SEN 1702
- Details
- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1356
- Fab Feb
- Biggles league 2012
- P and Q fixers
- Q Fixer observation
Fab Feb Forecast
We have got a number of questions about dates for the Feb contests.
The event flyers are not officially published and the World Cup dates need to go to the CIAM.
The Ike/Kiwi world cup is on Saturday 9 February
The MaxMen International is the following Presidents Day Weekend 15 to 18 February
We are waiting confirmation but the Pan Am is being planned for during the week between the other contests.
An increasing number of people are renting Motor Homes for the period. This was started by the Australians. There were so many that one could think that you were at Narrandera and one expected Crocodile Dundee to arrive and put a few shrimps on the barbie.
Cruise America has a Bakersfield office and slightly up market rental can be found at El Monte RV. Rentals Both companies offer lower rates in the winter. The off-season RV rental often works out the same as a motel plus rental car.
Speaking of Bakersfield if your flight to LAX is not direct them you might like to consider flying to Bakersfield and avoiding the USA's busiest freeway, the 405 out of LAX.
Biggles League 2012
There were fewer names on the glider scoresheet this year, but the overall number of power flyers was about the same. The events calendar was reduced, with both the Odiham and Brumfly failing to take place. The Tynemouth Rally was cancelled and the London Gala had zero scores due to the atrocious weather.
John Cooper won the glider trophy for the fourth year running having gained enough points to miss the last event. In second place, Gary Madelin had won every time he flew, but was rather hampered by a broken ankle! The top two flyers had 'high tec' models, but third, and scoring in every event, was Chris Parry with his straight tow 'Mini V'. All glider rounds had full scores.
Before the last event, the Midland Gala, there were a number of possible power trophy winners, and, of course, there was a flyoff! Beating Simon Dixon by just a few seconds and helped by a vigorous launch, the winner for the second year running was Mick Lester.
Roger Heap
P and Q fixers in SEN 1697
Commenting on ...
Whoever wrote the F1P article is spot on!! The powers to be put into place
(snip text removed)
Sounds almost as bad as F1Q
Who wants power limiters, joules/second ?
How about a class with maximum engine run, maximum rated power of the
motor, along with minimum weight or loading?
Keep F1Q as it is and see it die, or make the rules clear and easy to
understand and see it grow.
Just look at E36 interest.
Biggles UK - not the real Biggles BTW
Q-fixers Observation
I printed the comment from the pseudo Biggles as illustrative of a number of others from Q-fixers that we have not printed .
Pseudo Biggles and all the others, except probably John Oldencamp are guilty of what people are complaining about with respect to he FAI/CIAM and P and Q .. John actively flys the event.
That is suggesting a change when you don't really take part in the event as an FAI event with all that entails
and worse suggesting a rules change without even trying it out.
We do understand that a number of people flew it with the old rules but saying Q would be a great event if this and that were changed and it was not flown in rounds is demonstrating a lack of understanding of how FAI events work. The this and that about the model and motor specs are one thing. But the rounds is something else, this is a basic part of the FAI competition organization. It would be just the same as saying the FAC events are great but they should not do that mass launch stuff. Each group of FF events have rules that are basic part of how they are flown, for example the FAC guys have their mass lunches, the AMA classes have successive maxes and the FAI events have rounds, suggesting that these change is not really practical.
Everyone talks about how great E36 is, one of the contributory factors is that the NFFS commissioned an experienced electric flyer to build some prototypes and try them before writing the rules. This has not been done by thew Qfixers.
At least with Energy Limiter rule one of the proposers who was an experienced Q flyer did get an energy limiter and a timer that would work with it and test that it would work before putting the proposal before the CIAM. There may be aspects of the proposal that people did not like but the proposers did their home work and tested it before putting pen to paper. The proposals around the non-EL approach from both the BFMA and Aram Schlosberg are basing their ideas on what has been observed in the filed over the last year so have some practical experience behind them.
One of the suggestions has been limiting the wing span, this was a well meaning component of the P rules that seriously backfired and contributes to some of the airplanes being very difficult to trim. We will explain some more about this in a future article about P that goes into some of the reasons in more depth that might help us do a better job in the future.
Roger Morrell