SEN 1797
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- Category: Archive 2013
- Hits: 1577
SEN 1797
Table of Contents - SEN 1797
- McKeever Honoured
- Booth Moves to F1A
- Kudos to Bauer
- Humor and Humour
Mkc Keever is honored or maybe even honoured
Martin, I wanted to personally thank you for the honor of naming my "flight" the best explosive F1A disintegration in France recently. Unfortunately, the forensic evidence was somewhat "disturbed" when Bill Booth needed "material" for a couple of other incidental repairs on various other models. The winning "sound" of 7 year old #7's demise was likely a result of a very well built molded D-box from Victor Stamov having it's structural integrity "over-challenged" after hundreds of launches (and not a remotely detonated stick of dynamite connected to the RDT as others have theorized). #7 still holds the honor of holding the US record for F1A having done in excess of the 15 minute Max at our SCAT contest in Lost Hills....her ashes are to be spread at that site during Sierra Cup this year. Beer will be provided. RIP #7
Booth Moves to F1A ?
No F1A sportsmen no fear you won't have to contend with the elegance of a Bill Booth F1A machine on the flight line just yet. In the last Argentinian World Champs Bill Booth did repairs on Bob Tymchek's F1B and did such a nice job that it was rumored that Bob crashed his model on purpose so that Bill would fix it and make it look better than before.
You will have seen from Ken Bauer's report and Mike's comments above that this year the F1B guys did not break stuff so Bill's excellent repair efforts were directed to the other classes
On my way up I-5 to Tangent OR @ Love's Lost Hills truckers oasis, so devoured Ken's super report along with some food. He put me right on the spot as I read on. Excellent journalism!
M Cowley is surely applauding!
Humor and Humour
With SEN we depend on the contributions of our readers and everything is appreciated. We get both serious information and items on the funny side. Every time I get a humorous article I'm reminded of our friends Amselmo Zeri who showed that you did not have to be born an English speaker to be very funny in English and Martyn Cowley aka Biggles who showed that in spite of living much of his life in the USA his contributions were still humour not humor.
We know that many of our readers are not native English speaker and sometimes the jokes are hard to understand. After all if the English can't get their humour the same as the American's humor how can a poor sportsman in Cherkassy or Chinon understand.
So thanks to Mike McKeever for being a good sport(sman) and working on his humour.
BTW, Mike, Jim and others I understand that the plan was to get every F1A sportsman who folded a wing to provide a "sample" for WADA but there were not enough bottles so they did not do it. Clearly any sportsman who breaks a Stamov or M&K wing must be getting (chemical) help. I think that's F1B humour
Roger Morrell