SEN 1984
- Details
- Category: Archive 2015
- Hits: 1821
- CIAM meeting info
- AFFS Champs
- Banning Flaps
CIAM Meeting
The agenda for the CIAM Aprils meetings along with various reports is available on the FAI Web site
goto the Meeting section and expand this to see 2015 and Plenary meeting. Under the plenary meeting there are many documents. The first document, the agenda has all the proposed rule changes
Annexes 2, 3 and 4 have reports from ian Kaynes on the Activites of the CIAM FFTSC , Junior World Champs and the 2014 World Cup . Ian's reports are always well written, to the point and contain useful information, we suggest that you read them.
Annex 7B has the only new Free Flight class , that being F1S based on the popular US E-36 event.
*****AFFS AGM See CD’s notice board for time and location.
Combined % Open 0800 - 1300
Combined HLG, CLG, DLG 0900 - 1300
F1B 7 x 1 hour rounds 0800 - 1500
F1H 5 x 1 hour rounds 0800 - 1300
Tuesday, April 21 Fly offs from Wednesday competitions 0730
Note. In both OzD and Vintage, a first flight taken before 0900 should be timed to the ground to a maximum of 10 minutes. The extended flight time will be used as a tiebreaker in lieu of a flyoff. A first flight may be taken after 0900 but in this case times will only be counted up the normal maximum.
Evening. Presentation Dinner, Morundah Hotel 7 for 7:30pm
1. WORLD CUP EVENTS - are flown from a flight line in seven one hour rounds. Please assist by volunteering to time keep.
2. Flyoffs will be organized after the event (start time, CD and timekeepers) but held the following morning. Durations for F1A, B & C, G, H, and J will be 10 minutes. For other events unlimited (conditions permitting).
3. OzD will be flown on the last day and therefore cannot have a flyoff the next morning. You may make a longer 1st round flight (up to 10 minutes) as flyoff insurance in case more than one flyer maxes out. If you want your 1stflight to be considered as a flyoff it must be launched before 0900.
4. OPEN EVENTS - are 3 flights to a 3 minute max with no rounds and one unlimited flyoff the next day.
5. Gliders otherwise conforming to the F1H/A1 rules will be allowed in F1H at any weight provided they are fitted with a non-latchable towhook.
6. Old style F1J/Class 1 Power models – restricted to a plain bearing motors of less than 1 cc and no moving surfaces except DT – will be allowed an 8 second motor run in F1J (bring out your Mini Weavers and ½ A Vikings)
7. P-30 is 3 flights to a 120 sec. max. No rounds. One unlimited flyoff.
8. COMBINED % OPEN – is 3 flights (no rounds). Score is the percentage of the max for that class. HLG and CLG are allowed but are only allowed 3 flights i.e. no discards. Two attempts are permitted for each flight (a 20 second attempt rule applies).
9. VINTAGE Glider, Rubber and Power will be flown as a combined event. You may enter more than one class. Champ of champ points will include all entries. Note that the vintage cut-off date is 1956. You may make a longer 1stround flight (up to 10 minutes) as flyoff insurance in case more than one flyer maxes out. If you want your 1st flight to be considered as a flyoff it must be launched before 0900.
Vintage classes get bonus points (2 per year pre 1956) as per MAAA rules 2009
10.HLG/CLG/DLG are combined, not separate events. All flights from the box marked by 4 cones.
11.Oz Diesel (1.5cc plain bearing diesel, no VIT, AR etc., see FFDU2002/3), 10 sec motor run, 5 x 2 min flights. One unlimited fly-off .
12.Radio Dethermalization (RDT) is allowed in all events.
13.PLACEGETTERS models, lines, motors etc. may be processed. There will be spot checks and check timekeeping on the field.
14.All Competitors must be in possession of a current MAAA/FAI licence.
15.AFFS Annual General Meeting. Please forward agenda items, nominations etc. to the secretary, Tahn Stowe by April 1.
16.The Presentation Dinner will be on the evening of Tuesday April 21 at the Morundah Pub. There will be a bus from Narrandera. Cost (including bus) will be about $35. We need to know numbers in advance so please make your bookings for the dinner and pay with your entry.
