SEN 1405
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- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1352
- Help at the Nats
- Sympo Patrons
Help at the Nats
2010 Symposium Patron Program
By now, every NFFS member should have received a letter inviting you to participate in the Patron Program for the 2010 Symposium. You have also probably seen this note in a couple of Digest issues. The original deadline for contributions was July 2, but the printer has allowed us a little more time and the deadline for contributions is now Friday July 9, 2010....but that means in my hands by next Friday July 9.
This is one of the most important fund raisers we have every year and is critical to the financial health of your National Free Flight Society. For a minimum contribution of $54 ($61 Canada & Mexico, $63 Foreign), a portion of which is tax deductible, you will be guaranteed a first-run copy of our annual report that will be sent to you directly from the printer, as soon as the ink dries. Your name will also appear on the Patron’s Page with your fellow contributors. These Patron copies are sent via Priority mail and usually arrive just before the NATS.
In addition to the annual Model of the Year and Hall of Fame awards, this year’s Sympo features the following:
* Sean O’Connor discusses optimal dihedral calculations
* Bill Henn gives us the low-down on twin fuselage scale models
* Allard van Wallene and Rene Limberger provide insight on F1A Mechatronics,
Per Findahl describes F1A Flappers and Peter Allnutt contributes on design and trim.
* F1B guru Peter King checks in with variable pitch versus variable diameter F1B
propellers and Dieter Siebenmann shows us his all-carbon F1B
* Gil Morris shares the secrets of his F1C Folder/Flapper, Klaus Salzer looks at F1Q and
Marian Popescu explores the F1E bunt launch
* Rufus Carslaw tells us how to reconstruct old plans
* Edgardo Figueroa guides us through the preparation of Tomy timers
* Andre Schandel, Bernhard Schwendemann, George Car and Vin Morgan share a
historical review of Free Flight Publications from around the world…Vol Libre,
Thermiksense and Free Flight Down Under, respectively
*Cartoons by Will Nakashima and drawings by Hardy Brodersen
In years past, the Sympo was printed in a limited quantity and some who wanted a copy simply missed out. For the past several years however, we have over corrected and been left with a surplus. For a variety of reasons, not the least of which is budget management, this year’s Sympo will again only be printed in a limited quantity. There will indeed be some copies available for non-patron orders after the NATS, but the only way to be guaranteed a copy is to return the Patron letter.
To be sure you are listed as a Patron, your contribution needs to be in my hands by Friday, July 9, 2010, so send it back today!
We are even set up to receive your contribution immediately via PayPal! Use: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for payPal contributions.
If you use PayPal, please be sure to include your address and how you want your name listed.
Bill Booth Jr.
Chairman, Symposium Patrons Program
Roger Morrell