SEN 1977
- Details
- Category: Archive 2015
- Hits: 1975
- Thermals for sale
- Altimeters
- Nothing is new
- Missing Canuk C
- North American Cup F1C Results
- Dudes fixed
- Big Al - pre view
Thermal detector machine- for sale
From: Shauli Rejwan
This is an enquiry e-mail via from:
Thermal detector machine by Leonid Fuzyev. Includes trimmers for wind and temperature sensitivity.
Transmit by RC.
Has 3 modes of wind and temperature sensitivity- works perfect on any weather.
Works on batteries.
Include stand and carrying box.
Can be sent to competitions.
For more information : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Re: Altimeters
From: John Steel
I don't know much about how altimeters work but would such a device tell us about an out of sight model stuck in a high tree.
Nothing is new - a new f1C config ?
From: Denny Dock
I'm not an F-1er but love to watch you guys(and gals) fly. Check out outerzone plans ( for some very early technology.Thought of you folks when that plan came up.D Dock
Missing Canuk C ?
From: gil morris
gil morris <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Of all the SEN issues,I didn't see F1C results for North America Cup. Oversight?
Sorry about that - looks like we just over looked it
North American Cup 2015
Plac Name Nat FAI Lic.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FO3 Total
1 Artem Babenko UKR UKR-272 240180180180180180180600 1920
2 Evgeny Verbitsky UKR UKR-123 240180180180180180180472 1792
3 Ron McBurnett USA 240180180180180180180383 1703
4 Gilbert Morris USA USA-94509 240180180180180180180373 1693
5 Taron Malkhasyan - JR USA USA-879794 240180180180180180180 0 1320
6 Reinhard Truppe AUT AUT-712 240175180180180180180 1315
7 Alexander Vyazov RUS RUS-2810 240180180180180165180 1305
8 Charlie Stiles 240180180180180180155 1295
9 Roy Summersby AUS AUS-2153 240180180180140180180 1280
10 Jeff Ellington USA 240180180180134180180 1274
11 Alan Jack GBR GBR-056873 240180180175180131180 1266
12 Mike Roberts USA USA-119632 240180180180124180180 1264
13 Roger Simpson USA USA-1635 161180180180180dnfdnf 881
14 Don Chesson USA USA-22603 240DNF180DNF157DNFDNF 577
MAX 240180180180180180180
Number of maxes in the round 13 12 14 12 10 10 11
Number of competitors with full score 13 11 11 10 7 6 5
Dudes Fixed
We can report that our data manipulation dept ... maybe that does sounf right,... data fixing, no not that either, I guess I need to ask gene for ther right words...
Anyay we have corrected (hopefully) all the errors include the Dude rankings, included the missing World Champ and F1B sportsmen who had some confusion to their identities.
Do here is the complete list :
F!A Dude Awards
Ivan Bezak 120
Roland Koglot 90
Per Findahl 89
Jama Danier 59
Lauri Malila 50
Aviv Balassiano 49
Enes Pecenkovic 47
Jim Parker 47
Jes Nyhegn 44
Mike McKeever 41
Avner Studnick 35
Stefan Rumpp 34
Eyal Galor 30
Brian Van Nest 29
Javier Abad 24
Frederic Aberlenc 22
Robert Lesko 17
Shachar Limor 17
Jari Valo 16
Ken Bauer 16
Borislav Bardarov 15
Christoph Bachmann 15
Peter Brocks 13
Sigfried Limberger 12
Chris Edge 11
Peter Rasmussen 11
Amit Kidron - JR 10
Fritz Wilkenins 10
Nir Shitrit 9
Peter Barron 9
Antony Koerbin 8
Dominik Andrist 7
Gene Ulm 7
Gil Yair - JR 7
Christian Andrist 6
Igor Fradkin 6
Phil Mitchell 6
Anders Persson 5
Don Zink 5
John Cooper 4
Malcolm Campbell 4
Steffen Jensen 4
Esben Jensen 3
Omri Shechter - JR 2
F1B Dude Award
Name Points
Alex Andriukov 117
Evgeny Gorban 75
Blake Jensen 61
Igor Vivchar 57
Tom Vaccarro 55
Russell Peers 46
Dag Edvard Larsen 41