17.Motorized retrieval (car, motorcycle) is not allowed (pedal and electric bicycle retrieval is). We are not permitted motorized retrieval on the Department of Defence land (Field 1) and for Field 2, although motorized retrieval has been allowed in the past, we have had problems with the dust raised by cars obscuring models and blanketing the flight line.
18.Smoking on the field is not allowed. If you smoke in a car the doors have to be closed.
19.Sunrise at Narrandera on April 25 is at 06:43. Sunset 17:32.
38th Annual Australian Free Flight Society Championships
World Cup - Open International
Narrandera, NSW April 17 – 21, 2015
Name: …………………………………………………………………FAI No:……………………
Address: ………………………………………………………….………Age (if Junior)……………
Event | Tick |
1. F1A World Cup Event | |
2. F1B World Cup Event | |
3. F1C World Cup Event | |
4. Combined % Open | |
5. Open Rubber | |
6. Open Power | |
7. Scramble (Russ Hammond Perpetual Trophy) | |
8. P-30 | |
Event | Tick |
9. F1G (Coupe d’Hiver) | |
10. F1H (A1 Glider) | |
11. F1J (see note 6 in Program) | |
12. Combined HLG, CLG, DLG< /span> | |
13. Combined Vintage. (entry in more than one class allowed) | |
14. Oz Diesel | |
Dinner | |
AFFS sub for 2015/16 |
Fees: World Cup events F1A, F1B and F1C $40
Any number of other AFFS events $30
Any number of WC and AFFS events $60
Select entry one entry option, membership option, dinner if attending | Fee | |
World Cup events only | $40 | |
AFFS events only | $30 | |
World Cup and AFFS events | $60 | |
Dinner | $35/person | |
AFFS membership for 2015/16 (includes electronic FFDU) | $30 | |
AFFS membership for 2015/16 with posted paper copy of FFDU | $40 | |
Total fee |
Send completed entry form with money (cheques payable to Australian Free Flight Society not FFDU) to: Vin Morgan, Treasurer AFFS
644 Canning Street, Carlton North, Vic 3054 Australia
Or by bank transfer to: Name: Australian Free Flight Society
BSB 033 174
Account No. 331732
Overseas people can pay on arrival but it would help organization if entries are returned so we know numbers – especially for the dinner. Forms or entry details can be e-mailed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
From Aram Schlosberg
The Germans have proposed to ban flaps across the board – to be voted on at the next CIAM meeting in late April. The critical step is its possible adoption in the FF technical committee, as such decisions are almost never overruled in the plenary meeting.
The reasons cited are: reduce building complexity/cost/potential-performance. Other reasons are the ease to enforce, that more sportsman will have competitive (non-flapped) models and that flapper are still new and few.
In F1A flappers as well as LAD (Low Drag Airfoils) are essential to reduce the wing’s drag during the cruise. During the cruise a wing generates no lift and the flaps are almost free riders. An edict against F1A flappers will force everyone to use LDA wings.
In F1C and B some models have flappers and the last F1B world champion used flaps. Flaps are used in F1Cs with no obvious advantage. In the case of F1Bs, the rational to use flaps or LDA airfoils only holds in the first few seconds of the burst but flaps don’t have clear altitude advantage over a conventional wings.
Almost none of us build flapped or conventional FAI wings anymore because of the time and the tooling involved. I’m glad that one can order a good conventional or LDA F1B wing for about $300. In other words, we now have a division of labor between the builders and fliers. In the beginning one had to build one’s own violin to play the violin but the world has changed since then.
Agree that flappers are more expensive and complex. But they don’t have a distinct performance advantage and exhibit parity in the case of F1A. So why suddenly constrain aerodynamic and structural decisions that lie in the heart of FAI development?
Banning composites is the 80s is a nice example. The usage of Boron was considered dangerous and fortunately no one passed a blanket prohibition against high tech composite materials. We would still be flying hard wood and balsa models.
In short, allow flappers in ALL FAI events, including F1Q (were a no flaps clause was sneaked in a few years ago without any debate).
Roger Morrell