SEN 1971
- Details
- Category: Archive 2015
- Hits: 1924
- Kiwi Komments
- Kiwi F1E
- Brian's Photos
- Regrets from Ross
- Note from the USA TSC
- North American Cup
Almost perfect flying conditions on the World Cup day, only spoilt by on and off rain that started about round 3. Even with the rain the air was solid resulting the big fly off participation. The regular part of the event was called after 5 rounds because of reduced visibility and mud in the field or rather the sportsman’s shoes and the weather radar promised clearing showed not signs of materializing. In full accordance with Murphy’s the weather cleared once everyone was off the field.
There were some nervous moments the next morning when just after a cleared sky at 6:15 a fog descended over the site in just 5 minutes. By 6:45 the fog showed a very slight sign of clearing so the sportsmen were sent out to the line. As soon as they stared moving the fog rose as fast as it fell and everything was clear by 6:50. We were able to get the F1A flyoff off by 7:20, then the C and the B. While there were one of two patches of better air that clearly helped some people no serious thermal help or visibility or retrieval issues. The closeness of the score showed the class of the field.
There was great International participation from the following Countries
The biggest visiting group was from Israel, and that included 3 junior sportsmen.
In F1A Christoph Bachmann topped special Grand Masters with a 10 Th place overall and in F1B his counterpart was Paul Crowley. The Grand Masters was for people over 75! And they took away a Bottle of NZ wine plus a collector’s item in a replica CD hat.
On the electric front, F1Q Flyer Jack Murphy, a regular at this event from Utah was unlucky not to force a fly off as he dropped only one second to leave Dick Ivers in first place. The 2015 rules with reduced energy allocation showed that 3 minutes was possible in the neutral condition but there was little margin for error. CIAM FFTSC, Ian Kaynes can report back based on personal experience. Some of the F1Q guys were a little worried about flying electric airplanes in the rain but no untoward incidents were noted.
The flyoff for the World Cup classes was followed by the mini events. The day started out very calm and the wind rose to about 6 m/s by the last round. The most popular event was F1G with visiting Israeli Or Shabat picking better air in the flyoff to best America’s Champ Tiffaney O’Dell
In the premature (i.e. experimental) F1S aka FAI version of AMA E-36 was flown in round as part of the FAI mini events. There was a 2 way fly off mano-a-mano with Dick Ivers and local California AMA gas guy Don Kaiser, show how hard it is to do 3 minutes of a 5 second engine run. Neither Dick nor Don seemed to have any difficulty in transitioning power to glide without auto rudder.
Brian Furutani's Photos from the Ike and Kiwi
Kiwi Cup 2015
Place Name Nat FAI Lic.No 1 2 3 4 5 Total
1 - S1 - % 2 - S 2 - % 2 - ?% 3 - 3 - % 3 - ?% 4- S 4 - % 4 - ?% 5 - 5 - % 5 - ?%
1 Paul Seren GER GER-2767 58 32.22 119 100.00 132.22 4 3.08 135.30 138 76.67 211.97 180 100.00 311.97 311.97
2 Peter Brocks USA USA-84018 178 98.89 46 38.66 137.55 22 16.92 154.47 180 100.00 254.47 76 42.22 296.69 296.69
3 Evgeny Gorban UKR UKR-130 45 25.00 107 89.92 114.92 53 40.77 155.69 118 65.56 221.25 118 65.56 286.81 286.81
4 Christian AndrSUI SUI-46607 180100.00 75 63.03 163.03 69 53.08 216.11 63 35.00 251.11 58 32.22 283.33 283.33
5 Ian Kaynes GBR GBR-21003 103 57.22 33 27.73 84.95 67 51.54 136.49 33 18.33 154.82 130 72.22 227.04 227.04
6 Brian FurutaniUSA USA-82236 117 65.00 104 87.39 152.39 25 19.23 171.62 37 20.56 192.18 55 30.56 222.74 222.74
7 Fred Terzian USA USA-137 45 25.00 42 35.29 60.29 130 100.00 160.29 38 21.11 181.40 35 19.44 200.84 200.84
8 Dominik AndrisSUI SUI-39727 91 50.56 60 50.42 100.98 31 23.85 124.83 30 16.67 141.50 73 40.56 182.06 182.06
9 Troy Davis, JRUSA USA-805219 120 66.67 103 86.55 153.22 4 3.08 156.30DNF 0.00 156.30DNF 0.00 156.30 156.30
10 Didier ChevenaFRA FRA-348 8 4.44 44 36.97 41.41 19 14.62 56.03DNF 0.00 56.03DNF 0.00 56.03 56.03
MAX 180 180 180 180 180
Brian's photos on Flickr
Regrets from Ross
From: Ross Jahnke
Looking at the KIWI results my first thought was "gosh I wish I was there".
My second thought was "There's enough representation to hold a UN summit,
ya'll aught to be able to settle the FAI rules issue on the spot".
USA TSC Note For publication in SEN
From: Charlie Jones
could you please post the following in the next SEN. (editors's comment
Some of the formatting got messed up in sending us this note. We decided to include it as some people had been waiting for it. . The TSC may wish to reformat.
"The USA Outdoor FAI Free Flight Team Selection Committee (TSC) met on the weekend of January 24. The TSC reviewed feedback from participant surveys on the 2015 Program. Overall the survey data presented positive results and interest to keep the current program format(see results below). Only one proposal was submitted for a new format and it was well discussed by the TSC. It proposed two team selection finals (east & west) for selection of the USA Team. It was determined that there are many questions still to be answered on how this and other similar formats would be administered. The committee will document a set of criteria and questions to be answered in the future for team selection process proposals. I ttherefore was recommended that the existing format be presented to the participants for the 2017 Team Selection process. There will be some minor changes on how participants advance to the finals and general clean up of the program. The 2017 Program will be submitted to the participants for their approval shortly.
The TSC also reviewed and accepted the 2016 Junior Outdoor FAI Free Flight Team Selection Program format to remain the same as the previous cycle.
We did add additional select contests to the agenda to cover all areas of the country. The program will be posted on the NFFS webpage shortly.
The TSC took an historical look at its roots and creation by the NFFS.
Recreating a tighter linkage to with NFFS should benefit both groups. Charlie Jones and Chuck Etherington will work closely with John Lorbiecki and the NFFS Board to further the working relationship with NFFS.
The TSC will also assume a larger role in outdoor FAI Free Flight activities. This will include a published process for submitting new rules or events to FAI, a review of the USA World Cup Contest schedule, and the formation of a committee to evaluate the prospects of submitting a bid to host the Outdoor FAI World Championships in the future.
Finally, the TSC agreed to sponsor sending the USA representative (Chuck Etherington) to the FAI CIAM Plenary meeting in April 2015.
Below are the statistical results (yes/no questions)of the 2015 Team Selection Program/Finals Questionnaire. The full questionnaire results (with comments) can be found on the NFFS website under United States Free Flight Team.
Did you attend the 2014 Finals? If YES, were you a Competitor: 15 Helper: 0 Official: 0 What event(s) did you enter? F1A: 6 F1B: 7 F1C: 5
If NO (entered the program but did not qualify, or qualified but did not attend) (please check any thatapply)
1 I felt I would not be competitive
5 Family, business, school or other social obligations
3 The location of the Finals, Boulder City
2Travel costs were too high
5 The location of the venue for the championship, Mongolia
0 Logistics and support issues. Please elaborate: 0N one of the above.
2.Qualification for the Finals. Do you support the current qualifying method of 75 minute time accumulation? Yes: 20 No: 2
The current method does not account for the quality of the flights. If the requirement were changed to 63 minutes a person who scored three max outs would be qualified. All others would still need to attend four meets.
Would you support this change? Yes: 15 No: 8
Fliers can bypass the time requirement by paying an additional $400. This helps fund the program and aids fliers who have to travel long distances to accumulate the required 75 minutes of flight time.
Do you support the buy-in option? Yes: 21 No: 1
If yes, should the fee be Increased? 4 Decreased? 2 Left alone? 15
As it stands now the members of the previous team, manager and assistant, as well as past World Champions are exempt from qualifying.
Do you feel this is appropriate? Yes: 18 No: 6
4.Final’s format. (please circle your preference)
A. Current format; single site, 7-rounds + flyoffs day one, 7-rounds + flyoffs day two,one team member is the winner of each day, and the third position is granted to the flier with the lowest sum of ranks for both days. 15
B. Previous format; single site, 14-rounds over two days, single flyoffs. 1
C. Possible modification; single site, 7-rounds + flyoffs day one, 7-rounds + flyoffs day two, instead of team spots going to the winner each day, the team would be made up of the top three ranked fliers for the two days combined. 4
D. Multiple site format. 4
8.Team Selection Committee in-person meeting.Following each Finals, the TSC holds a 1½ day meeting to develop the next program and discuss issues important to US FAI activities. These meetings have proven to be critical in the program’s evolution and attempts to hold phone or video conferences have been ineffective or impractical.
In an effort to control this expense the team fund now covers the travel expenses only. The members of the TSC will cover their own hotel costs. The meeting will continue to be held at the home city of one of the TSC reps.
Do you think that is a prudent use of program funds? Yes: 16 No: 4.
Charlie Jones
Chairman of the TSC
Thank you.
Charlie Jones
North American
As this is being sent out the 7 rounds of the North American World Cup Event have been completed. Great weather, got a bit windy and the flight line had to be moved for the last 2 rounds to accomodate a 180 degree change in wind direction and increase in speed.. The flyoff was postponed to Wed at dawn. Full details will follow.
Roger Morrell