Mike Woolner 41
Michael Siefert 40
Walt Ghio 35
Stepan Stefanchuk 34
Charlie Jones 30
Bror Eimar 29
Aram Schlosberg 26
Mitsuyasu Nakata 26
Or Shabat 24
Martin Schroedter 23
Bill Booth Jr. 21
George Batiuk 21
Ladi Horak 21
Gilad Mark 20
Minoku Nishizawa 20
Tony Mathews 20
Gil Hagay 18
Hakan Broberg 18
Bernard Guest 17
Sevak Malkhasyan - JR 16
Vin Morgan 16
Fritz Gnass 12
Michael Achterberg 12
Ryo Kawai 11
Greg Simon 10
Ron Felix 8
Tuvia Fibish 8
Minoru Nishizawa 7
Rolf Siefert 7
Thorvald Christensen 6
Pim Ruyter 5
Tetsuro Matsuo 5
Roger Morrell 4
Paul Crowley 2
F1C Dude Awards
Name Points
Reinhard Truppe 99
Alexander Vyazov 88
Artem Babenko 88
Charlie Stiles 72
Roy Summersby 71
Jeff Ellington 56
Alan Jack 51
Don Chesson 47
Ron McBurnett 41< br />Evgeny Verbitsky 40
Randy Secor 33
Jari Valo 30
Mike Roberts 29
Taron Malkhasyan - JR 29
Henning Nyhegn 27
Roger Simpson 26
Gilbert Morris 25
Eugene Verbitsky 17
Ed Carroll 10
Thomas Koster 9
Walt Ghio 8
Note that Ivan, Alex and Reinhard are still on top but we did shuffle some the other Dudes.
Bissonnette Memorial - Advance Info
Lost Hills-Bissonnette Mirage Field May 23 / 24, 2015
America’s Cup Contest
Lost Hills Association membership required.
Timers This is a fly one flight, time one flight contest. Please buddy up with another
flyer for each event. If you are new to Lost Hills and do not know any other flyers please
see me and I will set you up with another flyer. For all fly-offs you need to bring a timer
to the line and a random pull of the time cards will select your timer for the flight. Thank
you in advance for your corporation on this subject.
Saturday, May 23
Round 1 8:00 - 9:00 F1A - 210 sec, F1B / F1C / F1P - 240 sec
Round 2 9:10 -10:10 180 sec for all following rounds
Round 3 10:20 -11:20
Round 4 11:30 - 12:30
Round 5 12:40 - 1:40
Round 6 1:50 - 2:50
Round 7 3:00 - 4:00
Fly-offs start at 5:00 pm. Ten minute rounds with ten minutes between events. Each
contestant that is in a fly-off must provide a timer for the timer pool for that round. No
timer, no can fly! Please bring a timer and help out with all the events.
Sunday, May 24
Prize giving for F1ABCP at 8:30am
F1GHJQ and Vintage FAI Power will have Round 1 timed to the ground. Round
one will be used to determine the winner if two or more are tied after the second flyoff
Round 1 7:30 – 8:00 One flight timed to the ground
Round 2 9:00 -10:00 120 sec for F1GHJ all rounds, 180 seconds for F1Q
Round 3 10:00 -11:00
Round 4 11:00 - 12:00
Round 5 12:00 - 1:00
E-20 and E-36
Using standered rules you will have from 8 am to 12 noon to put your flights
in. For those who max out in the E-36 event you will continue flying per the
rules till we have a winner. For those who max out in the E-20 event we will
have a mass launch at 12:30. Max time is 120 seconds and motor run is 10
Vintage FAI Power
Round 1 7:30 – 8:00 One flight timed to the ground
Round 2 9:00 -10:00 180 seconds all rounds
Round 3 10:00 -11:00
Round 4 11:00 - 12:00
Round 5 12:00 - 1:00
Two round fly-offs starting at 1:30 pm for F1GHJQ and Vintage FAI Power. Ten minute
rounds with ten minutes between events. Each contestant that is in a fly-off must provide
a timer for the timer pool for that round. Please bring a timer and help out with all
Entry Fee for F1ABCGHJPQ, Vintage FAI Power: $15.00 Open/ Senior for first event,
second event $10.00. $5.00 Junior per event. Entry for E-20 / 36 is $10. Lost Hills
Association membership required.
CD- Walt Ghio Phone: 209-478-8225
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell