SEN 1409
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- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1393
Table of Contents - SEN 1409
- Anselmo remembered
- Bob and the Sport Brella
Our latest issue of Free Flight Quarterly has just appeared and is being mailed to the subscribers. In the cover we have the portrait of Anselmo Zeri, the great Italian/Dutch modeller who died recently. Anselmo is remembered in the Editorial page not only as a very successful F1B and F1G designer, builder and competitor in recent years, but also as the writer of the best Free Flight humour. Readers of Free Flight Quarterly will no doubt recall his story of those fabulous balsa plantations in Italy (global warming being the culprit) that produced Indoor balsa when irrigated with "light water", you know, water that floats on the surface of a dam...
In a couple of articles on F1A models Ken Bauer and Kimmo Kulmakko speak of their gliders using the new Eggleston airfoils. In his article Bauer describes a practical technique for very rigid wing construction, suitable for home production. Going down in size, we complete the series on "Tiny Gliders", small CLG's of less than 8" span with the contributions of Peter Brecker and Tony Mathews.
A great engine of the past , the Johnson 36BB is presented and analyzed by Australian expert Ron Chernich. The Johnson was a very well-designed engine of orthodox layout, with a formidable performance, still chosen by competitors in the AMA categories more than 50 years after its production ceased.
In another article on twin-fuselage scale models, a category in which he has been extremely successful, Bill Henn talks about his latest model: the Focke-Wulf FW189 V6, a lesser-known attack and tank busting version of the observation plane used in the Eastern Front during WW2. Andrew Longhurst asks the very pertinent question of why we seldom see Delta winged models in Free Flight. Andrew discusses the origin of the delta-wing full-size aircraft and the attraction their shape and performance created on modellers of the 1950's and 60's. Some kits and designs of FF delta models are described.
Erik Knudsen commemorates the 60th anniversary of the first International Glider contest in Trollhattan, Sweden, with a 1950 report by Per Weishaupt enlivened by Erik's original photos and several three views of the leading gliders in the contest. Contemporary to that event was "Buster", a delightful sports rubber model by Gerald Zeigenfuse. We present here an article that includes a great plan by the author, one of the best draughtsmen of the time. There will be more articles by him in following issues of FFQ. During the same years the Jetex engines were first introduced in England, a most interesting story told here in two parts by John Ralph.
Sergio Montes
Anselmo remembered
I met for the first time Anselmo at the F.F.W.C. in Hungary, 1995, if I remember well, and discovered to have many things in common, the profession of Engineer, first of all.
As we were living very far away the occasions to see us were not many, but some years ago Anselmo phoned me that he was due to call in my town for a Conference, so we met and went to dine together in a typical fish restaurant.
At the end of the meal our traditional liqueur was served, the “Mirto”, made with the myrtle berries, and many tiny glasses of chilled Mirto disappeared between our hands, making Anselmo more and more happy...... so he told me that if the fish was so good and the Mirto in such a huge supply, certainly He would have considered to settle in Sardinia when retired....
The following day Anselmo told me he had serious problems to wake up in the morning for his conference.....
It is a sad new that I wont’t be able to drink again some glasses of Mirto with Anselmo.
Antonello Ruscazio
Bob and the Sport Brella
Not to be out done by Biggles we need to provide critical shopping info for US modellers to let them stay ahead in the race for the most toys and gadgets.
Fellow local F1B sportsman Bob Piserchio is renowned for having the latest in technology and gadgets, usually red in color. At the last Lost Hills contest Bob was seen with folding chairs on the field with a folding chair with a built in sun shade complete with a fringe around the edge. and in the all important red. This is surpassed by Bob's latest find with the Sport Brella. This device, while unfortunately not available in red combines the functionality of those popular clam shell shaped on field sun and wind protections and ease of erection of an umbrella. Instead of having to thread rods through the framework you just open up the umbrella. Then you put the umbrella on the ground with the handle and 2 of the ribs touching the ground and drive a peg trough provided tabs into the ground to anchor the shelter. There are additional windows that open to permit a cross flow of air and and additional flaps that come down on each side and pegs to the ground to provide a more wrap around shelter. While someone as tall as Eddie Carroll might not fit under it with his F1C, those of us not as tall who fly more reasonably sized models with find this very useful. For just under $40 at Costco and Walmart
Roger Morrell