SEN 1536
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1239
- Dual Clubs blown out
- Babenko parts available
- Vivchar Models and Parts
- Dual Clubs Resched
Dual-Clubs contest blowout
Mr Magic Kiwi-person,
The dual-Clubs meet is postponed due to wind & possible rain(tomorrow).
Am at Jo's in Taft for good grits!
Babenko F1C parts available
I have replenished my inventory of Artem Babenko F1C parts.
Current inventory is as follows.......... order before Sunday May 22nd and I can bring your parts order to Lost Hills at the F1 Masters Cup Contest which is scheduled for the Memorial Day weekend.
Stabilizers (4 dm2... 62 sq iches)..... fits Verbitski stab mounts as well
Graphite Rudders
Bunt mechanisms
Stab mounts............ same as Verbitski's
Stainless Steel/Graphite wing wires
Miniature One Way Valves for fueling
Clockwork Timers
Email for prices This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Simpson
Vivchar Models and Parts
I have a new Vivchar Electronic F1B and a new mechanical F1B available
Also Vivchar/Blackmagic Electronic F1B Pylons
Plus used Vivchar mechanical models at reasonable prices.
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for prices etc.
Like Mr Simpson I can deliver to the F1 Masters event.
Dual Clubs LH Resched
Dear Free Flighters,
The Dual-clubs FF Bonanza was cancelled early on the first day of the contest (last Saturday) due to a cold front moving in on the field during the night bringing 20-28 mph winds. The forecast for last Sunday was pretty much the same. Therefore, the consensus amongst the contestant on the field was to cancel and reschedule for the Labor Day weekend in 2 weeks. As the event organizer, I agreed. The Orbiteers and Fresno GMC agreed. Therefore you are hereby noticed that the Dual-clubs FF Bonanza will be held on May 28th and 29th. The tradition of the ice cream social will not be affected. But we will not have a caterer on the field. You will have to fend for yourself when it comes to food and drink. Sure hope you can make plans to attend. We need all the support we can get. Hope to see you there on May 28th and 29th. Thank you.
Don Bartick, Event Organizer
SD Orbiteers CD
Roger Morrell