SEN 1669
- Details
- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1400
Table of Contnets - SEN 1669
- Junior WC results Site
- Hutch Flying Aces HOF
- FFN caledar error
- JoD Models for Sale
- Norm Smith Update
- Water Injection
Junior Word Champs site
The online results for the JWC have been a little "behind the curve" but the site has been chnaged a couple of times and now has the results ... We are pressed for lime so are not including commentary at this time.
At this years FAC Nationals in Geneseo, John Hutchison was voted into the
FAC Hall of Fame. The Honor was announced at the FAC Awards Banquet on
Saturday evening. John was nominated by Bob Hodes of the Vegas Vulture Squadron
and myself representing WESTFAC.
This is a richly deserved honor for John who has been a leader and mentor
to many in Southern California free flight modeling for many years. He is
very active in the FLYING ACES as Squadron Leader for the Scale Staffel in
San Diego and the Orbiteers. He will be the Contest Director for WESTFAC IV
in Perris California next year.
Roger Willis.... WESTFAC HQ.
FFn calendar error
In the August FFn distributed a few days ago there was an error in the date
sof the F1E World Cup events in Romania. The dates shown in FFn were old
dates, the Memoral Popa Cringu will now take place on August 20 and the
Turda Cup on August 25.
Ian Kaynes
JOD models For Sale
-First email
Hi Roger,
By now you have pobably heard that I have retired from competition F/F, but news of the logical follow-up may not have reached you.or your readers.
You might wish to put what follows in SEN.
Hopefully, Many thanks
I will put the list of models on a sepaate email.
John O'Donnell
For Sale
JOD Contest Models. Due to my retirement from F/F competition most of my models need a new owner. This includes both current and Vintage designs. Most are 'high mileage but they are well maintained, trimmed, and complete with the all the wherewithall (like rubber motors) required for immediate use. I could fly them straight 'out of the box'. They are NOT suitable for sport or fun flying - but could win contests for you.
I am looking for offers in keeping with all this.
This advert may appear elsewhere, so act quickly.
For further details, and/or an emailed list, please contact me without undue delay.
John O'Donnell
20 Manderville Close, Winstanley, Wigan, WN3 6HL
01942 211742 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Complete and Ready to Fly Models
FL2 50 gm Rubber. With winding tube and motors. This is the larger of the models drawn in the F/F Forum Report 2010. Big and light, so essentially a Flyoff Model. Tomy timer for VIT and shortish D/T. It was 1st individual in
Team Rubber 2010/11. In other events it has done 3 Flyoffs over 10 mins.
FL4 50 gm rubber. With w/t and motors. Bigger and just as light as FL2. New for 2012 it won both the Gamage and the Nationals flyoffs.
CN1 Cd'H With 4 function Tomy timer for DPR, 2 stage VIT, and D/T.
CN2 Cd'H As CN1 but pin-and-string IPR - hence 3 Function timer.
CN3 Cd'H New and unfinished fuselage only.
Jump-Bis Vintage/Classic Cd'H. Tissue-over-Mylar wing, rest tissue. Tomy timer.
All the Cd'H share the same motors, w/t, torque meter, and box.
TP5 P30 Development of prototype design published Aeromodeller 1978.
With motors, w/t and t/m. Springless Tomy timer. Uses Peck prop, but also has Igra alternative.
Mike Farthing 1943 Diamond. Mini Vintage. Mylar surfaces. Fuse D/T
Eager Beaver. Mini Vintage. Mylar surfaces, Tomy timer.
Raff V Mini Vintage. Tissue-over- Mylar wing and fuselage, tissue tail, Tomy.
The Mini-Vintage models share the same motors and box. The RV has its own w/t, whilst the others share a different w/t and t/m.
New Look Vintage 8oz. Wakefield . Tissue-over-Mylar wings and fuselage, tail tissue. With w/t and motors. Tomy timer.
Very High Thrust-line CO2 With Gasparin 73 motor. Fuse D/T.
GW Pylon layout CO2 With Telco motor. Fuse D/T.
E30 Electric duration to original rules. (NiCad batteries run till flat). Cheap Hi-Pro motor with gears. Fuse D/T.
LM Small PAAload model to 1960's rules. With TD 020, Tatone timer, fuse D/T. Good head, with spares.
Thinima 'Open Rubber'as was. Built for 'maxs' using over 100g motors. Out-lived the rules, and was unsuitable for 50g. Strong, with Carbon-fibre longerons. Tomy timer. Uses same w/t as New Look.
Non -JO'D Built Models. Most need some work - which I could perhaps do.
Cd'H model built by Frank Monts (USA). Proxy flown many times. Won 'Aeromodeller' Cd'H contest twice. Complete and ready to fly.
Fly's Eye Vintage pylon power model. With Enya 09 and clockwork timer.
Probably unflown.
6 Foot Lightweight Glider, built 1954 by brother Hugh. Drawing in 1957/8 Zaic Yearbook. Would outfly any A/2 of the time. Had fuse D/T, now clockwork.
LD2W3 lightweight rubber. Sept 1943 'Aeromodeller' article headed "A six minute motor run" caused much controversy. Needs propeller to find the truth
R/C Glider. 5 ft. Span, rudder and elevator. Built up construction, iron-on film covering. Probably intended for bunge-style tow launch. Model has Futaba RX, two Futaba servos, and presumably batteries in the nose. Futaba TX available.
Kandoo. Vintage C/L profile fuselage Stunt model. Unfinished - needs wing covering. Has bellcrank and u/c but not tank.
C/L Combat Wing. 1960's style. Basic framework only.
Norm Smith
Roger, Don Zink suggested I let our flying friends know about Norm.
Norm had an operation on his neck to relieve pressure on his spinal cord. He is in the hospital at the moment and will be transferred to Kit Carson Convalescent Hospital in Jackson on Monday for physical therapy. He expects to be fully recovered by the team finals in September so he/we can assist in the contest.
Any well wishes can be sent to Norm Smith, PO Box 52, Ione, CA 95640
Merry Smith
Water Injection
"What are you doing?" Indeed! What are you doing? Turning water injection into a horror story and labeling it "Water in F1C" was a low blow.
I never suggested tampering with FAI fuel. Dry fuel is essential to good, quick engine starts. What I did say was that once started and running smoothly, water mist ingested through the intake didn't change the engine performance.
Gil Morris
Gil ... we did not mean to turn it into a horror story .. but one would always expect a few off the wall or even over the wall in left filed responses, but I think in the end we did get some thoughtful input that were relevant.
Roger Morrell