14-Round FAI meet is the toughest contest in North America. Within the 14-R are the Centennial and Tui Cups, separate 7-round competitions for America’s and
World Cup points. The traditional MMM silver perpetual trophies
and Blue Jackets will be awarded based on the sum of competitors’
performances in both meets.
Blue Jackets can only earned by flying
a perfect 14 180-second maxes over the two days in F1A, B, C, P, or
Perpetual awards as well for two-days total scores in F1G, H, J.
July 10 (Friday)
F1E : 4 rounds Tui Cup, 4 rounds Centennial Cup
July 11 (Saturday)
7 rounds of Centennial Cup: F1A, F1B, F1C/P,
and F1Q, plus 5 rounds of F1G, H, J and Vintage F1C.
July 12 (Sunday)
- 7 rounds of Tui Cup: F1A, F1B, F1C/P
and F1Q, plus 5 rounds of F1G, H, J and Vintage F1C.
Flying Site:
Lowry Range in Arapahoe County, Colorado. Entrance near interesection of Watkins Road and Quincy Ave. Email for map and lock combination.
World Cup:
Competitors flying to earn World Cup points
have a valid FAI Sporting License. All non-permanent resident U.S.A. or Canadian competitors
must have (or may purchase on the field for $28) an AMA Associate License.
F1E rounds schedule:
9:00 a.m. first round start. Meet at bottom of the hill at 8:00 a.m. for shuttling.
Contest Hours:
Saturday and Sunday, 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m., weather dependent. Flyoffs 5:30 p.m. each day.
Rounds schedule:
First five rounds each day, Saturday and Sunday, are 90 minutes, not overlapping, to accomodate mini events. Final two rounds each day 60 minutes.
Check the MMM website for date, time, and location. <>.
Check the MMM website for hotel details. Primitive RV and tent camping is allowed on the site for a flat fee of $25 (as per the Colorado State Land
Board). No hookups are provided. No dumping is allowed. There is a Porta-Potty on site.
All Juniors, and past World Champions shall pay no entry fees!
For more information contact:
Jerry Murphy, 719-685-3766 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Detach, fill out, and send to:
Marc Sisk, 17472 Cabin Hill Ln. Colorado Springs, Colorado 80908 USA <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Fee enclosed
Entry fees: $35 per FAI WC event, and $15 per mini-FAI/AMA/NFFS/SAM event. $55 maximum. Check payable to MMM, or use PayPal (see Pay
Pal instructions on MMM website). If using PayPal we still need an entry form mailed or emailed.
Entries received on or before 7/1/14 shall
be $25 per World Cup event, and $10 per Mini-FAI/AMA/NFFS/SAM event. $50 maximum for unlimited events
Circle events entered:
Centennial Cup:
F1A, F1B, F1C, F1E, F1G, F1H, F1J, F1P, F1Q, Vintage F1C.
Tui Cup:
F1A, F1B, F1C, F1E, F1G, F1H, F1J, F1P, F1Q, Vintage F1C.
HLG, CLG, Classic Towline.
: P-30, OT Rub. Combo, Sm. /Lg. Nos Rubber Combo, Mulv/Moffett.
: E-36, AMA A, AMA B, 1/2A E-Nos, ABC E-Nos.
AMA Gas:
1/2A, A, B, C, D, 1/2A Classic, AB Classic, CD Classic.
Nostalgia Gas:
1/4A, Early 1/2A, 1/2A, A, B, C, Slow Open Power
Roger Morrell